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Posted 10 September 2011 01:58 PM
Today, H got on a plane to the UK. It probably took off about 40 minutes ago. My pastor came with me to drop him off, so I wouldn't drive when upset and possibly dissociated. Of course, because my pastor was there, I was incapable of any emotion when saying goodbye. To keep things in context, except for minor (and unexplained, not-me sort of) tears welling up, I have not cried in several months and at that point I was in a very bad place, safety-wise. I do not generally cry over my own stuff. In fact, I'm nearly incapable, even in therapy, even about the most difficult of things. I can cry over sappy movies or other peoples' stories at the drop of a hat, but it takes being near a total dysfunctional breakdown level for me to cry otherwise and even then, moments later, I've dissociated into, "Who the hell was that?"

After lunch, but before his flight left, I tried to call to get one more goodbye in, but H's phones were off already. I meant to get a photo of him with Boo before he took off. And, as usually happens when he goes, I start to think: I don't have enough...

I don't have enough photos of him and Boo together, enough of me and him together, any handwritten notes or voice recordings or videos that are at all recent. If something bad were to happen, Boo might barely remember him at all and have not much to go by. I mean, yes, some pictures...but not enough. I know this is horrible. I know it is irrational. But it feels real.

It is this legacy of losing person after person in my life. There are parts of me who believe that when someone goes away, they are not coming back, or if they do, everything will be so irrevocably changed that the relationship will have disintegrated. I know now (when I can manage to believe it) why it is impossible for me to feel safe when significant people have to leave, because I was left unprotected and very bad things bad I had to find somewhere to hide them for 25 years. I know where it comes from. I know it means going from having maybe one person who notices you to being invisible, expected to somehow manage an adult world you can't even understand. I get it. I know these are past feelings, but I can't seem to reconcile them and feel safe in my present.

I feel like a horrible mother, because I look at Boo in the "Daddy's Little Monkey" shirt I put on her and keep breaking into tears. I meant to get a picture, even on my phone, of the two of them or the three of us before he left. You know...just in case. How awful is that? It's like I can see a whole lifetime of Boo growing up without her dad and then it triggers the incident from over a year ago, where I thought I might be separating us from him. And I'm sure it triggers inside kids' abandonment stuff as well.

Boo is doing her quiet time (the best I can get in lieu of her inability to nap) and I'm trying to pull myself together before we have plans with friends in about an hour. I don't want to feel alone like this. I don't want to feel unprotected, like something bad is going to happen, just because it can or might. I want this ridiculous video of the worst that could happen out of my head. I want my T. I want to beg him for the extra session he said me might be able to get me this week, even if it means driving an 1.5 hours round trip just to see him for 1.5 hours. I want to hurt myself to distract from the pain. I want to medicate with the chocolate cake in my fridge. I want to get drunk at my friends' birthday party tonight, as I am riding with other friends to avoid driving anyway. I want anything that can let me stop feeling as if my world is ending just because for 11 days a person who I am used to having here, who I love deeply, but who I also have so much ambivalence about due to his involvement in a huge chunk of the pain I have been in these last few years, is not nearby. I'm sick of knowing what's going on, my triggers, issues with attachment, object permanence, whatever. Understanding doesn't matter, because I cannot stop feeling alone and unsafe when things like this happen. It doesn't stop these scared kids from asking to just please not make them be alone again. Frowner

Sorry to blah this all over the OF. I'm hoping that I can ground myself through writing it out.
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Yaku... I somehow missed your post this weekend. Busy with HW I guess. I wanted to send you some hugs.

How are you doing? Did you go out with friends? Are you feeling contained tonight? Have you heard from your dh since he landed?

I can't imagine how hard it is to let your dh go off to the UK feeling the way that you do. I wanted to mention that those of us with attachment injuries view separation and leave-taking very differently than those with secure attachment backgrounds. We are so triggered by our past abandonments and we expect something bad to happen. We expect that the world is a bad and dangerous place. We learned this the hard way when we were kids. But we are not kids now and you need to believe that it will all be okay. Keep reaching out to your real life support network and keep posting and talking to us.

I know working this through with your T will be helpful and if he can offer you extra time in this period even if it's skype then take it without feeling any guilt. You need to take care of you so you can take care of Boo.

