What's love got to do with it?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pu8KFlfzk3Y I dunno. I've been thinking about this thread and the questions it raises. I used to feel fairly certain that T loved me and I felt that way for awhile. I even said the "L word" to her a couple times, and although she did not reciprocate, I could sense she was touched, and pleased, and accepting and I felt it hanging in the air unspoken and was content.
Now I am not so sure. The impression did not last forever. Perhaps I was in some kind of transference la la land at the time. Then again, I wonder if it really matters. I believe in her basic caring and good will, I think.
Then again, I've been a bit annoying in therapy the last couple months, I believe. I've been skeptical about whether she's the right T, and uncertain how long I want to continue therapy and at what intervals. I've also been indecisive about how I want to work and what I'm even doing there. I think I see more of a way forward now so maybe the magic will start to come back. Who knows?
I was also thinking about what you wrote here and wanted to say I don't think severe abuse or trauma is necessary to make someone an insecure nervous wreck (not that I'm saying you are one either! but you get the idea). Emotional neglect, parents who are overly preoccupied with their own problems, or angry, or rejecting of their child's core self in some way (and I think many people may be at times because they never learned to accept their own vulnerability) can all make for a feeling of emotional invisibility that later makes connecting authentically with others scary, amongst other things.
Idk, I guess I'm just trying to say I don't think you need a trauma history to "justify" the symptoms or feelings. But you probably know all this already.
Just thinking out loud.