I'm working on Telling. I'm in group T (Tfella) with my old T and individual therapy with my new T (CalmT). I've been in the group for about 7 months now - it's a group filled with all different sorts of folks, with all different sorts of issues - depression, anxiety, eating disorders, lotsa stuff. Sometimes I feel like it's "Quick! Find a bunch of folks with Issues and put them in a fishbowl with 2 Ts, stat!"
I've talked about the stuff with my dad - wee bit psychotically manic sometimes, threatened to kill me, the usual. But there's been something I haven't managed to tell them, that happened to me for a while when I was younger, middle school like. We talked for a while on Wednesday about how to create a safe space where I felt like I could talk about it, and I actually brought it up with much coaxing. They were all pretty great about it.
I haven't managed to bring it up to CalmT yet, though, though I told him that there's something I'm not ready to talk about yet.
I go back and forth on it. It wasn't really what I think it was, it wasn't that bad, I'm making a big deal out of nothing, it happens to everybody and everybody deals with it without being all flipped-out sensitive...
At the time I told my 'rents what was happened, and they didn't believe me. They asked to see some physical evidence or bruises or something (there weren't any). And now I have a really hard time telling.