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Hi everyone. I had another session today with my T. He sent me an email this morning asking to move my appointment up 2 hours earlier which was really fine with me. He apologized and said he was "sorry to disturb our time today" and thanked me for helping him out. He is so careful and kind with me. So... when I walked in I had to ask him something. We are working on eye contact and I'm really getting a lot better at it. In the beginning I would not look at him or look in his direction but not "see" him at all. I think that is called blind fear! Eeker But I noticed that sometimes when I tell him things he closes his eyes. He has been doing that since the beginning and it was starting to make me feel like he didn't want to look at me or that I said something that upset him. So I decided to ask about it today. The answer was simple enough....he sometimes does that so he can really focus on what I said and to think deeply for an answer or response to me ... and when it relates to oldT, he closes his eyes because he is thinking "I cannot believe what the f'ing idiot has done NOW". Neither of which has anything to do with him avoiding me for any reason. So... this led to a long discussion about how I always look at things in a negative way.

He was not being harsh with me and totally understands this is typical for my background. We talked about how the children of narcissists do this... they take everything or anything that someone else does and they make it about themselves in a very negative way. Basically, we believe that everything is our fault. Because we learned to make it our fault as children so we could then try to figure out how to fix/change it and make it better. Especially our relationships with our parents.

We then went on to talk about relationships and how I engage in them and he said that I stay too long in relationships and we would have to be very careful about this now and going forward. So...when he said that I just dissociated and left the room. I swear I did not move a muscle or blink an eye but he caught me doing that and stopped me and said ... what was that? I said what? I didn't do anything? And he said yes you did I could see you go away. So I told him that I got scared and it felt dangerous because he was telling me I was there too long and he needed to get rid of me. He pushed me to go on and say more... so I told him that he was warning me that he would be careful not to keep me around too long and he would just decide one day that I was in "this" relationship too long and had to be terminated!!

Then he stopped me and said... that I took only certain parts of what he said, I only heard it in a negative way and made it dangerous. He said I probably dissociated at the first word and then missed what else he was telling me that, if I heard it, would have prevented me from being so scared. He was in fact... talking about DYSFUNCTIONAL relationships that I find myself in... those are the ones I stay too long in and he wants me to be more aware of the signs of abusive and dysfunctional relationships and get out before they can really hurt and damage me. He said WE have a very healthy relationship and this did not apply to us... but I could not hear that.

This is very interesting to me because it makes a lot of sense to me now that it has been pointed out to me. I DO do this. We went on to discuss further our relationship and what happened with oldT. I just LOVE talking to him and I did tease him a lot today, more than usual and he accepted it good-naturedly.

But I had one bad moment after the session was over. Okay this is weird so bear with me. Someone that I had watched everyday on TV passed away suddenly and he was not that old. Just never woke up. This person sort of reminded me in a way of my T. So I was thinking about not seeing T until Tuesday and then got,for no concrete reason, very scared that something was going to happen to him and I would have nothing to remember him. I have his pen but that is all.

I don't have a picture of him.

I got scared that I would forget what he looked like and it would be like he didn't exist. I have lots of pictures of oldT... but I cannot find one anywhere of my T. I think having one would really help me keep the connection to him. you think I could ask him for a picture? What would he say? I am afraid he would think I was crazy or having some kind of insane eroticized transference with him. But that is not it. Maybe he would think it was "icky" that I asked for this. I just don't know what to do. Has anyone out there ever asked for a picture of their T??

Our session ended well and we shook hands and then he patted my arm. Since Monday is a holiday he offered me a Tuesday appointment. I was thinking that we would skip the session and I even offered to do that ... telling him that I'm sure his schedule is very full and it would be difficult for him to cram everyone from Monday into the rest of the week. He laughed at me and said "You don't get to be in charge of my schedule"... which was fine by me. I know I'm not supposed to worry about him... but I do.

When I count my blessings, I count him twice.

Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest post just triggered a really insane memory for me. the first time that I had a skype session with my T I had a very intense session. It was the first time I ever saw him in person after about a year of therapy, since we had previously only done phone sessions. I remember feeling really happy and peaceful and just looking at his was like...suddenly everything was ok with my universe, for the first time ever, because he just smiled at me like he was happy to see me, and like me or something- and had such a *nice* face. I remember him saying "maybe this is what you need...just to see a friendly face!" I felt very happy. I also remember him asking me, very kind and gently, "do you have a picture of me..?" And I said that I kind of have one from a cd talk of his that I ordered from him. Just the memory gives me peaceful feeling but so sad because that is gone.

