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My name is Samy. I am a girl. I am 14 years old. I have OCD tendencies. I have lots of bad memories about stuff. I see a therapist lady and her helps me with that. I am lots angry but trying not to hurt myself or others in that. Last week I were lots angry. I tried to get me therapist to argue or fight with me but her wouldn't. I even suggested me haves an arm wrestle but her say nopers. I like to lie on the floor at her place. Her rubs my hair sometimes and that day her rubbed my back a little. She always askes first if it ok. Sometimes I say NO because I"m not done being angry yet. This time it were ok. And actually I told her it were something different. It were like the anger were flowing down to me toes and out me feet. it maked me sigh. It helped in a different way than sometimes. Her say between the shoulder blades in a special comforting place, like in babies and stuff, but also for older kids like me. I guessing that is what you talking on this forumn about lots. About things like touch and healing energy in touch. I'm glad my story helped people. Sometimes I do not so good things like tense all me muscles to help the angry stop, but that isn't so good an idea they say. Lately I blow on door frames with a big puffed cheek breath. Maybe that's sorta an OCD thing too. I don't know for sure, I just know it kinda blows the angry away so I can walk through. What do you think about that?
T's not allowed to say nothing HAHAHA! Them mostly says 'how do it make you feel?' or 'can we think of a different thing to do?'. I think I keep changing on ways to keep safe. That time it were the puffed cheek blowing, somedays it's a difference thing. This is a routine i does to keep safe in my T's office:
- move the coasters into place
- get a glass of water
- go upstairs to the bathroom (even if we don't gotta go, have to check it out make sure it's all ok)
- come back and sit down
- look all around the room carefully to make sure everything is in place (including sweep off crumbs off the coffee table that people leave, and check the magazines are the same)
- pick up a magazine to browse

- if I having a badder day, I check to make sure the tea bags are all colour sorted
- I also then only read a magazine i know is ok (some new ones you never know what kindsa adds they will have)

- T comes out, greets us, either goes up to the bathroom or just locks the door for us

- in her office have to look around to make sure things are all in place (that's a harder one cuz our T, well, she has different stuff on her desk lots of times, like books she reading and things, sometimes if it distracting I ask her about them first... or if I notice her has a new pen or something I tell her that also)

I suppose it all sounding like a lot to do, but I guess we do things each of us to keep safe!

Anyone else do stuff for that?


Wow, quite a "safety" routine you have! I was wondering though, with regards to the tea bags, have you given any thought to the fact that perhaps other individuals might not appreciate you touching them all and placing them in the order that makes you personally feel safe??.....This could adversely affect others....microorganisms breed on all surfaces, including tea could potentially infect others with your is cold and flu season you know!!! Just something for you to think about.....

Hi Samy:

Actually, just by touching the outer package, you are in fact, placing whatever microorganisms that you carry on your hands (and there are many) upon them......For example, you arrange the tea bags, thus, putting whatever microorganisms that you have or potentially have on the outer package, then the next person decides that he or she wants a cup of tea, the microorganisms are just lying in wait for the innocent victim to come along and pick up one of those tea bags (outer package and all).....and catch a cold or flu or even worse a fungus.....Many people get sick because they are busy touching too many surfaces that have been infected by others.....When I go out I really limit the surfaces that I touch so that I am less exposed to the infections ....hope this is making sense.....I am just wanting you to be aware that others may not appreciate that you are placing your microorganisms all over their tea bag......

Hi Samy and Sarah, it's highly umlikely that touching the tea bags would cause anyone any harm. In fact, I touch my tea bags often too, because I like to see them nicely arranged in the box. We have microorganisms all over, everywhere. If fact, my sister who works for the health board mentioned to me that we shouldn't go overboard on these concerns. We need some bad microorganisms so we can build up our immunities. She cautioned me against using antibacterial soap too much for the same reason.

So, maybe Samy...look at it this way, you may in fact, be helping people!

I hope that helps,
"That sounds a little on the selfish side to me....are you not wanting to consider the feelings/safety of others at all????????"

I not reali a selfish person actuali. It upsets me yuo thinkin that I am withut knowin much abut the situation. My point reali were to talk abut what diferent peopl does to kep emselfs feelin safe.


I understand that you were wanting to discuss what different people do to keep themselves safe; however, I am just wanting you to see how what you do affects others.....more of a "sense of entitlement" over others.....I think it is important to always ask yourself "How does what I am about to do or say affect others.....?!?" I guess I am wondering why it is that you are not wanting to discuss what I have brought forward??


From a non-microorganism perspective.....Perhaps there are "negative energies" carried by others that can be deposited onto the tea bags (or surround them), rendering them untouchable by others....and maybe other individuals seeing this particular therapist would love a cup of tea or whatever, but because of the negative energy/energies enveloping the tea bags, are unable????

Is this making sense to anyone, or just me?????

I firstly want to applaud Samy for being brave enough to share her storeis with us here. she's only 14, and is doing well at keeping her calm.

Secondly, I want to thank Sarah for joining this interesting forum.

And thank Shrinklady for having a place for us to discuss things!

"Perhaps there are "negative energies" carried by others that can be deposited onto the tea bags (or surround them), rendering them untouchable by others....and maybe other individuals seeing this particular therapist would love a cup of tea or whatever, but because of the negative energy/energies enveloping the tea bags, are unable????"

I don't think that negative energy would be surrounded a tea bag. I'm not sure why 'it' would actually. All she is doing is moving them around. If anything, she would be creatinv 'positive energy' by keeping them in order.

p.s. in case you don't know, I and Samy are both parts of a DID system so we have the same id here but are different people.
Hi Dude:

Thank you for sharing, and Samy too.....I am an individual who is really sensitive to the energy created and generated by others....this can be very frightening at times....I stay home alot because my nervous system simply cannot handle all of the energy/energies emanating from others.....I was really wanting Samy to see things from a different perspective......the energy of Samy sorting through tea bags, for example, in my world, would surround or envelop them.....I could feel this deep within me....Does this make sense? It is very difficult for me to articulate.....

Hello Sarah, we also receive positive energies from others. We need this to survive. In other words, we have the same probability of benefiting from positive energy.

This is the risk inherent in being human...that others will impact us, positive and negatively. But without risk, we will not grow.

As our heart opens up, we will see that we have much more to benefit from our connection to each other than what we have to fear.

Shrinklady (Dude, Samy, and Antoni):

I spoke with a colleague of mine, who happens to be an infection control officer, regarding the passage of microorganisms onto surfaces and the ramifications thereof....his ideas are not congruent/consistent with yours......It appears that what I might have to say or offer this forum has no merit; therefore, I won't be returning to this site...

An unheard, broken-hearted, and deeply saddened Sarah....
I don't understand how this one discussion can make the entire board/forum not hav merit....

I find that personaly offensive.. maybe it's just me but just because something isn't aggreable to the information I get doesn't make the entire place of no merit. I do not think this place is of no merit.

I do know we have bacteria/etc everywhere but we surely can't go around thinking about it all the time or else we will become like Monk if your familiar with the show.

And antibacterial soap is horrible for you so your friend is so right about that Shrinklady. I have to admit I lecture people about how awful that stuff is not only for the person but also for the environment and the existent of antibiotic resistant infections now!!


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