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Just waiting for the hurricane to come, the calm before the storm. I'm supposed to see T on Monday but I'll bet anything the roads will be too flooded or the power will be out. That darned storm. Why did it have to interfere with my therapy session?

Even though it's *only* a category 1 hurricane, it's arrival at high tide is a really bad thing. Not to mention its massive size. Pray we don't float away .... Pray for T, that he stays safe too. And his family.

(Although I wouldn't mind a tree falling on my kitchen when we are not in it! Big Grin)
We are going to be impacted as well where I am. I just emailed my T and told him to stay safe and he wrote back wishing me and my family the same. So far... only rain and not much wind although my house is stocked with enough food for an army LOL. I also braved the hordes yesterday and managed to get some water. No batteries though... they were long gone.

All computers and phones are charged and we are just now waiting. Like Liese I have therapy on Monday and am hoping and praying the power will not be out and I can see my T. Luckily I'm not in a flood area so it's really just a matter of losing power for awhile due to falling trees.

Hope everyone else out there like Liese stays safe and sound and gets to therapy next week.

Liese... you cracked me up about you kitchen... you must really hate it and be ready for a re-model.

Be safe all

Thanks for the good wishes. And TN, try to stay dry. I'll keep our fingers crossed that we both have therapy on Monday.

Yes, I hate my kitchen. It's the original and my house was built in 1953. When we bought the house, we stripped the cabinets and refinished them, put in a $75.00 countertop from ihome depot and my H and I installed a terra cotta tiled floor. So, it's not toooooooooo bad. I've definitely seen worse. BUT it needs to be undated in a huge way.

About ten years ago we had a funnel cloud go through my area. Trees were down everywhere. But the dead maple tree that could have fallen on my kitchen was still standing. Didn't quite get that. And, then we had to pay to take it down. Frowner

Thanks for thinking of us. I hope it's not tooooo bad. DF, you gave me a great idea!!!

TN, I have the kayak ready. I'll paddle over on Monday morning and row you over to your T. And who said we can't do therapy without power? I can do therapy without power. I don't like those darn lights anyway.
stay safe...I'm with you Liese...I think it would be cool to have therapy during a huge storm. For me it would open up a lot of stuff, probably.

Lise- my house was built in 1912 and still has the original kitchen. I kid you not. There are literally, no counters, no cupboards (just some shelves) and no...anything. The molding is really pretty though! The person who was here before us had the bright idea to paint it...salmon, and olive green.

Get this- I'm feeling a bit better lately, and asked my H if we could redo it! SO we are, on the cheap! He found cheap DIY stuff in the states, went down to pick it up, and today I was outside staining my new cupboards! Who am I, and what have I done with BB?

I'm...almost excited, and that's saying a lot for me!!!

Keep safe, and make sure to cuddle your kids, everyone out there on the east coast!


Irony of ironies - I just heard from a close family member, currently in NY and I didn't know. But sounds like they are ok. Smiler

Beebs - MULTIPLE BOGGLES. No wonder doing kitchen stuff is hard!!!!! But so exciting that you have new fittings - it's going to make things MUCH easier - and as for getting out there and staining them yourself - WOW!! Stain me impressed! Big Grin

The therapist I work with, her daughter is currently in New York also, I guess if she dies the therapist will stop working.

I know you're new to the forum and are probably a straight talker and I'm very sad for what you may have been through in your life and have read your intro and other posts so 'feel' you're in a dark space - however I find the above comment a trifle x 3 harsh UC - shit I stuff up with comments but "ouch" you might like to rethink? wdik? I'm an older woman UC?
and I'm so sorry if I sounded judgemental UC - believe me, even at my age, I'm trying to deal with with something very similar ie MOTHER issues that have crippled my ability to be a reasonably well functioning woman but I could never be jealous of those who have the relationships that we all should have - envious sure!! Look forward to talking with you some more UC Big Grin
Take care of yourself.
Just couldn't sleep so got up early to watch the hurricane. ((((BB)))) I'm so glad you are getting new cupboards. That's very exciting. A new project is always good. Glad H was on board. I'd be excited too. That's the best news I've heard in months!

My phone, internet and cable tv are all hooked up together. My phone and internet are working but not the tv and of course I want to watch the news. So I call the cable company and apparently I have a past due balanace and they interrupted our service today!!!! Of all days!!! Can you believe it??? So I paid the past due balance and am hoping our tv service gets restored soon.

I don't know. Just called the cable company and apparently there are a lot of outages but since my phone and internet are working, I'm not sure if it's an outage or my past due balance.
Glad you are all still safe, how long before the eye of the storm gets to you Liese? Thinking of you all, it's really scary that sort of stuff in life that you have no control over.

Beebers - look at you! Big Grin New kitchen and staining your own units, I'm well impressed! That's pretty good going. Cowboy T will no doubt be impressed too Smiler Coffee and buns at BB's house when it's all finished everybody
Big Grin


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