Weird memory in light of that, my therapy seems so unsuccessful and now I am going to take a break because I feel so misunderstood and hurt and abandoned by him, and ashamed by him. Now I remember another, sad another email once he said something very negative about me admitting that I just like to see his face and his smile- that it was bad of me somehow I forget how he said it- to want that. Soooo confusing.

Anyway...the long and short is, I think it would be perfectly ok to ask your T for a picture, and that he won't freak out about it or think it is some kind of erotic thing like I guess my T finally thought. Your T is different than that. I really think you could ask. He won't shame you for needing connection with him...even if his answer ends up being no- he won't shame you.

hugs- go for it-

We talked about how the children of narcissists do this... they take everything or anything that someone else does and they make it about themselves in a very negative way. Basically, we believe that everything is our fault. Because we learned to make it our fault as children so we could then try to figure out how to fix/change it and make it better. Especially our relationships with our parents.

I think I may have had nearly this exact conversation with my T, who is convinced my mom is a narcissist. Funny how he'll diagnose someone he's never met, but hasn't said word about what's wrong with me. Wink

I'm so lucky that my T has a photo posted online that I can go look at. A couple, but only one of them really looks like him to me. I have sometimes considered downloading it in case the website ever goes away, but I haven't let myself do that yet. I would bet your T would be fine with you asking that, would want to know your reason and the feelings behind it, would not automatically assume erotic transference and would comply with you on it. It's funny that your T gave you a pen...I dreamed quite a long time ago that my T gave me a pen (he never has). Anyway, I'm kind of in a weird space with my "Can I keep my T?" debate, but from some of the familiar feelings I get when I read about him, I think your T is safe to ask this from. Smiler

You know what I just admitted to my T in my last journal entry? That my "homesick" feelings toward him are something I've never experienced before. I have no memory of ever "missing" either of my parents. I told him the closest thing I have ever experienced is a crush, a sort of child-like (in my case, non-romantic) love where you enjoy another person and want to be around them as much as possible. Red Face I think asking for a picture is probably safe. Even if he were to decline (which I have a feeling he won't), I know he would do it in a way that allowed you to work through your feelings and left you still feeling ultimately connected.
I not only asked for a picture of my sweetP but I took my camera along as I really meant: I need it NOW!. I was going to India the next day.

And he said yes, so I have my photo.

Well worth the agony of asking. I just dropped it in at the end, in a very casual way (LOL)

have to go, say more later I hope. Off to swim and then see sweetP. I think it might be a volatile session.
TN, it is great that your T is so attuned to your reactions and I am so glad that you found him to work with. It sounds like he is so clued up on attachment that I am sure he wouldn't think you were crazy at all to ask for a picture, he would most likely understand the need for connection when you are away from him. I really wished I had asked my old T for one before I left as it would definitely have helped me to feel her care now that she is gone.

I'm glad you're not in charge of his schedule too Big Grin and you get to see him on Tuesday.

I am sorry for making the last post I put here all about me, in a way that would possibly discourage you from asking- I realized it too late. I'm sorry sorry about that TN- I really think your T is on board and that his no will mean no, and his yes will mean yes. It will be safe to ask him this question. He's great, and he gets it, and he is responsible and in control of his own boundaries and what he can and cannot offer.



I am so glad that he caught you dissociating and helped you to hear what he was really saying. I know how scary it can be to think that someone so important to you is saying that it's getting close to time of terminating. That must have been very painful.

Ignore me if I am off on a tangent and I haven't read everyone's reply but I wonder if it was that moment of fear you had with him leaving that triggered this more so than even the actor who died or whatever it was. I am finding that long after a session is over the triggers remain intense. It's sort of like a sunburn. You may not realize how burned you are until long after you are out of the sun.


This discussion forum is bound to bring up pain and good memories and everything in between for all of us. I don't think you did anything wrong. But I will say this my heart breaks for you because your pain is clear. I don't know the whole story with your T but maybe I can learn it as I go onto these boards again. All I can say is from the small amount I read is OUCH.

