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The PsychCafe
Share, connect, and learn.
I just wanted to drop in and thank everyone on this site for the invaluable support you have (unwittingly) provided. I've been following your stories for a few weeks now and feeling like a selfish parasite for taking it all in without giving back. I am not hugely into "sharing," (makes therapy interesting) but I will say that I've been at it for many months now, and it's been making my head spin. I think this is as close to "therapy for your therapy" as it gets. Knowing that there are others out there going through the whirlwind has helped me. Oh yeah. I am in the muck. Full on.

All the postings here resonate with me on some level, and a few I feel I could have written myself. Your words have been a source of comfort and companionship.

Thank you.

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Hi effed, welcome to the forum Smiler i agree with your sentiment that this place is like "therapy for your therapy." it is a wonderful resource for information and support and has been tremendously helpful to so many. shrinklady was truly inspired to create this place for us. i am one who alternates with posting in spurts and lapses of silence, as my circumstances allow and dictate. i am personally glad that the forum allows for that flexibility. so join in as you are able!
Hi effed,
Welcome Welcome to the forums! Thank you for posting to say thank you. It was very considerate of you and I know its a real encouragement to read. It's ok to take your time about posting and waiting until you can feel comfortable enough to do so. We can look forward to getting to know you when you are ready. Smiler In the meantime, my best wishes for your healing.


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