i am starting this with some hesitation, but feeling like i have a need to do it for myself for ahwile. i'm in a very bad place. I told my T about this idea (that I got from several people here) and she was thrilled about it and asked me to do it and share it with someone for awhile. (she only vaguely knows about this forum, and never check or looks for it) i feel awkward, but im gonna give it a go anyhow.
please join me (if it would help you).
this thread is just to share and encourage oursleves to keep sharing - not just to share but to acknowledge to ourselves the good things (even in the midst of tough times - maybe especially then) and remind oursleves to celebrate the successes in life. and not let the voices that tear us down win. not all the time at least.
you can post something that was good this day, this week, this year, anytime in this life - and can post one thing or many.