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I've been quiet for the last couple of weeks on the Board because I've been less upset and spending less time on the computer, thinking about therapy and thinking about my life. The change happened quite quickly. It was a sudden switch. I have gone two weeks without emailing or calling my T between sessions including the Easter holiday which meant I missed one of my sessions. I don't think that has ever happened before. I'm not worried about what he thinks. At first I was relieved and thought it was a good thing but at my session on Monday I realized I feel empty.

During Monday's session I realized that I don't have anything to say. Not my usual I'm afraid to talk or so upset I can't say anything. Instead I just felt empty and detached from things. I told my T about things seeming quieter in my head like there was less obsessive thoughts and rumination about things and that even though it should be a good thing instead I felt odd. He told me he thought that I had spent weeks wrestling with the issue of whether I could continue in therapy with him and that through our conversations I had had some resolution and felt more peaceful. I told him I would agree except I didn't feel like we had a conversation that helped instead I felt like the conversation about therapy was cut off inside me. I also told him that it was effecting a lot of different areas of my life and not just therapy.

For example I'm not crying nearly as much. I used to cry almost anytime I was alone and quiet, driving in the car, at church, before I fell asleep. I was so sad about my childhood and my relationships with my family (parents and siblings) that I was triggered constantly when I saw people who loved their children openly, when I saw someone yell at a child, when my children were unhappy or happy. A lot of different things would lead me to think about my childhood and I would get upset. That hasn't happened in the last two weeks. One of the most difficult things for me to talk about or even think about is my weight and my out of control eating and for the last couple of weeks I've barely thought about it and certainly not cried about it. I told my T that if I was eating less or exercising or something I could imagine my internal conversation getting less painful but instead my eating is out of control and it feels like my internal conversation is just gone.

If I try to think about the future or the past I get distracted. The only times I've been able to stay with any topic of more seriousness than what I have to get through today is during my sessions when T doesn't let us get distracted. Then I feel upset but I'm over it quickly. I'm afraid something is missing and while at first I was happy to have the noise and angst in my head stop now I'm scared.

Does anyone have any opinions? Do you just stop feeling/worrying about things even when nothing has changed? Could I really have worked through all the attachment and dependency issues I have with T to reach the point where I don't contact him and I'm not even worried about my vacation in two weeks? Do those things resolve overnight so to speak after almost four years of struggle?

This post is long but I started by writing about what was going on in therapy and in my life just before things went quiet in my head and I'll include those paragraphs at the end of this post if you want to read them. I was under a lot of different stresses at the end of March and wonder if it all became too much for me and I've gone numb. If so how long will it last?

At the end of March I was in the middle of some intense discussions with my T about whether I was going to continue therapy, my feeling that I didn't know what to do to help myself, my frustration that he wasn't helping me. I got angry at him in person for the first time, sent him long involved emails and pushed him to tell me about his theoretical framework, training, etc.

At the same time my parents returned from there winter vacation and started making some demands upon my time and I had a major disagreement with my only sibling that I've felt close to during my life. I realized that she wasn't interested in hearing and responding to me and my feelings but she was much nicer about it than my parents so she just ignored what I said instead of insulting or blaming or punishing me for it like my parents do.

I had a major fight with my teenage daughter. I've written about my struggles with her before but what really upset and destabilized me was my reaction to her after the fight was over. I was furious. I was physically still and I lay in my bed for hours but I was seething inside. I couldn't imagine how we were going to live together anymore. I felt like the relationship between us was irrevocably broken and I wasn't upset by that at all. I've never felt like that as an adult and I am so ashamed that I felt that way about my daughter. The next day we had both calmed down and had a good talk about the cause of the fight and the way it escalated. A few days later I punished her by not allowing her to hang out with friends after school and she asked me why I hated her? I told her I didn't and I was trying to understand her but I wasn't doing a good job. She has never used the word hate before not even in an angry "I hate you".

I told T about both fights in my next session and we had a good discussion about it. He told me he thought that the intense fury I felt and the thoughts of the relationship being over were memories of how I felt as a child that were triggered during the fight with my daughter. I actually could see what he meant because I am having trouble reconciling the me who felt that fury for an hour after the fight and the me who loves my daughter and spends a lot of time trying to talk to her and understand her. It actually feels like I was a separate person (but not in a DID way) just in a "I can't believe I could feel the two opposing emotions so intensely 12 hours apart" way.
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Sorry for this too short response. I think issues hardly ever vanish over night, but sometimes they can fade into the background for a while when your brain decides it needs a break or something. If I were you I'd try to enjoy the relative quiet for now, and know that things will resurface again if they need to.
Hi incognito... thanks for checking in and letting us know how you are. I don't have much time right now but I wanted to suggest that maybe you have reached a level of anger and upset over how things that feels so intense that it has caused you to just detach from them and from everything else. You are so shut down that you have convinced yourself that it does not matter. I think part of this is just making ourselves numb to anything going on or to numb ourselves from the pain we had been wrestling with because we are exhausted.

For what it's worth, I have had periods where i do the same thing. It just feels like the issues and problems that had felt so intense just went away. Not that they were resolved in any concrete way but they just seemed like I didn't need to think about them any longer. I had a weird detachment from them and I would go without contacting my T, or thinking about things, and certainly I stopped crying.

I just wonder if you are in this type of phase. I also wonder if it's the body/brain's way of just being able to take a break from the intensity of emotions and the hard work of therapy. In my case, I went back to how I was after a period of time had passed.

I hope things get better with your daughter. Teenagers are NOT easy. Be kind to yourself.

