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Just something light hearted. Got the idea from BLT and pf's threads about most positive memories and 5 random facts. (Nothing like piggy backing off legends.) Wink

So here are the questions if you are interested and want to take part:

1. Your favourite hot drink?
2. Your favourite song of all time that always puts a smile on your face (hard to choose only one, but try)
3. The most powerful thing anyone has ever said to you (a positive one)
4. The funniest dog/cat/pets name you have ever heard?
5. When was the last time you felt the fire of your soul burning inside of you and what were you doing?

I will answer my own questions is a short to think about that song, coz I like so many.

No pressure, but if nobody answers I'm taking the thread off, because really there is nothing worse than not having your thread answered.
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Replies sorted oldest to newest

1. Horlicks
2. Van Morrison - Brown eyed girl (not even a song from my era, but it makes me happy?!)
3. "(B2W) it's not your fault" My whole life I believed it was my fault, so to hear that was extremely powerful.
4. A miniature doberman called Caesar. Looked more like a black olive on a caesar salad if you ask me
O mighty Caesar! dost thou lie so low? Are all thy conquests, glories, triumphs, spoils, shrunk to this little measure?
5. About 4 years ago sprinting in a race and coming second. Didn't even mind coming second coz she was way taller and a
national athlete (not a national sprinter...but still a national athlete), and she only just beat me. That day just after
the race the fire was burning in my soul and I wondered why I didn't do that more often.
1. Twinings Earl Grey Tea
2.This will be an everlasting love by Natalie Cole OR the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah (I beg of you mercy, it was hard enough picking only two Smiler)
3. Me: Why would you possibly love me? T: You let me.

4. Sinbad (he was our Newfoundland and LOVED to swim. Newfs have webbed feet and he would tow you into land if you held on to him.)

5. Having a mother call me back on the crisis line after I talked to her daughter and thank me while crying for helping her daughter, then going on to talk to me about how she was handling things. It was moment of crystal clear purpose.

B2W - Great questions and a lot of fun to answer. And I'm with you on Brown Eyed Girl. Van Morrison is a favorite singer of mine. Smiler
1. Lemon & ginger tea.
2. In Your Room - Depeche Mode.
3. "You're the best Mama a kid could have" - my son (9).
4. I have known a dog called Dog and a cat called Meow.
5. Yesterday. I volunteer as a reading tutor, one afternoon a week, at my son's school and it's easily the most fulfilling thing I've done in my life (aside from parenting).
Didn't have time to respond to all of you so here goes...

CTL: The Barbie song....mmmmmm sshh (only with your head phones ok!)Big Grin and I am sure there was a time you felt the fire light up in your soul, maybe you just forgot. Hope you find it someday!
Catalyst: Singing on stage - you are braver than me Kudos and I'm glad it lights your fire. If I sang on stage the audience might light the stage on fire Big Grin
AG: That number 3 answer is powerful! Glad you like brown eyed girl as well!
Landa: Love your number 4!
Dragonfly: You love work that much! Love the McNugget rooster name Big Grin
Nice posting!!

Here's mine, for your amusement:-

1. Yorkshire tea - strong with loads of sugar
2. Chain Reaction - Diana Ross, always makes me sing
3. My T. e-mailed me and said "you have so much inside you that you don’t acknowledge....YET!!" that made me so happy!!
4. A cat named Cooking Fat. Think about it, you come home from the pub slightly sozzled and call the cat in for the night Smiler
5. Probably when I brought flowers for my T on her Bday.
1. hot chocolate (can't stand tea or coffee or any variation on those- I am a chocolate girl all the way)
2.I'm not sure about favorite of all time, but when I want to feel better about life I usually listen to songs from the Broadway show Avenue Q. "It Sucks To Be Me" and "Schadenfreude."
And I agree with Lillies, Barbie Girl does make me smile! Even now, when I don't feel like smiling at all
3. T: you are very brave
4. A dog named Dude (and I also knew a dog named Dog!)
5. Fighting for the children of an African couple who had to flee the DRCongo (because of imminent death threats) by themselves (because of money) and then found out their children had to go on a waitlist for 5-7 years before they could join them. We got them out of the war-torn country and reunited all 7 children with their parents here in under one year.
1. Coffeeeeeee!!!! It saves my life!
2. Well I have 2. That's the Way It Is by Celine always gets me happy. It reminds me of the good moments from my childhood Smiler Also another Aqua song (not Barbie Girl bu I do like it very much) Dr. Jones puts me in a crazy dance around my room jam in the car party lovin life silly mood!
3. T: I adore you!
4. I had a dog named girl once. It's so embarrassing to this day. My cat is pretty hilarious, he thinks he's a dog Wink
5. Whenever I'm in those moments with T when she's just simply holding me and all I can hear is the sound of her heartbeat, wow, it's just so very peaceful and grounding and it makes me realize how loved I am for someone to actually let me hold on to them for as long as I need. It clears my mind, releases all my anxiety, and it fills me with this warmth that keeps me on this high for days! I love it!
1. Black coffee
2. Holiday Road from Lindsay Buckingham -"Vacation" movie theme makes me smile (Sweet Emotion from Aerosmith is all-time favorite song, period)
3. What do children need that robots don't need? (P.S. the answer: Love! T showing me I don't have to panic that my kids don't behave perfectly like robots like I had to when I was little)
4. Two come to mind, both chihuahuas: Pocket (as in "he fits in my...") and Tater Tot (those little round fried potato things).
5. Getting groceries for my friend when she hurt her back and couldn't, and driving my daughter-in-law to work once. I loooooove helping people and feeling needed.
.....and in the running commentary it seems tea is beating coffee but only by a hair, and then we have 2 weirdo's Horlicks and Hot Chocolate who have decided that their inner child is far more important than the statistics of such a bogus survey - Good on ya Horlicks and Hot Chocolate for standing your ground!...oh of course one of them is me - still I stand tall, even if in reality I am in fact quite short.

OK, no more insanity I'll keep that for therapy when I decide to go...

Avoidant: I think your number 3 is great. If that made you happy then deep inside you must KNOW there is a lot to acknowledge. I hope you work on that daily bit by bit!

BLT: Goldfish named after UN Secretary it maybe because UN Secretary Generals don't last very long and look like they are just swimming in circles?....oooh I have too many opinions (SSHHH B2W - this is not a political forum), but I like the names BLT!

Coco: What you did to help that family is fantastic! Kudos You must be so proud and I'm sure that they will be forever grateful to you. I for one am so thankful for people like you!

Diva: Your number 5 is lovely! I wish I had that.

Debbye: Your number 5. Sometimes it is the simplest things in life that count! It is so rewarding when you make people smile - I completely understand where you are coming from.


1. Your favourite hot drink?
Hot chocolate!

2. Your favourite song of all time that always puts a smile on your face (hard to choose only one, but try).
Doobie Brothers - What a fool believes. Lol. I have a lot of favorite songs and that one always makes me dance or at the very least, tap my foot.

3. The most powerful thing anyone has ever said to you (a positive one).
I don't actually have an answer to that one because I can't remember such things. Frowner. Nothing really stands out.

4. The funniest dog/cat/pets name you have ever heard?
Lol. My uncle has a parrot called 'Spanky'.

5. When was the last time you felt the fire of your soul burning inside of you and what were you doing?
Playing piano.

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