Thanks both of yous.
Smilingpenguin: Hi
The T explained at that start that it wasn't time limited - but that the expectation is that it doesn't stretch to years - or questions would be asked. I know there will be a review at 6mths and that a second 6mths can be offered. So, I have to think within that kind of time frame.
I've had previous experience (I would write 'help' but on the whole there wasn't any actual help) from the NHS. I did have counselling a few years ago, but it was stopped abruptly and that was really really awful. I was in a complete mess and eventually got seen by a psychiatrist and diagnosed with complex PTSD. I am dissociative - and I can't control it very well. I do recognise it happening these days, which is progress of sorts I guess. The pysch said 6 weeks CBT wouldn't help, sent me for assessment and they recommended 6 weeks CBT (in direct contradictionn to the psych advice). I didn't go - had enough of being passed round the system by then.
You are so right about checking out. I check out so fast. I do say so. I suddenly realise that I am talking, but have no feelings - and I say that I don't. She just says its protective mechanisms. Sometimes I stay checked out for hours or days afterwards. Sometimes feelings hit me the minute I leave her office - then I am a complete state in the ladies toliets - which is quite frightening and somehow reinforces the loneliness. When that happens I do tell her the next session. She hasn't made any suggestion about how to cope with that, other than not to drive until I'm ok (not really possible if it takes 3 days to come too after a session!). Like you I go someplace in my head often - and like you end up in a complete fug afterwards. I guess I am meant to ground myself somehow?
The sessions seem to end abruptly. The T has commented that she feels bad putting me out at the end of the hour. If feelings catch up with my in the room - I still have to leave - even if I'm crying. So, the last few sessions I've just been numb. It's too hard to leave feeling stuff. She has been working at RC for 8 years - so must have meet a lot of survivors - I'm guessing how I am isn't unusual. Your open and honest reply to me has helped loads Pengs - I'm not alone being this way.
Hope all is well with you. Thanks again.
TN: thanks for your welcome. Yes, absolutely I was in reporter mode. I was trying to talk about things I cant normally talk about. I have no idea how to process it - it all feels like it happened to someone else who is me and not me if that makes sense. Different stuff happened to different bits of me, that are not me-now. I know I have feelings about it as those feelings sometimes hit like a tsunami and overwhelm me (but not in therapy sessions). I've very dissociative - I try to keep this hidden - even in therapy. I have 'reported' how this is for me - but I dont want her to see. I worry I will chucked out of therapy (again) if any of it shows. Not that this is why the previous NHS therapy ended - it was just decided my stuff was too complicated for primary care and I was referred to secondary care who decided I was ok - until I ended up in psychiatry... who then re-referred me for unsuitable short-term CBT. Scary. Makes me very, very nervous of letting anyone see.
It's no good just reporting stuff though.
Don't know what to do to be honest.