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I actually managed to have a bit of a tantrum yesterday in my session. I began it with "I hate it when I am told I am abnormal when I am being normal." so sweetP asked what did I mean exactly - could I give an example?
So I said that the holding issue was a good example. I want him to give me a cuddle as I feel small and hurting and he doesn't and I feel angry and he tells me that he won't hold me or put his arm round me "and I am actually totally normal and you are the one who is ABNORMAL!" (suppressed chuckle from sweetP)

[ i am on a roll]

you are also a STUPID MAN cos anyone else knows that if a child is hurting you put an arm around them but YOU link touch to sexual touch and you men are all the same! I HATE YOU! [I nearly threw my teddy at him at this point but I was needing teddy to hug].

Then I tell him that NORMAL people give me a hug when I am upset and so he is OFF the SCALE ABNORMAL and I hate him so much I could kick him hard in the shins.

[sweetP is still trying to look solemn and understanding and yet is obviously fighting hard not to laugh out loud]

"And if you were the last person on the planet and everyone needed a hug to survive I would leave you to the last of the queue and then REFUSE to hug you. Or if you needed a hug cos you were dying, I would say "No, I will not" and I would walk away. You are a stupid man, a stupid stupid man, and I hate you. I really do."

then I went bright red and cried into my bear.

Then sweetP asks if he can say something and I shout "No!" and he asks again and I shoot him a very angry look. i tell him that I feel sorry for him and in fact I PITY him as he is obviously SO out of touch with his feelings and he cannot touch his clients and I feel sorry for all his clients, past present and future for having such a stupid man who cannot touch them and that I am SORRY for them and for him and I feel superior and now I feel much better!"

I take a deep breath and then I tell him that his asking of me to explain how I hurt around the not holding issue, is like him trapping my fingers in a door and then stepping back and asking " Would you like to tell me how you feel about this?"

You, you stupid man, YOU have caused this pain and NO I am NOT going to tell you how much you are hurting me! AND I don't want to know what your head theories are about it and what your textbook learning says on it."

Again he asks if I would mind if he says something and again I shout NO!

He gently says that my need to be held and my crossness for him not holding me, are both utterly normal.

I shout back "well, that doesn't help me DOES it!"

And I then go on to say that I am not even telling him all this to PERSUADE him to hold me as I will NEVER EVER EVER ask him to hold me EVER , he is the last person in the whole wide world I would EVER ask to hold me. He missed his chance.

Then I sit there feeling much better.

He asks "how do I feel saying all that?"

"Much better thank you, cos you are a stupid man and I do hate you."

At which we both laugh.

And I give him two candle/tealight holders that I made on camp with his name on them and they are like the gifts made by an 8 yr old, and I thank him for how good he is to me.

Funny thing, therapy.
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Sadly, I'm so proud of you for speaking up! Tantrum or not, it sounds like it was a really big session for you, and I'm so glad you were able to let it all out!

Like Yaku said, so very brave!

(and, for what it's worth, the few times I've gone off on my T, she sits there and fights laughter as well.... annoying habit of Ts, I suppose...)
My T kind of smirks when I go all teen on him, now that I think about it. Or if I tease him or make sarcastic comments (because the only time I came close to going off on him it was very serious and it would have been SO bad for him to not react seriously), he sometimes calls it "cute." Inner teens want to flick him for that. Ugh, here I am trying to be all rebellious, and you think it's cute! But, it makes me smile that he still likes them/me when I'm like that.

I've had a few tantrums with both Ts. Tantrums with T2 are usually pretty amusing to me, even while in the midst of them I find myself smiling at how silly and ridiculous I seem.

Unfortunately my tantrums with T1 can feel horrible and catastrophic to me in the moment and I'm usually pretty embarrassed afterwards, even if I'm able to laugh or make jokes about it.

I've never yelled or screamed at them or told them I hate them, but I have sent T2 some angry emails. She calls them, "angry, but not aggressive emails". So I never cross a line I guess and she always handles it with poise and kindness.

With T1, I have had a few texting fights with her where I fire her. She's usually just like, "Whatever" and lets me spiral downward and lets me calm myself down and work myself out of it and she never makes a big deal out of it when I come crawling back to her. I have never said anything to her that would be considered hurtful or mean. Instead its usually just like, "I hate therapy, nobody cares about me, I don't feel heard, this sucks, I quit!" etc. and she'll be like, "ok". and then I come crawling back to her and she's like "so are we on for tomorrow?" and we just move forward like its no big deal. Sometimes she wants us to "process" it, other times we just skip over it.

Even though I haven't ever said anything hurtful, I do feel like I come crawling back with my tail between my legs and my head hanging low because I'm a bit embarrassed by the whole thing.

Overall though, I end up feeling really appreciative of my Ts for being steady and taking me back with open arms.
Thanks LG and Yaku.
I think that I said all that to him, with my hand on my mouth, giggling a lot, and really shocked that I was saying it at all but feeling utterly safe. SweetP is so safe. He was actually encouraging me: " Go on, S, please try and say more of this if you can." It was very lovely to be able to let off steam and not get shouted at. It was really kind of him. He KNOWS I am finding the holding issue really hard and has been asking me for over two months about how I feel about it and I have just refused to talk about it. So at least I did.

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