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Lots of posts here about people having to hang on between sessions, and T absences. I’m not at the point where it bothers me too much just yet (new T) but have been having a hell of a time getting through the days since my beloved cat died. Thought it might be interesting to see how different people deal with painful waiting time.

For me, something that is quite soothing and lets me focus on something simple that also stops me overthinking things is doing jigsaws (bit nerdy I know Big Grin ) but it really does help in the ‘blanking out painful circular thinking’ stakes. And it doesn’t require massive brain power either (just as well!)

Something else I do is journal (a lot) just pour out whatever is in my head without censoring it or thinking about whether it makes sense or not. That can be painful, but it does help a lot of the time.

What do you guys do?

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Smiler Great topic LL,

-fill me in; what is jigsaws???? (i imagine its a hand-work or a play or something?)

journal is a powerful tool.. I do that as well,mostly after the current session. And dreams. These days this forum has became my favourite place to "journal". I constantly wait for my next appt.- like life is on hold between the sessions, even though i have more sessions then most people here have i think? (recently got 3 sessions pr week)anyway, i try to fill the days just tryin to DO things...just force my self into some activities that would require my attention. If i have managed to connect or engage in something just trivial activity/ or with friends i am very happy. And yes; i try to do lots of homework (i am still just a student) done before my next appt.

(LL, its very understandable that you`re in pain bacause of your beloved cat. I still think about that, and hope your grief will be 'transformed' into just good memories soon. that it wont hurt so much.)
For me sometimes there is nothing that will fill in the gap between sessions, especially when I am deeply entrenched in past feelings/experiences of abandoment, I try repeating T's words that its because I am stronger and more able to feel those feelings, somehow that doesn't always work, I dont want to be stronger and feeling those feelings, I want to curl up into a ball and be cradled, so I do things like reply to posts like this in the hope of ridding myself of the wait and uncomfortable feelings, then other times, when I am through a rough spot, I fill the times between sessions with myself, my new sense of self that all the previous pain brings me too. Not sure if this is a half empty, half full kind of post.

In the U.S. jigsaws are puzzles with varying numbers of pieces. I'm assuming they are the same over there? I can't stand doing them as I find them utterly frustrating. I'm weird. Wink

I usually write to T between sessions or just make notes for myself. I'm a huge fan of distraction. Cleaning, outings etc. Although I have to be in a pretty good spot to tolerate outings much.

I watch TV fairly often. It's easy to disappear into a show or movie for a while. I read non-fiction as well, but hate fiction. Go figure.
Dear froggy

-fill me in; what is jigsaws????

A jig-saw is a puzzle. It's a picture that is put onto a large piece of cardboard and then cut up into a set number of equal pieces - 500,1000 etc. You then have to work out how to put it back together again. I'm sure you have these, I wonder what you call them? I like them as well LL, usually but a really complicated one for the family to do over Christmas.

When things are tough I write too - thoughts, feelings, expectations, all seems to help. I also bake cakes and bread and find the kneading really therapeutic; I garden, walk and go out with friends. I think I try to keep busy as I'm sometimes scared of stopping and having nothing to case the reality of what I'm trying to keep busy from, suddenly hits home.

ah, i see! Yes yes, we have those over here as well! (btw are there an rooles about not telling` here on forum where we`r from?? I still havent figured out this one)

We do those puzzles in christmas and hollidays and stuff, mostly i did it as a child.. I suddently miss it now, maybe i should get one and start puzzle bricks instead of feelings/thoughts between sessions!?
Great thread!!

When I am really missing my P, I am guilty of ruminating endlessly about him. I google him, even though I have done that many times and there is never anything that I haven't already seen.

I do read fiction and then sleep more, so I distract myself and/or don't think about him. I try to spend time with friends also for distraction.

I also have the tv on most of the time, usually watching sports.
LL, as much as i WANT to think about therapy all the time...and i do...i try to do other things, because it makes me feel worse to obsess. one t, (there have been so many i forgot who) told me to put that energy into something constuctive, and as much as i HATE that kind of advise, secretly, i try to....but i will never give the t credit for it, if you know what i mean. mad four year old speaking.

but, do something GOOD for YOU!! a manicure/ for the house. get dressed nicely. see a movie.

y'no? i would rather mope and groan often, but, sometimes i do something nice for myself, and i start to breathe again. a mani/pedi is a pretty safe bet.

i journal, too. not as furociously as a year ago. words with friends, pm me and i'll tell you my name and we can play!!

i am so sorry about your cat. that is a really tough loss.

sometimes just being outside helps.

hang in there, LL...jill

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