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I am back again to whine about my therapist and app't times.

As a refresher, in December my therapist totally missed an app't, it was an accident, he apologized, I forgave him easily.

April comes around, he again totally misses an app't, I get pissed at him, he apologizes and we talk, he admits that he is going to have to work really hard to regain my trust. After prodding and my questioning , he admits that i am right to question his sub-concious feelings towards me and that he really needs to work on that shit, and he is going too. I forgive him, am cautious but we move on.

Since the missed session, we have had two sessions, the angry one and then the last one. The last one as actually pretty good, I kept it light, he didn't push me too much, we talk about my feelings towards him. I left feeling confident that we were back on track. At both of these sessions I told my therapist that I will soon have to go to another city 1.5 hours away for work for three days, since we meet on Wednesday i will miss our app't but i would like to rebook hopefully on the Friday. He told me he usually had spots on Fridays. (he only works Monday Wednesday and Fridays.

Last friday i got notice that i am going away this week (or that I got funding to go this week or next)I called him right away asking to rebook for this coming Friday, I called at 2 in the afternoon. I asked him to call me back. Nothing on Friday, He worked Monday I didn't hear anything, I left my office and cell number on the message.

Monday, I am sicker then a dog I can't work to book my work app'ts for this week in the other city and due to the nature of my work I have to keep my visits as surprize as possible. Means that I am not going away this week. So this morning (Tuesday) I call him before 9 am and tell him that my trip has been cancelled and I can meet on Wednesday or Friday, whatever is best for him, please call me. It is 8:30 at night, no call yet. I know he didn't work at that office today but he can check his message remotely and has called me back on his non office days.

I don't know if I have an app't tomorrow or not. I don't have an app't booked for Friday. Part of me wants to ask him to send me a copy of my file, and then tell him to f off, part of me wants to call his supervisor, part of me wants to ask for a break till September and part of me is trying to forgive and forget. I am not going tomorrow unless i get a call, that i have decided, I am not wasting my time walking 25 mins to not have an app't, and then have to walk back.

Am I being unreasonable?
How would you react?
What would you do?
esp given that this is coming less then 3 weeks since the missed app't.

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1. You are not being unreasonable. He should have gotten back to you by now.

2. I would start projecting all sorts of nonsense from it about how T is trying to stress-test me or hopes that if he waits long enough I will quit on him or just no show. In reality, my T schedules stuff late almost every week for clients like me that don't have a regular slot, so I should know it has nothing to do with me. I would also start ****potentially triggering**** worrying like crazy about my T's potential health/safety.

3. I would probably text my T and politely remind him I needed to know (while at the same time being really freaked out about it and trying not to let it show). The longer it took me to hear back, the more freaked out I would get. Last time, my plan was just to show up anyway, but in that case, it was that my appointment was either 8 or 9, so the worst would have been I'd have to wait an hour.

What would I LIKE to do? I'd like to be comfortable enough to just maturely say, "Hey, your non response is freaking me out and not cool, especially after our recent issues. Get back to me in the next day and please let me know what's going on that I can't get a hold of you right now." I can usually do that AFTER I've had these problems and seen him again, but not while they're still being resolved.
I do not think you are over-reacting. Your T seems to be acting a bit flakey when it comes to scheduling. I would be very annoyed by this, but I'm a stickler for schedules and getting things planned in advance. I find it disrespectful when people leave me hanging. If it were me, I'd ahve another discussion with T about this.

What ended up happening?
Hi Ladies,

Thanks for your replies.

In the end mt T called me at 8:35 the Wednesday morning. So maybe I missed his Tuesday message checking? Either way I didn't say anything, I was distracted. I bought a house the night before, it was all i wanted to talk about. It means alot to me because i am moving across the city. I love my present house but my new one is much closer to my family, which means I can move forward with with the next big project, having a baby!

So I guess I didn't deal with it.

CNC - Glad he got back to you eventually. I know it would be nice to know exactly what happened, but I don't think you absolutely need to "deal with it," if it feels OK to let go of it. If it comes up again, for sure, let him know. But, sometimes we can process stuff on our own and those feelings can be worked out internally without needing T as a part of the process. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. However, like I said, if it surfaces again...then probably something to discuss with T. Or, if you're still kind of irked, maybe just let him know, "I realize it probably wasn't about me, but I wanted to let you know this was bothering me, in case it comes up again some other time."

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