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So the story of My MOM continues. Surprisingly, after my email to her to stop drinking for good, she seemed to dry out again. I told her how "nice" she is when she doesn't have those "two glasses of chardonnay" and we were living a fairly nice existence - until last night.

I never cook, but I woke up a couple of days ago with an inspiration. I called her with the "announcement" that I was going to make a Tuna Noodle Casserole!!! While in the process, I realized how much I love to create in the kitchen. I was having so much FUN! "Oooh, this smells so good!"

Since she always shares with me what she cooks (she also cooks rarely), I decided to make the 20-mile journey to her town so I could give her a serving of MINE. She was at work, so I said, "Just leave it here and you can eat it for lunch tomorrow."

"Tomorrow" was yesterday. We chatted a little yesterday afternoon and she said she had tasted my dish and it was "a good first try". A little more detail than you might need: I don't cook from a recipe. I read the recipe and then do my own thang. This freaks her out --- going "outside the box" in any way. So we've already had a little row about that. BUT, that she could find a compliment tells me she wasn't drinking. In fact, I think I said that to her exactly: "See how nice you are when you don't drink? If you had had the two glasses then you would have said, "This is a piece of shit!"

HOWEVER, while we were talking last night, she mentioned having some of it for lunch that day. "Why some and not all? I thought you said it was good?" "Well, I was terrified of finding a CAT HAIR, so I just took a couple of bites and picked through the rest."!!!

I reminded her that I never have rude things to say about HER cooking, or anything else she does. I always try to sound supportive and encouraging. She's like, "Well, I'm not trying to hurt your feelings." I told her that it's not a reflection on me, it's only a reflection of her bad manners. I also reminded her that A.) there weren't any cat hairs in the food, B.) if she is so afraid of putting something bad into her body, why does she SMOKE?, and C.) that the food she gets from fast food, and hot dogs is FAR worse than anything that comes out of my kitchen!


The conversation starts to crumble into a fight with me commenting: "I thought you were only mean and rude when you were drinking." Mom answers back, "No, this is just me."


I did have an interesting dream this morning. And I've decided, when the time comes and she NEEDS me to feed her, I will so happily spoon feed her baby food with little cut up CAT HAIRS in it! I may even throw in a pub of my own just for fun!


Oh! I think I ended the conversation (before hanging up on her) with "Don't worry, I will never have the Generosity of Spirit to share any of my food with you again."

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Spagirl - I'm so sorry that your mom was like that. Some people just can't be nice.

You made me laugh about your dream and how you would feed her cut up cat hairs!! When I was a kid, my mother was so bad that I used to fantasize about putting piranha's in her fish tank. She used to go over to the tank every morning, after she was done ragging on me, and put her fingers in the tank and call the fish - "Here fishy fishies...." I used to think how cool it would be to watch those piranha's have breakfast on her fingers!!! Sick I know but it made me feel better.

Thanks, Smiley! Sometimes that's all that can be said or done is to hear a nice word back from someone who understands.

You know, I've wondered why I have been so terrified of marriage (relationships in general). Tonight I nailed it: I don't want to be trapped with someone ever again. I've always said that if I was in a bad marriage, I'd just leave. But not if we had children. Then I'd probably try to stay and fight it out - or live with the misery "for the kid's sake". My life with my Mom is like a marriage - a very dysfunctional one.

Unfortunately, I am believing more and more that her "issue" isn't just with the "chardonnay", even tho that is what seems to be the most obvious cause of distress between us. I realized tonight that I am helpless with this ... no matter what I say or threaten, no matter if I stomp my feet or beg on bended knee, NOTHING works. Nothing will change the fact that she is going to continue drinking and that drinking is going to continue to be a problem in our relationship.

It hurts so bad, and so deeply - it breaks my heart and gives me a cold pit of sadness in my stomach. But there is NOTHING I can do to fix it. And there is nothing anyone can say to heal the pain. No one can fix the pain.

I thought the last letter was getting through to her. But she called me this evening around 7:30, and I could already tell she was high. She was in a TERRIFICALLY GOOD MOOD! Talked so sweetly to me. Even said, in the sweetest voice you could ever imagine, "I love you, my darling daughter." (or some crap to that effect) Just pure mushy sweetness like cotton candy!

On the drive home I realized possibly why she was drinking again. Her birthday was last week and someone had given her WINE as a present. I bet she thought, innocently enough, "Well, I should "try" some of this wine they got me." And that was that. On cloud 9 by 7:30, and I bet asleep in her chair by 9:00. I won't dare call to find out. Her mood could have changed considerably and I wouldn't want to face THAT!

Chaos. Instability. What part of her is true? Not dependable.

Yes, this is now my diary.

It's the inconsistencies that bother me: The Good Witch, then The Bad Witch.

While high on alcohol: (that she denies)

"Oh, I'd LOVE to buy some of the chocolates you're selling to give to the nice girls at the bank."

The next day, when she's not high:

"I don't think I want those chocolates after all. In fact, I don't think I like that brand, I had some once and threw it away."

The Good Witch:

"Your dish was a good first try." (Her attempt at diplomacy.)

The Bad Witch: (a few days later)

"I didn't eat all of it, I picked through looking for cat hairs."

She is such a contradiction. So worried about a cat hair, but spends the entire day putting poison into her body at 15-minute intervals.

That is what makes me so irritated. The flip/flop of her personality. Then she tries to blame me when I show irritation, never taking responsibility for her actions.

The same record just goes round and round.


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