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Maybe this should be added to another thread I have started but I am losing track as to which bit should go where.
Here is the entry I made to my blog just now - would appreciate any thoughts. I know I am very open here, maybe too open, and I wonder about that too. I know I am anonymous, so part of me feels there is no harm in being so open, but there could be. I mean my psychologist could track me down somehow?

I got up early and swam for over an hour in our local pool. It was wonderful.
Then met my dear HeartM8 for breakfast coffee and some shopping.
Came home to make a lunch for my dear friend Serai and her family and wished the time we spent together today was longer as I had to rush it to get to SweetP in time.
My whole family came in to the waiting area which surprised him somewhat, and they were joking about not being weird and not doing anything to appear odd and generally larking around and we were all laughing and in he walks. And he thinks he is taking me upstairs and I have to intervene and explain he is actually meeting my family. This did throw him somewhat. Poor man.

Then I go into the session and I am still mostly on party mode and the good time had with friends and suddenly - bham - I remember what I left with him last time and I suddenly want to really and truly run out the door. I tried to laugh it off as funny but I really did want to do a runner. That brought me down to earth with a bump.

So he talks about that, and unfortunately I don't actually HEAR any of it, I seemed to go off somewhere very still and very quiet and very far away. So god alone knows what he actually said. I think it was about me learning to find ways to be safe but actually I have no idea. Frowner

Then I try to explain that I don't want to work deeply with him if he is going to walk away from me suddenly and actually he already has said that he will only work with me for a year and that then he will end, and I am worried that I don't know how I will be in a year and that it will hurt terribly and to be honest I would rather not start than go through the pain that I went through with NewFinder, all over again with him. I was trying very hard to let him know that I already have attachment and dependency issues with him and that already I am finding one week a long time between sessions. I just found that so difficult to articulate.

He looked up in his notes and saw that he had originally agreed to only one hour every two weeks for a year maximum. He asked me how I felt with that. What I felt with that was despair and panic and hopelessness but I did not feel able to tell him that. I tore up a paper tissue into pieces and wondered what to say. I WANTED to brave it out and say ' Hey fine by me, no probs" but I just could not lie either. So I asked if I HAD to tell the truth about what I was thinking and feeling and he said yes. So I said that I found that I felt hopeless. That it is hopeless. That was about all I could say. It was really difficult and hard to admit that even. I felt so exposed. I don't really like him knowing how vulnerable and attached I do feel right now.

Somewhere in all that I did manage to talk about how I felt that what I needed was to be able to safely talk and say the things the hurt so much inside and process them with someone who could help me understand them and see them less hurtingly and that I felt that all the theories about therapy were fine to a point, and that he had supervision and his supervisor had supervision but that they don't have too small and tight boxes about things because what matters the most is the heart and what feels right from the heart. And he agreed. Fortunately.

He asked me what I thought in general about therapists ending with their clients cos the therapist thinks the client has finished and the client does not. I think I said that I felt it should be negotiated by both parties. He did say he had not finished with someone when they were still in crisis. Well that sounded hopeful but then I did wonder if I would stay in crisis longer just in case he ended me.

I hate the NHS and its underfunding and how it just makes it so hard for people to have the help they really need. He agreed. Technically I think he has more lee way than he is letting on. But he does not want to offer me more than he is prepared to fight for and he is not sure how much he could fight for, for me. I left it with him to think about and we are meeting New Year's Eve for another session. (it is a bit weird meeting on this festive days.)

He said again something about me having skipped stages in development and that they are showing up now and that I skillfully filled in the gaps in various ways and with various coping mechanisms but actually it would be a good idea to have those gaps filled in.

I said something about fearing the dependency and yet knowing that we all had to go through dependency at some stage in order to grow and try out independence.

He said that I was not sheltered, growing up, and yet in another way I was sheltered, like being naive, a bit.

I talked about how I saw an Oprah Winfrey interview of four child molesters and how I felt horribly astonished that they could talk about what they did and why, so graphically, so casually, and I cannot talk about what was done to me. THEY can talk and I can't. I felt pretty confused and frustrated by that, and a little bit angry too maybe.

He also said how he hoped I would keep disclosing. That it IS helpful in the long run. And he asked me that if things were in place for me to work with him, would I be happy to work with him? I nodded.

I told him that I can often be talking in this room and I am not relating to HIM at all, but to some transference - that I am responding to him as though he were someone else. He said he was aware that sometimes I am in a very different place in myself but that it would be more helpful if I could point it out when it is happening. I hope I can.

Having written all this up and tried to remember the important bits, the actual important bit is:
that he listens to me and he cares and he hears and he is sensitive and respectful of where I am and I feel that inside. I feel heard and met and human.
I walk away and feel that in me. It is a very good feeling. It is the glow that I felt before. It is a good feeling. It makes life very nice. It is a lightness and warmth in the mind and in the heart.

