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Hi Preppie Girl,

I think you’re onto something with the guess that they all meet somewhere, because my T is on vacation now too. Where do you think they would go? Is the meeting held somewhere different every year? Hmmmmm……. Lol.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, I don’t think you have to jump right back into the hard stuff. I think it’s helpful to just take a step back sometime. Maybe just talk about how you’re feeling in terms of your relationship with your T. I called my T yesterday and talked (actually he talked while I cried) for awhile. I have a million things going on right now, and sessions have felt really difficult, but all I really needed was reassurance about our relationship- and I definitely feel like I got that. Maybe you could call her and just express your concerns about how intense therapy is?

Hi, PG...I just saw your thread here. I am sorry that stuff ended up being so hard. But I do think the nature of it is that it just has to go really slow with what you are dealing with. Try to know that while you are frustrated it will get easier in time, though it may seem like forever. It's hard to get into stuff. I never talked about the deeper stuff until recently with a "differnt" T than my T. ugh, I also don't want to go back. It's just hard. I'm sorry I'm not much help, but I just wanted to offer some support, is all. Hope it is getting better soon.

Yeah, I want a quick fix, too, though I know it isn't probably the way it can work maybe...yeah...YOU are the Ice Cream Queen, PG!! Thanks for the smiles, too.

Yeah, my situations weird because I have a T who I meet via video conference and email only. I know that seems confusing, how is such a thing possible, but when I first signed up for "phone counseling" I didn't realize how bad my attachment could get over that medium. I picked him cause he seemed the best fir at the time, and it would be hard to find someone with his background and outlook locally. Some close to me warned me, not a good idea, how can he help you from so far away? Guess they were right. Now I'm kinda stuck, though. Frowner


Keep us posted how it goes for you until your T gets back, if you want...
Aw, thanks so much, PG...well, I am in a bit of a pickle as I never could meet him in person, he is actually overseas. When I originally signed up, I thought he was 8 or so hours away, which is too far, yet we drive through there from time to time, so I had thought it could be possible to see him in person once or twice, and also do the phone counseling.
That turned out not to be the case...(outdated website) so I now meet him on computer, and that is all it will ever be, as he has moved overseas. Well, and I had found him because my needs were quite specific, and I did not think a therapist existed anywhere who would deal with them as they were, yet , he seemed to really specifically fit the bill. Well, it is maybe the best for me, right now, but I never know...I don't trust another, or especially in person easily. I do have a spiritual director I meet with locally. Which is tremendously scary.

We'll see where it goes...thanks for asking!

So, how is the vacation going so far?? What's up today?


I'm sorry that you dealt with such hard material right before a vacation. That is really tough. I hope the remaining time passes quickly for you!

As far as going slow vs going fast, my T always tells me that "the slower we go, the faster we'll get there." It is so hard to not go fast, but when you bite off so much at once it can get overwhelming in a hurry and then ultimately that slows you down.

Oh yes, I know what you mean! I have many intermingling issues and it's like once that can of worms is open then they all come flooding out. It's not that I'm trying to go too fast, but rather it all seems to be so interconnected that I can't stop it once it starts. However, with my T's help, I am able to take little small pieces of it and work on them slowly and not have to go in there and bite off an entire chunk all at once. Something that I found helpful in the beginning of talking about it was to talk about the fact that it was hard to talk about it. Sounds weird, but just talking about the sensations that came up in my body at the mere thought of talking about the hard stuff helped to ease into actually talking about the hard stuff later on.

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