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My world has come crashing in. My heart is completely broken and all the while I have to pretend to be OK around family and friends who really have no idea about my troubled soul or my troubled past.

I started off going to an alternative health professional - not a therapist for other health reasons and for whatever reason I felt a connection and told her my story. My secret. Secrets that I had NEVER breathed to anyone. With the result I suffered from PTSD, depression, anxiety, lost the ability to cry and basically became a basket case. It felt like my body was a hollow cave with bats flying inside it. I was suicidal at times. I was too ashamed to tell anyone else my story or explained to them how I felt so I distanced myself as much as possible in order to survive. In the meanwhile I have two children and a husband who are rather social so it added a huge amount of stress to an already stressful situation.

As far as my "therapist", if you can call her that, was concerned I began to feel a love and dependency for her that was so deep. I needed her more than anyone else in my life. She let me write to her and over the months (about 18mths) I poured my heart out to her in mails (almost everyday), I told her things that were extremely personal that I had never told anyone. I exposed my entire "self" to her - all my vulnerabilities - everything. As the months passed my love for her grew deeper and deeper and eventually I realised that the love was transference. I had transfered all the feelings and desires I had for my mother onto her, but how could I possibly tell her? She was not a psychologist (and the reason I never went to a psychologist was that I could never face telling my story to another person - I did try 3 times but I could never say anything so there was no point). I thought she would think I was crazy. In December I plucked up the courage to ask her if she thought I suffered from transference, but unfortunately she answered me about inference, saying she didn't think I suffered from inference. Well I didn't either think I suffered from inference. At that point I decided to thank her because I thought if I thold her she would surely leave me.

Anyway weeks passed and I continued to go to her and then one day I wrote her something about how I loved her and how I wouldn't be able to live without her. How thankful I was for her. Well clearly it didn't go down well - she completely ignored me and that just caused all my insecurities to surface and I BEGGED her forgiveness, but it was too late. Some days later she wrote me a mail saying she could no longer treat me and that I was to stop all contact with her. Just like that.

I feel as though I have lost an immediate family member, and I don't even know how to go on because it is not as though I can even afford a psychologist. So I cry inside and try my hardest to look normal. I can't sleep. I constantly wake up just wanting her to forgive me and hold me, like a mother would hold a child and forgive her child when they have done wrong.

Does anyone relate to that?
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Hi born2write,

Yes, I can relate to your story actually. Before I started therapy, I had a relationship with an older woman who was like a mentor to me. We met online, never saw each other in person but chatted frequently over skype, almost every day for almost two years. I had maternal transference for her, and she also said she saw me as a daughter. Then suddenly one day, she said she was tired of me bothering her and not to talk to her again until I had something "important" to say. She went on to tell me I had been manipulative, condescending, ungrateful, had taken too much of her time, etc. etc.

It was horrible. I cried for days. Only I had an advantage over you in that by the time that happened, the transference was already resolving a bit in that I had been starting to see how she was not really the perfect mother I always wanted. This would have happened to you also I am sure given more time and it's a shame that she got overwhelmed and dropped you abruptly before you could work though any part of what was going on.

I don't know what advice to give you except to say that yes it can get better from here and hang in there. It can be hard to grieve that kind of relationship because there is no way to categorize or explain it to others, and yet it can be so deep and powerful. This forum is a good place to get support.

Thank you BLT! It feels so much better to be able to write about this and actually get a response. You are so right, you can't explain this to other people. Unless you have been through it, it is doubtful you would understand. I so needed her and I would give anything to just have her back. Anything to just be able to sit next to her. I loved her so much - she must have felt it. It was like the whole time she offered this unconditional love to me(perhaps I mistake understanding for love) in the sense that she didn't judge me, with one exception - I was never to love her. How do you share all that personal stuff and not grow attached? Not grow to love someones kindness. She knows more about me than any person in this whole world. It took me such courage to actually open up only to be told to never contact her again - I wonder if she even thought about what that would do to me.

Well thanks once again for your understanding BLT it does help to know I am speaking to like minded people. I should have joined this forum months ago.

Oh, that sounds so painful and hurtful. Hard for me to understand how she could terminate you like that. I'm sorry that happened to you.

I want you to know that you are not alone. There are a lot of us here who have felt what you felt. Some have been in similar situations. You have definitely come to the right place for support.

Hi born,

OUCH. That sounds awful... but you're in the right place... I think almost everyone here has at least experienced the high-octane feelings you're talking about, if not the outright rejection on top of that. Please continue to post if it makes you feel better... is there really no hope of you seeing a therapist regularly?

Big hugs,

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