I do remember saying to him quite strongly that I am a person not a thing. I don't want to be treated like a thing. I am a person, I have feelings too. That must have been coming out of the times when I was abused.
When I left I gave him my small gifts and card and he seemed touched by that. I also gave him the extract - the short version of telling - that NewFinder read out on September 29th. So he will have read that too by the time I see him in a weeks time. All this revealing is very exposing and very hard but I keep hoping it is the way through.
I don't know about him enough. In a way I need an extremely skilled psychotherapist/psychiatrist and he is not that, and he is not specialised in trauma work or attachment work but he wants to help and thinks he can. I just worry that my littlest me has attached to him and will get hurt. That I should go for the very best this time instead of the person who happened to be there when it was falling apart with the counselor.
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Hi ((Sadly))
I'm sorry as I've been one to read your thread and not respond at all - please forgive me Frowner I will be honest and say I don't know how to help Frowner You were clearly in a very questioning place when you posted the thread and I'm hoping you might be feeling a bit better now! What brought up these doubts about SweetP?? You and your littlies seem to like him so much and he seems to understand you and have a sincere desire to help!! If you're like me, sometimes when I get close to someone I pull back and find all kinds of reasons to pull back and that isolates me and hurts me even more! Of course it's to do with attachment, transference, dependency and feeling vulnerable all at once but to move forward we have to try and breathe through the doubts, take the risk that this person will utilise those feelings to help us!!
You've quoted SweetP making comments like you skipped stages in development and they are showing up now plus other things that show he really is qualified to deal with whatever happens!!
I know I haven't said much that could be of help but I truly am thinking of you and hope you just go gently with yourself and stay with SweetP for now. Also I like the idea of an appot on New Year's Eve - what a great way to say goodbye to the old and in with the new!!
Why have 70 people read this and no one left a comment? Isn't that a bit voyeuristic?

Half of those views are probably those who visit and don’t post… And about the voyeurism comment… I’m sure no one was sexually turned on by reading your post and not responding, and no one was spying on you since you posted your blog post on an open forum. I am sorry that you feel that way though. Not that I recommend this… but if you continue to feel that way an easy solution would be to keep your blog posts on your blog.

Personally, I read most of your post, I just didn’t have any comments. I don’t think you asked any questions, and it seemed like you were just processing. Sorry you were bothered by no one responding.
Thanks both of you, I guess I have not got used to this forum posting yet, and I guess when I read a post from someone else, I always try and comment because otherwise it seems rude, but I am beginning to realize that other people don't see it that way. It is more impersonal to them.
So I guess that I need to get my head around that more. I post because I am communicating, and I rather hope people will communicate back. I suppose, and this is where it gets REALLY personal, it must trigger my stuff about 'people don't care" as there were and have been so many times in my past where I have had to talk and people have just not wanted to know or did not care. So part of my posting must be about 'does anyone care". Hmmmm. That is interesting, isn't it. So I am interpreting 70 people reading it and no one commenting as ' they DON'T care about ME, they are just cruising this site and reading whatever takes their fancy" regardless that there is a real person on the end of that post, posting.
I might delete THIS post, it is feeling VERY vulnerable saying all this.
The internet takes quite some getting used to. Who ARE all these people? I guess some of them may be trainee therapists or therapists peering in to see if they can learn something from us - like looking down a microscope at some interesting specimen. (ouch, my triggers are going again!). But I guess some are some genuine therapees/clients who are also finding therapy tough and feel relief to hear what we write, but are too nervous or shy of posting anything. That is the most gracious way to think about it.
I hope I am not offending anyone by saying all this, I am just vulnerable about posting and yet I post because I want to hear what others DO think but I am so vulnerable that it is scary posting too and scary knowing that so many people read this.
Who ARE all these people? I guess some of them may be trainee therapists or therapists peering in to see if they can learn something from us - like looking down a microscope at some interesting specimen. (ouch, my triggers are going again!)

Hello ((Sadly))
My dear lady
Really it doesn't matter - there are so many in lurkdom (as certainly I was) who sussed out the site before becoming members and contributing!! There may be trainees or whatever reading our posts but who cares - no-one knows us and if they can learn from all that is discussed in our community, I'm happy with that!! Why?? We have a very intelligent, caring and a pretty good constructive community and it probably blows a few minds away that we, in this community, who acknowledge that we have some difficulties, can very often offer comfort to each other, bring about acceptance and enlighten each other about so many issues, just by our own experiences!! Yes, to me, it does appear you have been triggered!! I do understand but again ask you to **breathe** through this - get back to mindfulness!!
Many Hugs (((Sadly)))

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