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Hi Karie... I just want to pop in here and say I think you are doing remarkably well and I wish you all the best in your new job and in your new apartment. I'm so glad things are working out for you. Stay strong.

I, too, am interested in attachment and childhood trauma which I think interweaves with developmental psychology. I have a long way to go though. Good luck with school.

Thank you all for your good wishes! That is very kind. Today is the end of the first 2 weeks of the new job. How fortunate I am! I can hardly believe it....this is what the healing process brings to us I guess if we don't give up or succumb or ...whatever. I am delighted.

It has been a hard go, I have to admit. I don't miss the old job one bit. I am learning so much at the new place, it is a huge learning curve. We are being orientated for 5 weeks and then I am sure I won't really know much of what I'm supposed to be doing. This experience is boosting my self confidence in my ability to live as an adult. Getting through the last 5 months did take a lot of energy and strength ...but i got a lot of support for which i am very grateful.

I finally have a phone and internet service. Tomorrow my TV service will be connected. LIfe I beginning to resemble 'normal'. I am so pleased to have this new job. I finally have an opportunity to work with seasoned nurses....lots of them, so it should be an interesting and learning time.

Hope everyone is doing ok. I haven't read many other posts but am glad to be back.

Hi HB.....

I bet your assumption is right on for most people, obviously is for me anyway. Thanks for your reply. Hope you're doing well?

I'm glad, real glad to be settling in here. My mom and dad came to visit today. They are dad nearly died last year, had heart surgery then a stroke. I guess I don't need to say he is not the same. Attachment stuff and my love for them is tugging at me tonight. Ahh....somedays I wish I didn't have feelings.

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