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I told her I worry sometimes something really bad will happen to her. She asked if that meant I was worried our therapy would terminate suddenly (i.e. tied into my fear of her rejecting me). So I said "No, I get afraid you will die suddenly . I know its a tricky one because you CAN'T promise you won't."

I talked to her about the other sudden deaths I've experienced in my life.

Obviously, walking into the room as my mother was having a fatal heart attack when I was 10 years old, did not leave me with high expectations no one else could die on me suddenly.

my 2 remaining grandparents die the same far my mother did - although they were old and both had cancer.

Then when I was 18 and in the psych system, my very first psychiatrist died suddenly. I had been seeing him for 3 weeks. One week he would not put me on anti-depressants, and the next week he killed himself.

In the next few years I had other friends or friends' boyfriend's take their lives (suicide in all cases) unexpectedly. One guy I lived with when he did it and I helped clean out his room.

Another guy from the therapy group I was attending.

Two close friends had their boyfriends do the same thing

A very close friend, who I believe I was in love with, and cared for her very very deeply. She did it too (while on leave from the psych unit).

I haven't lost anyone in a car accident. But it doesn't stop me worrying it will happen to someone I love or care about.

I told my T, after my mother died, I spent the next 10-15 years routinely rehearsing 'what if' so that i would never ever EVER be as completely shocked and horrified as i was when I asked how my mother was and was told "she's dead". Even though i had SEEN her heart attack, and that the ambulance came to our house, I honestly NEVER EVER considered for half a second it wasn't something the ambulance men couldn't fix. I didn't even think she would have to go to the hospital, so being told she was DEAD was incredibly shocking beyond words.

With my T I told her some of my fears - i.e., she will be killed in a car accident and I will find out on the news. Names of people killed are not released straight away, but once immediate next of kin know, their names are released. I live in a small enough country (under 5 million people) that EVERY SINGLE car accident that causes serious injury or death is reported - it makes breaking news nationwide.

then there is the issues of the severe earthquakes my city has had over the past 4 years. the second large one did kill nearly 200 people - and it is what triggered off my PTSD and childhood trauma, after years and years of it not being an issue at all. it took 2 years for the ground to stop having large quakes on a weekly basis. we still get aftershocks once every 4-8 weeks. The risk is there is still a 20% chance we will get another large, potentially fatal one, in the next year.

My T tried to help - and I sort of hope we do talk about it some more … although I'm not sure if it will make me more worried or less Red Face - she tried to remind me that she isn't unique - that there are plenty of other people out there who have the skills and can hear me and validate me; who can help me heal… I was being very honest when i said 'not so far' Frowner

she said she hoped that if that happened, Id be able to carry on with the very good work her and I started together Eeker

talking about it made it more real in a way - so i don't know if its helpful to explore it more or not???

the other things is - is it wrong to tell her those things? one part of me feels awful about it cos there isn't anything she can do to prevent it happening; and wouldn't it put too much 'pressure' on her, if she knew that if she dies on me, i will be devastated beyond belief?

I feel i am in a stage in therapy where a sudden abandonment form her would be more devastating than it would have been before; how initially it was my huge fear of her rejecting me, or abandoning me by 'not wanting to work with me anymore as I'm too complex' but now i feel I'm moved more comfortably into being able to TRSUT she wont do that, the fear of her suddenly dying is taking over Frowner

FAr into the future, as i do more work with her, i CAN see i might be able to get to a place where if something happened to her, id be devastated, BUt i could deal with it, however long it would take. But right THIS moment, that fear is very large and very real.

I try to tell myself 'the universe isn't that cruel; you've had your pain and severe sudden loss, this time the universe will keep her safe so you can heal finally' - but i don't believe it, because it has not been my experience. in fact, i believe the opposite - its more likely to happen now because she is so important to me.

has anyone else had these same fears and if so, how have you worked through them? is talking about it with your T helpful or did it make it worse?
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As i drove home i also had the idea about possibly asking her to write me a later IN CASE something sudden and awful did happen to her. so id have some words of comfort and some encouragement to get through it, IF something did happen to her.

But the more I've thought about it, the more STUPID i feel about that.
Eliza, I could have written the same post you did. It is horrible to live with this fear. I also worry that she will get sick or one of her family members will. I worry about car accidents too. Plus, her abandoning me.

Talking about it with her has helped a lot, but there are phases of different situations that I get in my head that swirl around and around. Talking is the only thing that has helped to minimize it.
okey, thanks RM … sorry you relate …

i suppose its a good sign I've been able to move past the fear she will give up on me or reject me … i try to hold onto that.

it's just the fear (major understatement, and i guess its more a core trauma rather than a 'fear') isn't anything she can promise.

actually, i think she was dying to help / make a joke - but she said "well, actually i CAN promise I WILL die one day - i am of course hoping that is not next week or the next month or the next year!'

