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My therapist and I are now working on termination. It was my idea, so I brought it up a few months ago. We have some goals we are working on from a list I made and a list he made. This post is about two things: dealing with and surviving termination of therapy safely, facing a therapist's illness.

The termination phase of therapy has been difficult and painful. I've been in therapy now for a little over 4 years for CPTSD. I know that therapy had to be longer than usual because of the childhood trauma. I became attached to my therapist after such a denial and struggle to run away and self destruct. I realize that this had to happen for me to recover. I needed that relationship, connection, safety, and stability.
Now during termination I find it difficult to deal with the feelings I have about this relationship ending. Intellectually I know therapy does end, and I knew that when I started. However, all my little girl inside wants to do is to climb up on the sofa with her blankie and sit next to my therapist and lay my head on his shoulder. (which I would never do.) I don't know how to get my heart to know what my mind knows, so I am struggling with termination even though it was my idea (with a little influcence from my spouse and sister)
I am hoping someone can she some light on how to get this information from my head to my heart, safely, without acting out.

Secondly, I found out my T has cancer. One day I googled him a few weeks ago and found a site that's helping him fund his treatment. He knows I know. He has a high score on a Gleason test, and I don't think his prognonis is good, but I'm not sure. It's hard for me to talk to him about how I feel about ending therapy because I don't want to stress him out. Somehow this seems to have added another layer to termination as far as feelings, finality, etc. for me. I regret finding out on one hand, however on the other hand it gives me a chance to say goodbye to him and to share with him what therapy has meant to me, and to "her." Again, I would appreciate it if someone could talk about termination, how to get through it, how to get the child to "get it" in her heart, not just in her head. "She" can't imagine how it's going to be without having a weekly check-in call and also seeing him once a week. Since the adult doesn't know what it's going to be like either, both of us are flying blind with fear. I don't want to mess up termination because my therapist has helped me in so many ways to feel again, connect, have hope and joy. My life has changed a great deal and I am able to stay present, deal with my emotions constructively, fear has taken a back seat, anxiety is much better, and so is the depression. My fear is that I will flunk termination because of my feelings and the possibility of me acting out.

Thanks for listening.

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Awww (((hugs))) Jackson!

That is so sad, and I can't imagine what it must be like to have to do that. I'm truly sorry you are both having to go through this.

I suppose under the circumstances I would say you are handling it well in that you are at least preparing for the termination. That doesn't make it easy though. I would say that writing a letter with all the things you are thankful for your therapist for (not just today but of all the things he's done for you) would be a good thing, but also very emotionally difficult thing.

Just the fact that you have the ability to approach and discuss this with your T shows me that you have a great level of inner strength, and for that you should be proud of yourself.

I wish you all the very best with what you are going through.

Hug two

Hi Jackson,


You are going through something really challenging and difficult and I think you show a lot of courage. I'm sorry that I don't really have any answers for you. I went through one termination but it was abrupt and abusive... it was more of an abandonment by my oldT so I don't have experience with a good termination or how that is handled.

My best suggestion would be that you are open and honest with your T so that you can process everything. I have read that a lot of really good therapy gets done in the termination phase. I also know that there is a book out there called "Good Enough Endings" which deals with therapy terminations but I have not read it myself. Right now it would be too triggering for me.

I want to wish you well and I hope you keep posting as you work your way through this. I am so sorry that your T is so ill. It's everyone's worst nightmare to find out their T is seriously ill.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by born2write:
Awww (((hugs))) Jackson!

Thanks so much born2write. I will write a letter about therapy and what my T has done for me. I am sure my tears will flow, but sometimes crying is also healing. I don't think of myself as having inner strengh, so I appreciate that insight as well. For a long time all I could see was my badness, so I am still learning how to recognize other qualities. Thank you!
[QUOTE]Originally posted by True North:

"At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us." Albert Schweitzer

Hi True North,

Thanks for responding to my post with understanding as well as resources to help me get through this. I know I need to talk more about this with my T, and I will need to work up the courage to be able to do this.

I love the quote you include with your posts. It truly reflects part of the therapy process and relationship, as well as that of a close and trusted friendship. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Jackson,

I am going through termination with my T of almost 9 years, and I understand the challenges that it brings. I am so sorry that your T is ill on top of this; it has to be very painful for you.

I don't have much to add to what others have said, but agree that talking to your T about whatever is coming up is probably the best option. I know it takes courage in these circumstances; try to remember the courage you have found in the past going through therapy and all the previous work leading up to this.

I wish you well, and hope you will keep posting about this.

Hi Blu,

Thanks for your insight and kind wishes. Saying goodbye after 9 years is also challenging. I sent my T my earlier post (the first one in this string) because I felt the need to let him know what I was feeling and struggling with. I am leaving on a trip, so I will post again. I hope you also continue to post. I was wondering about after therapy contact once in a while, like an e-mail or phone call, etc. I think we are phasing out, but I'm not sure now because of his illness. What I do know is that I trust him and know he will help me through this, just like he has with everything else that has come up. I guess the key is remembering that...


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