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I had a much less emotional session with my T today. But it was a good one and I had the feeling that he had given some thought to the session before I got there and he was considerate of all we spoke about last time, with regard to his remark about my boss, about his not shaking my hand and about him not hearing me about my struggles with summer coming around again.

When he saw me he shook my hand and told me to go in his office. I went in and got my blanket and lit my candle and sat down to read an article. When he came in he asked me how I was doing and what I was reading. I happened to be reading an article about attachment. We talked about that for a bit and then I somehow got onto the topic of reading and how no one ever read to me as a child but that I developed a very strong love of reading. We talked about how I had such few books and I would read them over and over again and also I had some other books that were given to me as a child but that no one ever read them to me. In fact, there is one book that I have from childhood that I had NEVER read because it was too hard for a child to read, although I could not part with the book. I actually read it two years ago to my son. It was new to both of us even though the book was VERY old and written in the 1930's. This book was already OLD when it was given to me by someone that I don't remember. I told my T that I remember crying and having a hard time reading it to my son, He asked me if I knew why? I came up with some ideas and he told me that I was crying because of the lack of attention and the neglect I had as a child. Then he brought up something that was interesting. I had asked him for a book last session. I told him I was on break from school and had a bit more time to read what I chose to read. He felt that it was my subtle way of asking for his attention. Of course, my first reaction was that I was doing something BAD by wanting his attention... but he told me that it was perfectly fine to want attention from him. And that he was happy to give it to me.

He asked me if I knew why he was happy to give me attention and I said I had no idea. He said that it's because of who I am and that it is so easy to offer me this attention. He told me it's because I'm so kind and appreciative and intelligent and likable. Okay wow... he was definitely getting on my good side LOL. He told me that he sees how difficult it is for me to accept it though. He wants me to be able to take in ALL he offers me and ALL he freely gives to me. He said this will help to keep us connected.

I told him that I just feel like therapy is not enough and never will be enough to fill that empty void of childhood of not getting what I needed. And I can't go back to being little again so that I CAN get it... all that I missed as a child. He had a very different view of what I said... he said I can very definitely get what I missed as a child, in therapy with him. Meaning the attention, experiencing the attachment, the caring, having a stronger wiser other, having someone be my advocate, my parental figure. He said he knows I cannot go back to being 5 again but I CAN experience the developmental stages that got skipped or screwed up when I was a child. So this was something new to get used to. That he really believes this.

He told me that he sees I'm so worried about losing the relationship that it's making me be the perfect good girl and he asked me if I knew what that led to and I said I was not sure and he said BORING! He makes me laugh while I also want to throw something at him at the same time. He said he wants to know the real me and he knows that I am not boring. He wants to see it all... all the messy, chaotic stuff.

I was talking alot about how the fear of what oldT did to me and how that has seemingly aggravated my disorganized attachnent style. He understands that it will take time for me to settle down into the relationship but it will happen. I have to pay attention to him and how he is not backing away from me. He said that I've been given the impression by oldT and even my parents that I am too much and too overwhelming and that my feelings are too much for anyone to bear... he said that is not true and that he has no fear of my feelings. All my feelings are okay with him. I knew as I was talking about this I was making contradictory statement and I told him that I knew he was catching the contradictions but I didn't care... I just needed to put all the thoughts out there. He told me that I am too used to running therapy and since HE is the expert and has way more experience than I do ... he is going to be running the therapy (he said this in a kind, gentle way).... he told me I don't need to have all the answers or to figure it all out by myself. That was what he was there for.

At one point I told him some things I find helpful in talking to him. I told him how much it meant to me in the beginning that he allowed outside contact. I also told him that when he would touch my arm or pat my shoulder how much it meant to me and how it kept me going back to see him. That it was comforting, grounding and it helped to contain my emotions. I told him that it means a lot to me when he moves his chair closer and leans in towards me. He didn't say much but he smiled and nodded, like he knew this already.

At the end he told me he had some books at home he wanted to look over and would lend me. I thanked him and he patted my arm and we shook hands and then I left.

I keep thinking of his telling me that being "good" and "perfect" was boring. That is something I HATE... I never want to be boring. And I wonder if that was his challenge to me to take the next step with him and let him in to see more of me, of who I am really. Not the damaged, abused therapy patient who is grieving. The other me. The one that was moving along so well with oldT until he abandoned me and caused such a mess in my life. I was thinking of the issues that I had been working on with oldT. I can "see" them in front of me. It's like a TV screen that has frozen in place and has not moved for almost one year. ONE YEAR. It seems impossible that I could go back to that unresolved work I was doing with oldT. It hurts to think about it ... yet I have to do something to get this therapy moving along.... I need to get past that wall that is blocking me from talking to my T. Next week marks the last truly healing and kind session I had with oldT. It was the day I gave him a Father's Day card and some little gifts. He loved them and we had such a nice session. There was NO hint of what was to come. Nothing. I cannot believe it's been a year.