I'm trying to hold onto logical mind - trying to hold onto the things she said that one day i hope i can totally rely on to feel 'safe' from her suddenly dying - that she would hope i would go on and continue on with the work that her and i started together.

that leaves me feeling a little bit comforted, but really really sad.

I had a cry in the car on my way home later in the day.

I didn't realaise i still DO rehearse or think about random sudden things happening to those i care about in order to feel i have some control - i.e., 'well at least if x y z happens, it wouldn't happen out of the blue, because i've already thought it could happen!'

RM: Did you experience a sudden death or sudden disappearance of someone close that you now triggered your intense fear? or was it more to do with anything happening so that she culdnt see you anymore?
Writing to my T on the other thread I realised:

I think I need to grieve the (potential) loss of her WITH her, just in case.

The idea scares me (asking you and finding out if you would be prepared to explore this) but there is also a little bit of hope - my absolute FEAR (terror) of you dying unexpectedly and suddenly and I don't get to say goodbye might have a way to work through it.

I'm resisting the urge to email her right now about it - it's Friday night and she won't get it until Tuesday anyway. I'll try to save it for closer to then.

Cos one thing is for sure, what I'm feeling right now WILL change.

Sigh Frowner
Hi EJ,

I can't say that I can personally relate to how terrible (a serious understatement for you I'm sure) it must feel having gone through the loss of so many people who where close to you on one level or another. And I think it's perfectly understandable that it would create a fear of attachment to a T, or anyone else for that matter.

Bravo to you for having the courage to discuss this with your T. As you noted she can't guarantee that she won't die next week, next month, or next year, but in certainly isn't in her plans to Smiler I remember last week thinking to myself what if my T decides to retire, gets seriously ill, or moves away. Some of these things are within her control, some aren't. Ultimately to continue on our journey of recovery we have to accept the "what if" and move forward. But we can do this knowing that our T has our best interests at heart, and that the odds are in our favor.

I hope you can continue to hash this over with your T and eventually, when you're ready, be able to feel comfortable enough to trust that she will be there for you as long as you need her to be. Given what you've been through I'm sure this will be a lot harder said then done!, but I hope given time, you can take that leap. Take care, and know that we are here for you.

Hi ElizaJ,

I can empathize with your feelings. I often feel afraid those I am attached to might die. This is because like you I've had a significant number of people around me die.

Despite this, I dont think a focus on grieving a potential loss, just in case is healthy at all. That would mean we'd all be grieving our current relationships just in case. This interferes massively with taking in the here and now good things in my opinion. We can't live just-in-case lives - this isn't learning to be free from our past and live in the now.

You survived previous losses. In the unlikely event of loosing her for whatever reason you would survive (though of course it would be painful). But it isn't happening now - and may not at all whilst you are so vulnerable Smiler

Maybe better to work in therapy on the actual and very real losses you did experience. And in everyday life in living in the here and now and adding new and postive things into daily life, things that have nothing to do with the past or your T? I hope this doesn't come across wrongly - I'm just concerned for you. I do realise that only the therapy focused concerns end up posted up - and that probably you DO spend time doing the things on your list of helpful 'other' things. Honestly - this isn't an attack Smiler


thank you everyone for the replies…

(((LR))) thank you for the acknowledgment of my courage and for bringing it up. Its been on my mind for months.. it was the right time i suppose. definitely had to have a few sips of brave before i said it out loud though …

(((RM))) I'm sorry to had about your Dad. Feel free to share some more if you want too - no problem if you don't.

(((SB))) in a funny kind of way though - i really do think i WOULD be dealing with my past losses by talking this through some more with my T… that's what gave me the idea….

the death of my mother was so traumatic i have never really been in true touch with most of the feelings surrounding her death - witnessing it, and dealing with it alone afterwards…

when my T said yesterday she 'hoped i would carry on with the work she and i started together' (int eh event she died), it bought me in touch with some of the feelings about my mother's death.

its hard to explain, but i really do think it might be healing to talk some more about it to my T.

i wish (!!!!!) my mother had talked to me about 'what if' - to have some parting words of encouragement, comfort - something - and it might be my T do nest think its a good idea for her to fill that gap - and i guess then id be able to grieve it too in a way.

it brings quite a bit of (unexpected) comfort to have my Ts words going through my mind - kind of 'well if something did happen to her - she said she would hope i would carry on the work …' - it gave me something i can't quite express, something important; something other than realizing she would have no doubts that i would 'carry on' and i would survive it.

I do have some things outside T and the past - snowboarding is my passion. but its weather dependent and the mountain was closed today ;(

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