I think I audibly winced and dissociated a bit myself when I first read what you heard your T say about staying too long in relationships. I took it exactly like you did and then when I read your follow up it seemed so obvious to me that he meant bad relationships, but I had immediately felt the sting of what I thought he was saying to you...the same thing you felt as well.

I think it is fine to ask for a photo!! I know that if I didn't have one from my T's website which I not only downloaded, but then transferred to my phone so her picture comes up when she phones or we text, I'd be asking for one and I'm quite certain she wouldn't have issue with it and neither would your T. I think it is quite reasonable to ask for.

Thanks for sharing the insights from your session. Definitely a good amount of connection going on there and I'm so glad that your T offered you Tuesday. I'm going Tuesday instead of Monday as well.
TN, I had the same reaction as STRM. That is, immediately when I read what he said I thought to myself how it sounded like a warning of rejection to come. I would have reacted the same way you did. I think it is really good that he quickly recognized your dissociation and was able to bring you back to safety and reassurance. It sounds like he is very attuned to you.

I want to comment on your question regarding who has asked their T's for a picture. A little over a year ago I asked my T if I could take a picture of her. At first she discouraged it on the grounds that she thought it would be detrimental to me learning object constancy. She felt it would be better to practice a mental image of her. But she relented a few weeks later after I told her I had tried unsuccessfully and just couldn't hold onto a solid image of her, that I couldn't even really remember her face sometimes. In fact, I kept having dreams where she was there and even though I knew it was her due to other details (general body build, hairstyle, voice), I could never see her face in my dreams.

A year later, I can mentally visualize my T easier. But I still sometimes panic wondering what will I do if I lose that picture off my phone? Someday the battery will die, or I will get a new cell phone. So I have another photo of her on my computer which I copied off her daughter's facebook page. My T didn't give me her blessing on obtaining that picture, but I'm not erasing it either, although I haven't gone searching for anymore pictures. One on my phone and another on my computer are enough.

I wish I could predict for you what your T will say if you ask him. Some T's make a big deal out of it and some don't. But so far this newT hasn't let you down. I really think he would understand.
Thank you all for the responses and in sharing your experiences. Beebs... no harm done at all. I truly understand and I do know that what you say comes from the good person that you are.

Yaku... I'm glad you have that picture. I know how it can help. I agree with you that whatever his answer would be it would be okay to discuss it.

DF thanks for that great response. And for thinking that he would not react as "ick" to my request. You remind me that he is very attuned and sensitive to my needs. You give me courage.

Sadly... I LOVE that sweetP was okay with the whole picture thing and that you have your picture now to look at and keep the connection. Thanks for sharing your experience.

BG... thanks!

Butterfly... you made me smile with the schedule remark! I'm sorry you are still missing your old T so much. I know how that hurts inside. (((((Butterfly))))

Jo... good to see you on my thread. It was pretty scary and I'm ultra sensitive to anything that remotely hints of termination since the horrible, traumatic abandonment by my oldT. I'm very skittish about getting attached to this T even though he assures me he thinks attachment is normal and expected and he welcomes it and that he does NOT terminate patients. I keep thinking I will be the first one because I will do something unforgiveable. I also like your sunburn analogy and it has given me food for thought. Thanks.

STRM... sorry I made you wince. It was a wince-worthy moment for me. As I said to Jo above... I'm still not over the abandonment and am wary of my T even though he has never really given me a reason not to trust him. I love that you have your Ts picture come up on your cell when she calls. How wonderful. So we are both on the Tuesday schedule! I hope you are doing okay with that.

Hi MH... good to see you too. I hope you are doing okay and things are going well in therapy. So you asked her and you got the picture. You were brave! And I have that problem too... I cannot keep an image of him in my head.

Thanks again. I'll keep you all posted on what I do.

TN, your picture issue with T triggered this thought:

One of my T's clients signed him up for facebook and put his picture up. He denied having a fb page, but there it is- picture and all. He never uses it though. We joked, maybe his client is running therapy on line using his fb page. Funny- because he does not even know the password to get on his own page. He is computer savy- but he just doesnt care about it. Maybe your T has a fb page-or linked in.

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