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Is feeling a bit relieved that the world is ending tomorrow as it saves me from a great deal of guilt about many decisions, not the least of which is eating 5 different kinds of candy yesterday.

that cracked me up STRM - good to see with all you're going through your sense of humour can still kick in!!

oh, it is the 21st here and so far, looking good!!!
I love mayo. In fact, I'm hoping to go get a sandwich with garlic mayo on it today. But, I don't like when it's gooped all over stuff. That's friggin' disgusting. A light layer will suffice, thank you. And yeah, smelling, hearing and seeing someone else eating goopy mayo would be nasty. I got a mushroom-swiss burger for lunch yesterday and they put a TON of mayo on it and I had to disassemble and wipe it down with napkins.
Hehe. About to go hiking with a friend. Smiler It's so unusually hot lately though!

PF, in one of my classes we watched a full CBT session (from the 80's, so big hair and puffy sleeves galore). Given, it was not our professor who was also a T, but it was still a session to watch and it was pretty interesting actually. Anywho, kudos on the exam. I can definitely understand why being on the other side is weird!
Hi everyone.....feeling very alone & lonely tonight. I read alot of the threads here, and I guess it seems like some of you have husbands & kids or a lot of interaction with friends.
I feel so alone, a lot of the time. I do have a big family, brothers & sisterss, nieces & nephews, but at this point in my life I am so alone. My husband died two years ago, and my 25 yr. old son moved out a month ago. (on my birthday no less)
Anyway - I'm 45, and feel so lost. I fear that I am starting to use food or boose when I am so lonely. I don't have much money fo go out & do things, and I'm not sure how to meet other people. I miss being married so much. I am so alone in this house. I asked my adult niece to move in with me, and she has, but I soon discovered that she works a lot of hours, and mostly 2nd shift - when I'm home.
I don't mean to sound so pathetic, but some days it just gets to me. I sent my T a text today, and she hasn't responded. I know she is out of town, and possibly not within cell phone service. Or perhaps she is just too busy with family and life to deal with me. That hurts as well. The really sad thing is that I want to use food or alcohol to make me feel better, which sometimes it does, but the after affects aren't so much fun.
And then I feel even more pathetic, that I'm here posting, (please - no offense to anyone here, I have grown to cherish you all). I'm just struggling tonight, and need some company........sadness is not a good companion.
Hi Garg-

Welcome. This is a great place to get support and information and compassion. There are many wise folks here and we all understand sadness and lonliness.

Most of us are or have been in therapy- so we all have our twists, turns and stories about that too. Browse and post as you need to, and welcome! Smiler

That feeling of being on your own, whether you are surrounded by people or not, is one of the hardest. I am sorry that it's so hard for you, but do reach out to friends here, because ther is genuine care.....and there'll be somebody, somewhere up and reading whatever hour of your day and night. (((gargyle))

I have a phone interview for that 1/2 time admin job at 9:30 AM (if H gets out of his shower in time for me to go do it, sheesh). Wish me luck. My number one hope is just that both the boss and I get a good impression right away of whether it will be a good fit. I'd hate to waste time doing two or three more interviews and then find out that the salary or department "culture" wasn't right for me. If it's meant to be, I'm praying it goes smoothly.

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