it was more like assault with a stuffed pillow
When you put it that way, it doesn't sound so bad what I did.
On the plus side, your actions have at least revealed something interesting about your T, some undercurrent of her not accepting your anger which is rightfully yours to express. After all the anger has its roots elsewhere and that 'elsewhere' is why you are there, right?
I was thinking about this very thing on my way home from classes today. I thought how my T makes me feel I must censor my anger or else be punished, much like what I experienced with my parents growing up. It is like a re-enactment that way, and I am a helpless child all over again.
Nevertheless, your T is telling you that in her eyes, this is unacceptable behavior.
Yeah, she has all the power to tell me what I can and can't express. She didn't like me slamming the door because it felt like I was the one with the power in that moment.
he had this look of mock shock and horror on his face and said "ooohhh you slammed the door? Oh my how frightening" and he smiled at me and told me that is the least he would expect a client to do at times.
Oh, that is so much the reaction I wish my T would have. I am so glad for you, TN, to have this newT. Even though he is a guy (only bad bcuz I am afraid of developing erotic transference to any male T) I kinda wish you could share him with me. Even as a temporary consult.
And about the door knocking and her office arrangement and the sign... my view is that she is making her clients responsible for something that SHE should be taking care of for them. The right to privacy and not being interrupted during session (however long it is) is something that a client deserves. SHE needs to get herself "un-scatter-brained" enough to take charge of the sign.
Thank you for this bit of support. I initially asked my T to take care of the sign, and she said she could try, except that she knew she would fail at it so she couldn't make promises. I didn't know what I was supposed to say to that. Isn't acknowledging her weakness and limitations a good thing? Even if she SHOULD do it, I can't make her. So I have to accept that she won't do it. I did tell her that I didn't think I wanted to see her at that office anymore because of the way it felt: not secure.
I was totally horrified and absolutely agree with TN that I don't care how much a T struggles in an area, it's there professional responsibility to solve the problem.
Well, I just may put it that way to my T and she how she responds. She might come back with, "OK then, I will always end your sessions 5 minutes before the hour, regardless of what time we start, in order to avoid interaction with other clients." Then I would be losing time with her. But I don't think she would mind.
I cannot believe your T says she never gets angry, that makes her one of two things, a liar or way deeper in denial than a T should EVER allow themselves to be. I'm going with denial or she would not have had such an overreaction to you slamming a door.
I am wondering how many readers here have ever witnessed their T's being angry though. AG, I don't remember you ever seeing your T show or admit to anger. I am just wondering if it is possible. Maybe some of them are that near to perfection in the emotional world. But it would not be a world I can conceive of, that's for certain.
My feelings, no matter what they were, including anger, was always accepted and understood and normalized.... and he reassured me that it was perfectly ok for me to scream, curse, holler and even throw things if it didn't damage anything, but he would draw the line at injuring him, myself or destroying things in his offfice.
Wow. Such freedom to be angry without judgment. I would like to know what that's like. Do you think one reason my T has stricter boundaries about anger is because being female she feels physically more vulnerable to clients? I guess her boundaries are hers to make, but they don't seem conducive to helping me work through some trauma. I can't even get to the grief because I am not allowed to work through the anger that's blocking it.
It is NOT your fault that her information is available through Google. She's right, it is her information and evidently she needs to get better at guarding it.
In fairness, nothing I found out by googling was actually posted by my T but by others. She doesn't have so much control over what others do. She has an unlisted phone and address. I found it anyway through a records search that cost me less than $2. I don't see that there is anything she could have done to entirely eradicate the information, especially because she has a very uncommon name that stands out.
He commented on the phone call and that it would have been nice if he had responded with "yeah, it was a long day, thanks for noticing" but that wasn't what our relationship was all about. He discussed how natural my concern for him was, and that it was fine I was talking about it, but this couldn't become about me taking care of him. I didn't pick up even an iota of a hint as to whether he was feeling stressed or not about his hours. NOTHING leaked through. It was never allowed to be about him or his feelings, even when I wanted it to be. That was the boundary and he held it with consummate skill.
This story brought up several things for me. My T always insists that she is really good at holding boundaries, and that our relationship is about me and never her. And yet...I do feel torn between having to take care of her and taking care of myself. There HAVE been several times my T has admitted she did not respond to my texts because she was having a rough day. Of course, usually I am the one pushing her and wanting to know why she wasn't there for me. She has to let me know that her world outside the office doesn't revolve around me, right? But then I feel guilty for needing her. And then I get mad that I feel guilty, that I feel I have to take care of her if I want her to take care of me. But how can I get mad at her for telling me things I have sometimes demanded to know?
AG, I think I test T with my neediness way more than most people here have dreamed of doing (at least lately). Yesterday, for instance, I sent her 9 texts after our session. I did not demand a response because that is our agreement. But once in a while she will reply to a message. After 9 messages and several hours later, a reply came that Could I ask her those questions in session? So then I asked her if I had annoyed her with my texts, because I had only wanted to feel like she was listening. She responded that she had read them but it had been a hectic day and it would be too long to write the answers to my texts. So then I felt like a burden, even though she has told me I can text her. I told her though that I understood and was sorry and goodnight. And I haven't bothered her today. I do think she has a right to protect her time and space outside of the office. I need to realize she isn't superhuman and has needs of her own to take care of.
Thank u all for your support. I am typed out. Not used to these long posts. It's like mental aerobics and I'm outta shape. I see T again tomorrow afternoon. I will try to post an update after I fail my math test.