Just remember... one day at a time.

(((TN))) Thanks for your support, too! It's deeply appreciated.

I did go to my friends' (a couple) home yesterday for the wife's birthday. I went back again today to watch the 49ers game. Yesterday was really hard, but I reached out to my T and my pastor and got through. Today was pretty decent. I did have some triggering around their neighbor, a chiropractor who offered me an adjustment, but I suddenly felt like he was flirting with me (poor guy was probably just trying to be nice), but other than that I was fine.

H made it safely. I've talked to him via phone twice and he actually just messaged me via Skype right now.

I know you are right about how the past comes into play here. I hope I am actually in a feeling place by the time I see T (probably Tuesday morning), but I suspect the difficulty of doing a daytime session and having had the last couple of days to distract and dissociate means I will be back to feeling absolutely nothing about it. Roll Eyes

I have half a mind to just call him the next time I am breaking down with emotion, because it's so rare, it seems we may never get to really process any of this stuff unless we catch it in the moment. Wink

Anyway, thanks so much for your support. I know it will be OK. I just need to try not to think any what ifs right now, as I will start going down that path in my mind and make myself crazy!

Sending you a huge must be so hard have your H go so far away too. I think all the fears and anxieties about not having a photo with Boo for example are quite normal. I think especially people who have had trauma in their lives are more vigilant and anxious about something bad happening again.

I am glad you have things planned to do whilst he is away, and glad too you can skpe him. Keep that connection Yaku and do call him if you are struggling. We are here for you too.

When does he get home again? .....we'll see if we can do something about the weather for him in the meantime Big Grin


Hi Yaku!

Just wondering if it would help to make some plans for when H gets back - a day trip or even the meals you'll eat, as a way of helping your little ones to spend some time imagining, planning and looking forward to his return? You might even work on something you could give him when he gets back - like a scrapbook of photos and stuff you and Boo could make together, to help tell him about everything that happened while he was away?

(((starfishy))) (((Draggers))) (((Jones)))

Thanks for all the support. Yeah, H is over there until Wednesday, the 21st, a few days before Boo's birthday. If it hadn't been for her birthday, he would have been there even longer. They tried to schedule his trip such that he would be flying back ON her birthday. Roll Eyes But, he said that he wouldn't go unless he could be back at least a few days to get adjusted to the time, so he could really celebrate his daughter's 3rd birthday with her. Smiler

So, Jones, necessity, we have big plans when he gets back to the area. If he is feeling up to it, I want to go to the zoo that Friday, since we bought a year pass for Boo's last birthday and it expires in October. Then, I'll have to get all the prep done for Boo's party as well. The scrapbook is a neat idea, but I'm super horrible about that sort of thing. All our photos are still on the computer, because I never print them out, so we have no actual albums or photos on our walls. I suck...

I am now making Boo a sock monkey, which is keeping me busy after she goes to bed. It'll be OK. I actually like having the time to myself. The hard part is these random waves of feeling like something really bad is going to happen, plus it's like as soon as he was gone, a bunch of memory stuff (same stuff I was dealing with a couple of months ago, but more intense/detailed) started coming up. I don't know what to do about T's Wednesday offer. I'm not even sure if he'll have a slot or if it's worth it to drive 1.5 hours for a 1.5 hour session, but I could really use some extra support right's so hard to ask for what I need, though. Because, I know I could make it through on my own with my current, maladaptive coping mechanisms. I know, intellectually, I will be OK. But, my definition of OK is...even if things get really bad, I know I can manage to keep from doing extremely destructive things. But, having an extra session would make things so much more manageable, safe-feeling for me. And it feels like, unless I am completely falling apart, I don't deserve anything extra, because he already does too much. Roll Eyes And, it's impossible that I'll completely fall apart, because I am in single-Mommy mode and very highly regulated right now. But, I don't have somewhere it's safe to come out of lockdown outside of T right now. And being in this state of perpetual stress and anxiety for a week-and-a-half is just...not something I need right now. But, I'm too chicken to ask, not because he might say no, but because I don't want to be weak, I don't want to need him. It's like I'm stomping my foot and crying and yelling, "I'm running away. I don't need you. I can take care of myself! I'm big now!" My T is in for such a lovely week. Big Grin

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