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this coming weekend is the day my family/sisiters/ etc. are celebrating mom's 80th birthday. when we give her the album we have been making... and both my sisters are in town...

one sister originally said she wouldn't go for a mancure with my mom and other sister unless i also was going (see post about hands and fingernails... hehe...) now she told me she decided weeks ago she WAS going to go for a manicure! so much for support on the home front. I emailed the other sister and said i won't go for the manicure but use the time to put the album together.

But I'm rather bummed out.

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The children's festival was great fun. We even went to the Van. Museum for a show on paleontology (sp?) you know... dinosaurs and fossils. And everyone got to go keep a fossil (rock collecting is one of my hobbies so i was thrilled!) Firstly... friday I met my folks for lunch with my sister in tow SURPRISE! all the way from northern BC! Sat. - children's festival, bbq dinner at my folks (we wanted to order in cinese but my snotty sister over-ruled that one). Sunday - bbq with all the inlaws! 7 elderly people, 7 'middle aged', and 7 kids! what a party! At one point, the elderly' people were getting cold and wanted to come in... my sister told them to just get a sweater and go back out... but we over-ruled her. Trying to get 7 elderly people up a steep backstair case was interesting, and pointless to then make them go back outside! Mom was very surprised by the album we gave her. I survived my sister... and now I'm relaxing...

p.s. thanks for your support here!

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