What I also feel right now is the strong urge to move closer to my T. I care about him and that scares the crap out of me. How can I do this again? I have a lot of thinking to do this weekend of how I am going to approach Monday's session. There is SO much I could share with him....he'd never be bored LOL. But something is holding me back and I just don't know how to get past that block.

Thanks for reading.
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I am too much and too overwhelming and that my feelings are too much for anyone to bear... he said that is not true and that he has no fear of my feelings. All my feelings are okay with him.

Sometimes it's like your T and mine have done some sort of Vulcan mind-meld. I hope you can take it in. I'd hate to be "boring" too, but I know for a fact that you aren't. Wink

I'm so glad you guys are connecting and I know it's tempting to push past the block, especially when "anniversaries" make things feel significant and you want to overwrite those bad memories with good ones, so that can be a day of celebration in the future. But, if it feels too much or too hard or too fast, you don't have to push yourself. It sounds to me like your T is ever so patient for all of you to embrace your connection with him. Thanks for sharing, as always.
Hi TN,

Thanks for sharing about your session. Your T sounds like he's really meeting you where you are at. It is especially encouraging to hear that you are even thinking about picking up where you were forced to leave off with OldT. That would take an enormous amount of trust on your part, but from what you've described of NewT, it sounds like he's well on his way to earning it. Smiler Very happy for you indeed. Big Grin I look forward to hearing more about it as your therapy with him progresses.

Wow TN,
Such insight you have. It was important for me to read your stuff. You have given me stuff to reflect upon. I am purposely walking away from my once loving T. - I am not fully certain as to why I am doing this though. Am I running? Afriad of something? Has T let me down-(in a way yes) or am I just done with therapy for a while? Or am I letting my God alone give me the strength and he alone guide my path? (perhaps that is it) Thanks for your insights.
So happy for you.

Your T is amazing. I like to watch the way he works with you. He's very direct with you. I too wouldn't like the boring comment but on the other hand it sounds like he's giving you a little room for emotional expression??? Not necessarily so that you'll become the most exciting person on earth? That's the impression that I got.

You know I've been with my T for 3 1/2 years and I'm still not completely comfortable. (No comments from the peanut gallery.) My point is that it can take time. It can take a lot of time. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself. You are doing an amazing job.


Yeah, I'll get over that wall, TN.

Tow comments...clearly your T doesn't think you are boring, or that the wrok you are doing is boring...he is just saying that being "good" and "perfect" in therapy could be broing if it's not the real you. He is inviting you to do what you probably never felt safe doing with old T and that is to make mud pies and get really messy and just be.
the other thing that struck me, is that when I first joined this site , I was constatnly struck by the idea that we can't get over having missed what we needed and that we could never get that need met. I've always disagreed with it (maybe I misunderstood it) but have learned that I can't make myself understood on the issue, especially with my T- so I gave up on it. But the book on affirmation therapy that I read says basically the same exact thing your T is saying- that you *can* heal by having those missed developmental needs met by a good and affirming therapist. So I'm really interested, if more of this comes up for you, to hear about it.

Anyway- so glad that you are on the road to healing that rupture, and moving forward.



You are way too smart to ever be considered boring.

I can totally understand both having the feeling of wanting to move closer to T but also being scared shitless to do so. You said that something is holding you back and you don't know how to get past that block. I'm wondering if there is something you need from T in order to be able to move past this road block? Or is something within yourself that needs to happen? Perhaps a combo of both?
he said I can very definitely get what I missed as a child, in therapy with him. Meaning the attention, experiencing the attachment, the caring, having a stronger wiser other, having someone be my advocate, my parental figure. He said he knows I cannot go back to being 5 again but I CAN experience the developmental stages that got skipped or screwed up when I was a child. So this was something new to get used to. That he really believes this.

oh I so want to believe this. I do so want to believe this. I wish sweetP would say this to me. I just feel that whatever sweetP does and how we work in that therapy room, it will always be not enough, inadequate and leave a life to be grieved over.

I want your T and my sweetP to kind of melt together and become the perfect T for me. I want a handshake or a shoulder pat. I want some books to read. I want it to be okay that I ask for his attention. Actually he does say it is okay.

Maybe I am doing okay cos I got really angry at him yesterday and maybe I feel safe enough to tell him that I think he is stupid abnormal man and I pity him. ( I truly did say that!!)

And I know he will only take it on the chin and ask me about how I feel and why. He does not, so does NOT take offense.

