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So, my therapist .. so far I like her i think.. lol..

anyways... she wants to talk to my primary care doctor about my pain conditions and diseases because her and the supervisor want to try and understand more about the interaction of my pain, mobility issues, PTSD issues, depression and insomnia... pulling apart the mind/body thing I suppose?

My thing is that I dont get WHY? Or HOW one can based on what my medical doctor says being that he's kinda a dud anyways. =/ They know my medical care is inadequate and I guess they wan tto try and help but I guess I feel cynical about it all however I DON"t understand Why i feel this way. I do a little but not a lot....

Anyone have any thoughts. reflections on this...

Shrinklady, im particularly curious about your perspective as a therapist as to why this might be important?

I agreed figuring.. whatever but I guess I don't understand how this will Really help me b/c I do not see how anyone can really pull those things apart anyhow...

I somewhat feel like maybe they are grasping at straws? i dont know

From a very perturbed butterfly warrior
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