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My daughter and grandson was in Wally World the other day and she had to take him to the restroom. Below is her description of the event. JFYI, he will be 5 in July.

Leave it to your child to out you! In Wal-Mart bathroom... stall next to me is making horrendous noises... I make an icky face... and he says, "Mom, why are you making that face? Cause that woman is pooping loud?" LOL

That is my boy, just say it as it it!
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Marsh- when my little girl was only a teeny tiny tot of 2 and a half- I had not entered therapy yet, so I still believed in spankings. Frowner
After a particularly naughty action on her part, I swatted her bum Frowner and said "no, no." Well- I'll be darned if she didn't put her tiny, chubby hands on her hips and very assertively say: "Mommy- when you give me a spank like that, it makes Jesus *VERY* unhappy!!"

"Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings"...and sometimes our kids teach us more than we teach them!

I still don't know whether to laugh or cry over that one... she's a tough one to keep up with that's for sure! Big Grin

BTW- what did your daughter do? Run out in a hurry? That's what I would have done! Big Grin

BB stated:
"Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings"...and sometimes our kids teach us more than we teach them!

Isn't it amazing that we think at times they really aren't paying any attention to lessons we hope they will understand and remember. But then....they come up with these statements and can stun us with their inner sight and understanding! Draggers said:
"beebers.well i guess that told you then!lol"

BB stated:
BTW- what did your daughter do? Run out in a hurry? That's what I would have done!

My daughter stated:
I came out of that stall just hoping we could get out of there before she came out! Of course, that is the time he's a stickler for remembering to wash his hands! I could feel the heat in my face...but luckily, or maybe unluckily, she was having some major issues and didn't come out until we were gone. Heck, she was probably as mortified as I was and stayed in there on purpose!! Lol

Draggers stated:
i took my daughter into the toilets once in a supermarket,did what we had to do, was walking out and she spotted the tampax and condom machines and turns to me and says," mum can i have some sweets please?" the whole room was full up with women who were just crying with laughter....and cried even more when i said "not today darling ,i dont think they would taste very nice!" oh and then she said "oh but they have banana flavoured ones it says!"

You know what Draggers, all of those women that were crying with laughter were probably thinking to themselves that they were just lucky that it was happening to you and not to them! I know that I would have found it very funny as well but I would be thanking my lucky stars that it wasn't happening to me!

I know that I have had times of funny but yet embarrassing times with my kids when they where young as well. Eeker
I have a funny one. (Gosh all mine are around religion, I hope it doesn't sound like I'm trying to push--honestly I'm not) Here goes-

In our church this time of year, we say to eachother in greeting, instead of hello, "Christos Voskres!" (Christ is Risen) the response is "Truly Risen"...only- somebody said "Christos Voskres" to my little girl, and she responded very loudly and joyfully with: "AND...He is not naughty!!" Big Grin

her hee!
Boo is potty trained (well, as of like last week or the week before). She is mostly using the big toilet, with a seat mounted on, but she also has a floor potty that my sister bought, which looks like a frog. Anyway, the insert in it (where the peepee and poopoo go) is blue and is shaped just perfectly to be...a hat! She kept wearing it around and saying, "Look, Mommy! I a cowboy!" So, since I don't want my daughter wearing something like that on her head, I told her we'd buy her a cowgirl hat for being potty trained (since she is going most nights completely dry too). We went to the party store and found a couple of cheap, straw cowboy hats. She was wearing it all the time in the first few days, and kept saying...

Boo: "Mommy, I have cowboy on my head!"

Me: "That's a cowgirl hat. You have a cowgirl hat on your head!" (Sometimes I would say cowboy too, I use both with her, who cares?).

Boo: "Noooo, Mommy! It's not a cowgirl hat. It's a cowboy...on my heeeeaaaaad!" (sing-songy)

Love my little girl. So, I've given up and accepted that my daughter wears a cowboy on her head...
He he I like this thread !!! Smiler
Children are such great philosophers - Thats one of many things I love about my job, I´m a preschool teacher.

One of my favorites is from my daughter. She was five years old and had brand new sneakers. This day she wanted to wear them to school, but it was a rainy day and I told her
"no, I wouldn´t do that if I were you"

She stood there still an quiet for a moment, obviously thinking really hard, then she said
"If you where me... then who would I be?????"
in the wild, eh? wow... Big Grin that is so funny, moomin!

My kids are both going through the bathroom humor stage. They think it is hysterically funny to sing nursery songs or kid's tv show songs and replace significant words with "poop" "pee" or "bum-bum." So we have: Bob the Pooper (hahahahahahaha) and so on. It is DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!!
Mama, that's great. I have this very silly picture of an elliptical machine sitting in the middle of the jungle. Big Grin

Beebs, I feel your pain. Both my girls are the same way. There is a way I use it to my advantage. If I want to get a really great smile for a picture, all I have to do is use the word "butt" in a sentence and *click* - beautiful smiles every time. Big Grin

Yesterday they told me they are going to quit school (which they think is dreadfully boring and totally unnecessary) and sell snow cones to save up enough money to start their own business. They are 8 and 10. I let them run a snow cone stand today but said they couldn't quit school. Trying to find a way to encourage their ambition and also let them learn reality is...interesting. And can be fun, if I let it be.

The snow cones WERE pretty awesome. They raised $7.00. I bought most of them. Roll Eyes


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