I love how you two are getting along. I just love it. Thank you for posting this TN
And I can't go back to being little again so that I CAN get it... all that I missed as a child. He had a very different view of what I said... he said I can very definitely get what I missed as a child, in therapy with him. Meaning the attention, experiencing the attachment, the caring, having a stronger wiser other, having someone be my advocate, my parental figure. He said he knows I cannot go back to being 5 again but I CAN experience the developmental stages that got skipped or screwed up when I was a child. So this was something new to get used to. That he really believes this.

Is he saying he can erase your grief?
Thanks FOT. It was great to hear that about your therapy relationship. I'm glad you feel the healing. Those sessions are truly wonderful and memorable.

L2F... no he is not saying he can erase my grief. I think what he is saying that although I cannot get what I wanted as a 5 year old or how it would have felt if I was 5 and got it from my parents, the adult me can go back through those developmental stages and redo them as the adult but still get many of the benefits of what was missed back then, which will then make me a healthier person. I CAN go back and get the attention, the security, the dependence on the attachment figure that I never had. I can have someone who is my stronger wiser other to lean on and talk to. I can talk about all those things that frightened me as a child and process them. I don't think he is foolish enough to believe he can erase my grief, or anyone can... just that I can do the development and then work on healing the loss of what was not there as a child. Maybe it won't feel so horrible if I can get some of it now.

I emailed my T last night in response to an post on another thread made by Monte. It related to the whole block that I'm feeling. I asked him how he felt about "show and tell" and if it would be okay to bring in some things from time to time to help me share myself and to help me get around that wall. I also told him that I wanted him to know again that going to that deeper scarier place with him was helped by his proximity, his using a gentle, quiet voice, and occassional safe touch. I told him I was giving him feedback that may be useful for the future. I figured that if I started to talk or tried to tell him things that if he did some of that right brain stuff it would assist me or make me feel safe enough to go on with it.

He wrote me back a super nice email this morning telling me that I am always welcome to bring in anything that would help him get to know me and know about me. He said it was a good idea and very appropriate to do this. Then he thanked me for the feedback and said it always helps him. He wished me a nice weekend and said he'd see me on Monday.

So now I'm trying to decide if I want to bring in some old pictures, or some old books from childhood or even my old school reports. Grief over school has been a huge issue for me even with oldT and we have only just touched on it when I pulled back some months ago and then shut down again about it.

I'm really glad he seemed so welcoming and open about it. There is an element of fear surrounding this on my part because when I dared to bring in photos to oldT it NEVER worked out well and twice it caused a disruption so I am hoping that this experience will my T will be a positive one.

Sadly.... I read your post about sweetP. I think he was very well aware that little Sadly was in the room wanting to kick his shins. I also think he was happy that you could reach that anger and express it. All good and healthy stuff.

You said that something is holding you back and you don't know how to get past that block. I'm wondering if there is something you need from T in order to be able to move past this road block? Or is something within yourself that needs to happen? Perhaps a combo of both?

Hi LG... this comment with Monte's comments on the other thread gave me the motivation to send him that email about bringing in stuff and also telling him again what I felt I needed to be in place before I could go on to the scarier stuff on the other side of the wall. I guess I needed to feel that he could offer me some of the warm fuzzies that help to ground me, make me feel more safe, and help with my emotional regulation. Especially because I have to get back to normal and go back to work after therapy.

Thanks Yaku. I do feel that my T is being patient. And I think he was just making ME aware of some things... like I don't have to be good and that being messy won't get me kicked out of therapy. That even being angry with him or annoyed or disappointed won't end the relationship. But again... it's only through his behavior that I will come to accept this. Telling me means nothing in light of my past history. He knows this and that's why he is so consistent and reliable with me.

SG thanks for your thoughts. He really is up to earning my trust. I wish I had met him first. As it is I still have to get past the fear of a therapy failure repeat which has nothing to do with him but makes me really skittish about trust. He is working hard on earning it though.

Mayo, glad I could help and that I have given you food for thought. I guess this is why I post my sessions so that others can be helped in some way. I know there are also lurkers out there who follow my "saga" and I hope it helps them too and maybe some of them will find the motivation to post and share their therapy journeys as well.

Liese... yes he is very direct with me and I do like it. I'm never left wondering what he meant or what he was trying to do or say to me. It is a challenge though as he is very smart and extremely observant and he catches every move I make LOL. But he can also be fun. So how are things with you? What happened at the post vacation session?

STRM...thanks for the encouragement. I do think I will get past the wall at some point, it's just frustrating right now.

AG...hugs to you and thanks for making me smile

Hey BB... I'm actually sort of looking forward to making mud pies with T. I think he would be up for it. And yes, I know, he was saying that perfect is boring and not real and that he'd much prefer the real me that is not perfect and good but that is interesting and challenging and fun. He says it's good to laugh sometimes in therapy because it's such hard work.

Hugs to you all

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