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I am sorry I am posting so much, I am just... confused in my therapy?

Winter is coming in Canada, and it’s now quite cold outside. Last session T’s office was quite cold too, since it was early in the morning.

T offered me a cup of hot water, to keep my hands warm. It was just a normal mug but it was warm, and it was comfort. I did not think twice about it, it was a great idea in winter (well, cold wintery autumn).

Holding a warm mug. Warmth, comfort, holding. What a good therapeutic image.

But I find myself weirdly… disturbed by it. With a sort of longing for it, of desperation for this warmth and comfort I can never accept otherwise. My T never hugged me, and I made it clear it was not something I could deal with, so it is not even near the realm of possibilities, but the question of offering “warm support” and “care” has been challenging, as they are things I do not think I deserve, which I most of the time struggle to accept and feel very guilty about afterwards. I accepted this warm mug, and now, I find myself craving for it, for more, so much more, so many forbidden things. I want her to care, to protect, to hold me. So many things I can’t have. I have felt those feelings already in the past, I feel them every time I “go mad”. They are the feelings which hurt so much that I will be a monster to feel some relief. When I feel them, I become a monster.

It was just a mug of hot water, how can I feel so… craving, longing, just because of that? I am amazed by how easy it is to activate those ‘primal needs’, and whether I can survive them, going through them again. My guess is that therapy is probably about going through them, adapting, but it still means I must first have them.

I remembered this brilliant post about touch in therapy and those questions:

“I wish I could hug you, but its probably against the rules?”

What if I had asked: What rules Michael? Perhaps they were his own internal, unspoken rules and parameters – a mandate that his primitive dependence not be activated in any setting that could not truly contain him. If I hadn’t hugged him could we have maintained an alliance through the break? Did I activate primal needs impossible for either of us to contain?

I don’t know what my ‘rules’ are, and I am guessing that, probably, I can survive if they are broken. The rules say I must never be cared for. I am just afraid of what any bigger risk will bring, if a mere warm mug triggers the Self-Hate and Despair. And the longing, impossible to satisfy: I would buy the same mug, the same shoes, I would try to re-create T to keep her from disappearing while knowing I will lose her, and the pain leaves me shaking. And I will hate myself for this (and SI. And of course, I can’t tell T I would SI for this reason).

I write this to process it, and... to know if you have experienced similar things, and how on earth you 'survived' it?

(I will probably take this away when I will get scared)
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Thank you SP.

I just feel so guilty and ashamed for feeling that. And yet, missing "that" (care, whatever) so much. (and yeah, going back for one more loop of guilt).

I am at loss to see how to exist feeling that I "need" it to go on and at the same time that I should not exist because I want it. I just have to do it, but it is so... painful.

Wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you... I wish I could articulate this response better, but I do experience similar feelings. As far as surviving... sometimes I think baby steps are helpful. I think part of the intensity really feels like it's from grieving the past, longing for things unfulfilled from the past. And then surviving involves slowly testing the waters of tolerance for care in the present. Taking one little victory at a time of adapting to the even concept of deserving care. Slowly, gently, removing the negative labels for your feelings, and just saying... these are my reactions. Sometimes I think a lot of guilt is alleviated when we are able to see feelings as just being there, instead of being wrong feelings or desires. I'm so sorry the process is painful Frowner

I'm so glad you are writing, I think that writing these things really helps sort out what our 'rules' are, and I believe finding out what those are for you will be another key in going forward. I hope you will feel safe enough to leave up...

Thank you AH, thank you a lot for your answer.

Sometimes I think a lot of guilt is alleviated when we are able to see feelings as just being there, instead of being wrong feelings or desires.

It's very true... I just don't know how to do that, but yes... baby steps, one day, maybe, I will stop feeling that everything is painful. I am just in the middle of realising how much I can't get (because getting just a little awoke all the wanting parts of me) and...
I need to find ways to deal with the fact that she (T) is not here, and to find ways to comfort myself in the experience of the absence, because... it's terrible how lost I feel. I feel I'm the kitten that falls out of the basket containing the other kittens, I am out, in the cold, and there is nothing I can do, because, well, that's life.

Thank you. Sorry I have so many feelings to process

Just wanted to say I thought this was a beautifully imagined and sensitively written post. Seasonal changes throughout the course of therapy have been evocative for me, too. In fact T and I are just coming up to our third winter together. Smiler

Some of my most memorable therapy moments are coming into the warmth and comfort of her office when it's been cold outside, or raining, or dark (we often have evening sessions.) They are good images. And I think you are right that holding a warm mug is a wonderful therapeutic image as well. Personally, I think it would be even better if you had a teabag to dunk in it, but that is just me. Smiler

Re: taking in comfort without being overwhelmed, maybe you can just start small like others are suggesting. Since this image/experience with the mug of hot water seems to speak to you powerfully, maybe you could just keep going with that until it's less overwhelming? Maybe even bring your own thermos with tea or coffee or something if you want to repeat the experience (sort of) but think T might not keep offering and/or you don't want to ask? I'm just thinking out loud and throwing out ideas.

I couldn't manage a hug, either. I don't even want T to hug me. I think it would feel threatening somehow. But cyberhugs are okay, so here is one for you--


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