Thinking of you
thanks for your responses BLT and TN,

Trigger*****Trigger**** hurting children


I think you are right and I've just detached completely. I woke up this morning after having a dream where I hurt my daughters. i know I wouldn't hurt them but in the dream I did. I feel like I'm losing my mind a bit. I don't feel so detached anymore but I do feel disconnected. I called my T and was pretty upset and crying and told the dream into his voicemail and he sent me a short email saying I didn't the dream indicates I am capable of doing that and we could talk about it at my session. He didn't say anything wrong but I'm still bothered by the response.
incognito... I don't understand what your T told you. Can you explain more?

I think the fact that you reached out for your T and that you were crying/emotional means you are "defrosting" as I call it. The emotions are surfacing again and you are allowing them. Sometimes it takes something big to allow them to be felt again. I see this as a good thing. You definitely need to address this with your T. You see him tomorrow right?

It will be okay. Just relax and let the emotions come. And keep posting if it helps.

I probably didn't explain it very well because I didn't want to describe the dream. My T said dreaming of hurting my daughters was a reflection about how disturbed I am about our relationship not a reasonable assessment of my state of mind or that I am likely to hurt my children. I understand that I'm not going to do it but I hate that I could even dream it and all day it has been flashing through my mind.

I actually see T tonight for my session.
Hello there Incognito. I too sometimes get that sense of, what’s going on now? How come I’ve been feeling all these overwhelming feelings and suddenly they’ve all disappeared, yet I don’t feel better for it, the causes of the feelings haven’t been resolved. I just seem to disconnect for no reason and that makes me feel even worse because I’d rather have some feeling than ending up in this disconnected entirely in my head state. So I sympathize with how confusing it must be for you Frowner.

I read your second post and like TN I’m not sure I understand what your T was saying to you. Was he saying that he didn’t think the dream indicates that you were actually capable of it? Edited to add: I was writing this as you posted your latest reply, thanks for explaining.

If it’s any comfort, I used to have a lot of dreams at one point in which I was killing or maiming little kittens and would wake up crawling out of my skin at how intolerable that felt to me. Yet in reality I’d NEVER harm an animal. Dreams are not usually literal, if you were able to step back from the horror of your dream and see it as symbolic – maybe it’s reflecting fear of your own anger, or a feeling of being desperately trapped in the struggle with your daughter, or the feelings that you have been disconnected from surfacing in insistent grab-your-attention form in the dream (these are just off the top of my head suggestions, not intended as an interpretation.)

I’m sorry that you’re still struggling so much – I wondered how you’ve been doing and was thinking that maybe things had improved with therapy. At least you are still in therapy, which says a lot for your determination to get through all this pain.

All the best with your session tonight.

Hugs to you (((( Incognito))))


So nice to see you posting. When I read your first post, I wasn't sure the state of detachment is really such a bad thing. You've been crying a lot for as long as I've known you, which is almost 1 1/2 years. I wonder if you had the habit of detaching in the past?

I don't know if you've read Eckhart Tolle but he describes that something kind of similar happened to him. He'd been living in unbearable pain for as long as he could remember but one night it all just kind of "cracked".

The reason it might be a good thing is that perhaps some space is opening up between you and your emotions? If that's the case, it could be the fertile ground for new emotions, the new way of thinking to grow.

Your dream brought to my mind the "good enough mother". And I'm not implying her whatsoever that you are not a good enough mother. (Winnicott maintained that mothers who could acknowledge the discomfiting fact that love, even for babies, is ambivalent would be less likely to do harm than the disavowers”). I know for me, coming from my background, I've had a really hard time admitting any negative feelings for my kids and it is something I've struggled with and still do. Maybe it's been really hard for you to recognize that you have both types of feelings for your kids and the dream is you allowing this conflict into consciousness? Maybe whatever it was that "cracked" is allowing these repressed feelings to seep into consciousness?

So glad you are seeing T tonight.


thank you for sharing your dreams. I can relate to feeling like crawling out of my skin. My T thinks that my dream relates to my fear of the intensity of my anger. I am finding it very hard to step back from the horror of the dream and I feel like that is wrong and I should be able to stop feeling horrified.


I think that not crying and obsessing over T was a relief. I don't know if I detached in the past. I now I hid my feelings and a reactions in my childhood for safety. I think I can accept my ambivalent feelings for my children. What I'm having trouble with is the intensity of my anger a few weeks ago and the fact that I could dream what I did. They don't feel like me and they seem worse than ambivalence.

My session tonight was painful. I cried a lot and was really stuck in the horribleness of the dream and even though I don't think it represent a desire to hurt my children I thought it had to mean something bad about me. T sat with me and discussed some of his interpretations of the dream (fear of anger) and the detachment/numbness (in response to the overwhelming feelings). He wanted to talk about the fight where I got so angry at my daughter and asked if it reminded me of fights I had with my mother as a child. I didn't answer and just got angry at him. I managed to tell him I felt like either I was right about the dream and then it meant something horrible about me or he was right and then I was stupid/wrong for being as horrified as I am. He said that he didn't realize it was a discussion about right and wrong. I said it is always a discussion about who is right. In this case I'm screwed either way. It helped to realize that I have set it up as a right/wrong, no win situation and T doesn't see it that way. He got how horrible the dream feels to me and he was trying to help me. In the couple of hours since my session I've felt better and comforted by my T. I'm exhausted and heading to bed.

thank you for thinking of me
Hi incognito... I'm glad you were able to talk to your T about the dream and how it made you feel. It seems like your emotions are back again too.

It was good to hear that you felt comforted by your T and I do hope you can hold onto that comfort until you see him again. How are you doing today?

Thanks for the update. I was thinking of you.


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