Last Monday after a very hard session dealing with some trauma I went back to work sobbing. Thank goodness I had a great friend to talk to who understood. But my overwhelming feeling was to get back into my car and drive back to T's office and beg him to hold me and protect me...I'm not sure from what. Those feelings lasted for days until I saw him again and told him my feelings and we talked for a half session.
Today, I left his office feeling mostly okay, even though we touched on transference and my feelings about therapy and coming to terms with whether or not this is a real relationship or am I just another patient who gets the same old lines from him. We talked and I thought I was okay but now I'm hearing that hated voice telling me that he thinks I've lingered in therapy too long and I should move on or move out and I'm just wasting time. Does anyone else hear that voice?
Of course, then there are those times I get back to work and think "OMG what have I told him? I've said too much, I didn't say enough, I said it all (isn't that a song?) or I've said it horribly wrong. What must he think of me?" Of course I can always soothe myself with the thought that he doesn't think of me at all and it does not matter what I say. And gee, that makes me feel even worse!!
And if I email him ever... it's usually within those first 24 hours. If I can hold out I usually can make it to the next appointment. But he has told me to email or call if I need to because he does not want to see me suffer needlessly when a call/email would help me to feel better.
Anyway, I'm inviting all of you to post your first 24 hour feelings so maybe it will help me to feel less crazy or alone. And any suggestions for getting through those hours would be greatly appreciated.