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this fascinates me to no end. does or has anybody here done the "couch"? been analyzed? it fascinates me that anybody could just lie there and talk about whatever comes to their mind. to me, laying there seems like you're laying on an operating table with no anesthetic. so totally vulnerable it hurts! if you have, what was/is it like? how do you do it? is it helpful? it just seems like you'd have to have one hell of a lot of self-confidence in order to do that, something i'm rather short on. anyone?
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Hi there! Smiler I only use the divan. After a year into my psychoanalysis i found it much more helpful for me to use it because i was so distracted (and afraid) of sitting face to face with T.
And it does really help with the "free association". Makes it easier to "look inwards" and be in my own "inner world" when not having T in my sight. I would be very sensitive to the tone in his voice though.
Do you have the option to try it?
I would strongly advice you to give it a chance.. Some people (like myself) would benefit more from using the couch and that method. Espescially if you're curious to "analyze" your soul, and safe enough with your T to let him into your private thoughts.
Hope i managed to answer some of your questions. (writing from my i-phone so had to be short about this big topic!)
Hi CD, this is one of those things that makes me cringe as well - although I can see the merits of lying on a couch and not seeing T.

I remember we had a thread about this a while ago and went to look it up, but all of the original posters' posts were deleted (by the OP herself, nothing sinister) so putting a link wasn't going to be very useful as the thread sounded rather disjointed. In fact the main people talking about the couch on it were me and Frog anyway LOL. I remember Frog explained it really well in that thread, it helped me think about it in a more benign way that's for sure.

Why are you asking CD - is your T suggesting you do it, or is it just something that you're fascinated by but not thinking of trying in your own therapy? Mostly it's only psychoanalytic Ts who do the lying on the couch stuff anyway.

i have tried it a couple of times with my T - i have the option of sitting face to face or on a 'couch' where i can't see her. the 'couch' is actually a bed with pillows and that kinda freaks me out, and i told her so, i feel like i'm at the doctor's or in a hospital.

anyway, i had mixed feelings about it. i dont think i am ready for it, i dont trust her enough to feel like i dont need to check her reaction every time she or i say something (that is when i do dare look). in saying that, there was an element of freedom as well... i was also able to cry and feel more (normally i'm more like a statue) and not having to worry about it and in a way i felt like there was the possibility of reaching her or her reaching me on a deeper and closer level... maybe that is what freaked me out and haven't tried it again since.

so even from a 'beginner' like me, i think it might be worth trying out and seeing what happens. i mean trying out this different 'setting' with a T who you trust already. i do not like the idea of the 'traditional analysis' where the analyst is cold and aloof and you are the 'lab rat' who must spell out all your deepest fantasies (without ever getting much of a reaction / encouragement / understanding back)... anyway, this is my possibly mistaken and biased understanding of analysis.

still... it fascinates me as well.... look forward to other experiences and thoughts.

thanks for all your responses. LL,i'm only asking because 1: it does fascinate me and 2: T briefly mentioned it in our last session. i have to say, i fantisize other clients coming in and lying on the couch, er, my couch. i don't know if i could ever have that amount of trust and comfort. i like to think i could, but realistically i don't think i could. my T does interpersonal technique along with psychodynamic and psychoanalytic, so it's not out of the realm of his expertise.
frog, i like the idea of analyzing one's soul, but again i think i'd just be too chicken. i have a fascination with going deep, but it also scares the hell out of me. maybe with time i'll become more brave about it.
puppet, i think i'd be like you ... i think, for now anyway, that i need to have the visual connection. i need to see reactions from T, even if they're not all that telling Roll Eyes when you talk about reaching her or her reaching you on a deeper and closer level and freaking you out, i can relate to that. connection's good, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. that perhaps is what scares me the most about the couch, that T will see too much of me, when i'm not all that used to being seen.
thanks for your inputs. it's been interesting.

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