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i talked to my new T on the phone. i was terrible, just kept mind freezing whenever she asked me a question, but she was really nice about it. she said that since we had to wait a bit for my first appointment i could email her. she also said that i could phone her if i needed to, but i dont think i will. and that she was going to pray for me. i just wanted to check here to see what those of you with more experience thought. i am starting to calm down about this counseling idea a bit so maybe it was a good thing that i have to wait. did i picked a good T. i appreciate your thoughts.
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Hello Intheshadows - wow that’s great not only that you have spoken to your new T but that she was really nice and supportive of you. And it’s also great that she’s giving you the chance to email her - that’s a really good way of getting some of the difficult stuff across to her without being put on the spot in a face to face - at least you will know that she knows something about you and will have thought about it before meeting you. I do hope you will email her!

I don’t blame you for not wanting to phone her, but as your appointment is still three weeks away it’s good to know that if you really had to talk to someone, you’ve got that option.

I’m so glad too that it’s helped you feel a bit calmer about the whole therapy business. :hug:

Hi Intheshadows -

I also think it's great that your new T let you call her and offered to let you email her. I think it's so good that she's also opened that line of communication to you before you have had your appointment with her. Honestly, I think it's eons harder to talk on the phone and through email to a therapist than it is in person, and if you managed that alright and felt good about how your T responded, it seems like you should have a good experience in person. One never knows, of course, but it's great you're going into this with an already positive impression and experience.
Hi intheshadows

Ditto to what the others have written, especially kashley saying how telephone talking is SO much harder than face to face. I still hate talking to my T on the phone, never feels easy. I think the non-verbal communication is so important for me.

So well done for what you did and I and glad that she responded so positively to you.

I think the fact that you already felt supported by this new T is great. I think her offers are quite reasonable and reassuring as well. I completely agree with Kashley and Starfish about the talking on the phone being harder than in person. I also don't like talking to my T on the phone and I get the distinct impression that she does not like it either.

I'm happy for you that your first interaction went so well and look forward to hearing how it goes when you start to see her in person.

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