After a couple of days of thinking, all I could come up with was Chaos, Horror, Insanity, positive meaning at all. Nothing any good, for sure.
That's what it was like to witness what I did, to experience what I did, to say goodbye to the 4 people in my life who killed themselves. To have my power and options taken away from me by people who said it was their job to "help me". To feel abused by them, humiliated, drugged and shocked.
Today I was able to tell her I was a witness in the hospitals those 9 years to the pain and experience of people no one cared about. I was there watching and listening to people who had become my friends when no one else saw, or heard, or wanted to.
I am a nurse. I witnessed the ridiculousness of today's medical model psych system in action as a patient through a patient's eyes and a nurse's eyes and I work(ed) in this same system as a nurse (working in it has been really painful and crazymaking).
She encouraged me to allow this unsettledness and pain, to allow the meaning to unfold in my life by being open to it, watching for it, and being willing to change the "I'm a victim, life sucks" mode into something where I have gained power and can turn it around into something good.
What meaning this has or will have, I have no idea, but hope and a drive to recover, a drive toward something better than this is still inside.
I thought my job was going to bring this power and meaning but the job itself balanced out the power thing into some power and success leveled by the reality of being a bystander and witness to patients' (learned hopeless and helpless) choices plus being locked into my role inside an archaic system, limited in what I could actually offer.
What positive meaning can this level of uninvited rudely interrupting mental pain have in anyone's life?