Don't feel like a jerk. It was brave of you to express how you were feeling. And I've certainly had those feelings even with a small reschedule. The first time I ever expressed anger at my T was over a cancellation.
And I have a little story, I'm hoping might make you feel better. Or at least not alone.
My husband and I had a couples' appt scheduled for a Wednesday night (and I had already re-scheduled a badly needed hair cut to accomodate it) and I had an individual appt the following Tuesday morning. On Tuesday morning my husband had told me that he was going to have to work late on Thursday so I should feel free to go alone if I wanted to. Since getting through the time between appts was always excruiating, I jumped on the chance.
Tuesday afternoon, my T called me at the office to ask if he could move the appt from 5:30 on Wednesday to 5:30 on Thursday. Which of course directly cooresponded with my already re-scheduled appt.
I explained that to my T and said I'd be fine, I'd just see him on Tuesday. He checked again and asked if I was sure I was ok (I had told him I had been planning on coming alone) and I very calmly assured him that I was fine (and meant it and believed it.) I hung up the telephone and burst out into tears. Seriously noisy sobbing. I was totally embarrassed but I actually managed to pick the phone back up and put in a call to my Ts answering service telling him that on second thought I did want the appt. And then I emailed him and explained how I had reacted when I got off the phone and that I wanted to come in. He called me back and left a voice mail that we were on.
I drove down to that appt feeling like the world's biggest idiot and that my T must think I was a total wingnut. But when I got there, he was so incredibly complimentary about how I had handled it. He said it showed how it was very difficult for me to recognize my own needs when I was around other people, but that it had been really courageous of me to call back and ask for the appt once I realized I needed. And he was even more impressed that I was really honest about what happened and didn't try to make it sound like something else. But the time he was done EVEN I was impressed with me.
and it led to a really good open discussion of just how attached I was getting which really helped me understand how I was feeling and acting like I was.
It's ok for your therapist to know you're needy and you did a really good brave thing to call and let him know you were bothered.