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Thanks Debra for your comments (e.g. self-esteem, emotional distancing). Self-esteem is one of those things that's in layers...take one layer off and you find another. At least that's been my own experience. And thankfully, with each layer I get closer to who I feel I really am. Not sure if you have the same experience..

I'm glad to hear you have a good connection with your therapist. I know I've written how important it is but I surprise myself every now and then and re-discover just how critical it is in my own work.
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My connection with my personal therapist began in the Spring of '99 while sharing a Purdies Hedgehog.....however, I was unaware emotionally of this pivotal moment in time until years later while writing a university paper on my developing relationship with a particular client....the "aha" moment emerged!!! I will share this significant and profound moment in more depth in the "aha" moment section of therapy terms defined.......I am enjoying all aspects of this site....very creative and innovative....thank you

I am no expert by any means.........but, what I do know (through experience) is that when we truly embrace and or surrender to the phobias/fears that paralyze us, it is then and only then that we will be able to conquer/overcome them......Summer must be a difficult time for you??

Dude: example.....I used to struggle with panic attacks.......I had always prided myself in being in otherwords, I had a "fear" of being out of wasn't until I surrendered to them (the panic attacks) that they simply disappeared out of my life.....what I did when I could feel a panic attack about to overwhelm me was to simply say to myself or in some cases outloud..."okay bring it on"....I feel that I outsmarted the fear.....Does this make any sense??....I am finding it hard to write it into words....I am a much better person to person communicator....

Ooooh! You're treading a fine line there girl... Wink ... You really don't want to hear the answer! When I was telling my T about my thoughts about them she gave me 'that look' as if, you know, I was saying something totally bizare! (although, of course, she denied it and is much too kind to even THINK that I'm sure)

p.s. it's fun getting to know you.

I hope I am not pressuring you....I wouldn't want you to feel that way.....I am a very inquisitive type (not nosey, kinda caring) ...If you are ever up to it, I really would like to hear the answer to my question.....Really, really......I too, am enjoying getting to know you.....thank you for all that you have shared thus far....Have a great day...

Ok... you wanted (Debbie) to know what I would do if a bee/wasp crossed my path. Well, it did so yesterday while I was sitting on the back steps and this is what I did. I sat there completely still, just moving my eyes to see where it was going. I didn't move a muscle for fear that it would sense me and come after me (irrational I know) Another wasp joined it, and I watched it too for a bit, then it got too much for me. And I got up and walked to the other side of the yard. I didn't freak out totally as there was a young child beside me and I didn't want to upset her. Not so brave eyh?
the dude

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