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Who else has their breakfast at two am? That’s the way it is these days. I sleep when I can and when brain says so.

My 'holiday' is in fact me using up my 'Super' $ while I recuperate from my latest bout of rejection. I figured I've earned a break after forty three years in the profession of nursing.

I knew what I was up against in this last job when boss turned out to be a sociopath. The profession is rife with them. I thought I could handle her for a few years until she targeted me. I lasted four years, a personal best.

What's the use of staying in a place when all ones power is removed? I had tried every trick in the book to lay low, and out of range, but she had all the expertise my mother had in orchestrating one against the other. And her inaction resulted in very low staff moral, staff shortages, resulting in substandard nursing care and one very unhappy me. HR were involved when she handed them bullets to shoot me down with her lies. At least I was given the choice to resign.

In my adult way of thinking and feeling I feel OK. I 'lost' that job for all the right reasons, but child me wants to hide away from the world for a little longer until she is ready to face more rejection in the next job. I only have four more years to go before retirement then I will be finally out of that job for good.

Funny how I set myself up in a profession that resembles that of my family system. A lot of years have been wasted in that job trying to please and appease those like them. It resulted in the triggering of much angst which I must admit was great for therapy.

It ended with a better sense of me and an awakening of how much integrity I have obtained over the years of fighting for what is right in my profession, myself, and life in general.

I continue to hide under my wee rock, and sooth the child with twice weekly sessions.

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Funny how I set myself up in a profession that resembles that of my family system. A lot of years have been wasted in that job trying to please and appease those like them.

(((Muff))) very interesting, and it never occurred to me that I did the very same thing in my profession. An ephiphany of sorts when I read your words today.

life so often puts us right where it needs us to be to get to the truth; even when it shakes us to the core.

your subject line so fitting: "the way it is."


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