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Hey Liese,

It's part of the procedure that clinicians use in assigning a DSM diagnosis. The scores range from 0-100, and what they look at (it's a bit subjective, but there are some guidelines) is how well you can function in daily life, i.e., holding up a job, self-care, family life, etc. The less functional you are, the lower your score tends to be. "Normal" scores range from around 70-100, of course I doubt anyone is truly ever at 100.

Insurance companies are the ones who really look at that number, because if your GAF is like a 90, they would have qualms about whether or not to give coverage.

Hope that helps. Smiler
There's a whole description as to what each interval on the scale means as far as functioning goes..I can post it if you like. It's also readily available on Wikipedia and stuff. I range from probably around 41-60, sometimes on the lower end of that (like right now), sometimes on the higher end.

You'll get to that upper range, Liese. And you're right, all that matters is getting to the point where you're content where you are. Maybe people in the upper 90's are too happy. Razzer

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