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I am having a hard time getting up and going to work today, so I wanted to post a thread to help me feel better. Three things that will help keep me safe today:

1) I can take a cardigan to help me feel warm and contained at work (I really hate feeling the aircon blowing on my arms)

2) I can have a nice breakfast

3) I am wearing a necklace given to me by a dear friend.

I thought of one more too -

4) I can have a cup of tea when I get there

I'd like to hear what others have to help you feel safe at the moment.

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(((Jones))) What a good idea. You are very wise.

H is going in at midnight to work with France tonight, so I will be all alone with Boo in her crib already...which usually means alone with my hurts, temptations, etc. So, let's see:

1. My Pride and Prejudice (BBC) DVD to put on in the background in my room, because I actually still get really scared alone in the dark. My brain does really effed up stuff. Eeker

2. My kitty cats who take over H's spot in the bed whenever he's not there. My big tuxedo cat likes to let me snuggle her and purrs so comfortingly.

3. Jacuzzi tub. We have one, a cheap model, but it can be very helpful when I'm hurting to feel surrounded by warmth and massaged, kind of. I need to find someone to get massages from on the sly. My sister is a massage therapist, but it weirds me out to have my family touch me very much...and she would be offended knowing I went to someone else.

4. Embarrassed here, but my text messages from T, like the one where he called me "Kiddo," and others where he has said reassuring things. Reading it makes me feel less alone when I'm on my own and reminds me I'm connected to him, other people, God, the world in general, etc.
jones, great idea!

i like your ideas for keeping you safe

i am having a hard time with ending my day. my fears and just some very dark despairing thoughts are stuck in my head. tomorrow seems daunting.

- eating a really good dinner
- journaling the dark thoughts, even in jumbled up list form, and reminding myself i can wait to act and talk to my t later
- getting my very warm sheets out of the dryer and curling up with them

- making a list of the most important things to get done (rather than e v e r y t h i n g that needs to get done eventually)
- bringing a little tiny stuffed bunny in my backpack that makes me feel comforted
- bringing my fav tea with me to work in the afternoon and some hand lotion that feels and smells grounding everytime i use it
I like all those things everyone listed.

What keeps me safe at the moment:
- my blanket
- the knowledge that whatever happens, I can always go home (this is for every day)
- I can eat whatever and whenever I want.
and a 4th
- tomorrow my stress will be (temporarily) over so it's only so many hours to go

I don't like aircon on my skin either Jones, it is a very weird feeling somehow.
Though I do associate it with hotel rooms and beaches so that's only half bad Big Grin
I love reading about all of the ways you all stay safe. Smiler Draggers, sometimes I read old journals from sessions too. It's kind of hit or miss whether I find comfort in them though.

What kept me safe yesterday
-My music
-A big blanket that I can wrap around myself
-Knowing I get to see my T today

Today, the main thing is just seeing my T!!
Lovely Jones, I hope your safe things are helping you today. Thanks for sharing them with us.
I will try to think of some. Let's see

1. a warm drink (NOT alcoholic, ha,ha)

2. try to tidy up so I can think straight.

3. will try very hard to take kids outside today, instead of waiting for my H to come home from work and do it.

Thank you Jones...
Oh, thank you all for all of these. Giant hugs everyone. I am so busy this week and it freaks me out not being able to get everything done in time but when I check in on this thread it helps a lot. DF, breakfast was red berry cereal with yoghurt and milk! I can't tell you how much I appreciate all those hugs.

More when I'm sane again.

I think I can answer this one Smiler

1. Wearing one of my "special" necklaces - the ones that have sweet meaning behind them (gifts, or memories of when I purchased them.) I fiddle with it all day long and each time I touch my necklace, I feel the memory of it fill me.

2. My student's smiles - no matter how crabby I am, they compliment me on the simplest things and smile, and I melt.

3. The ultra-soft cuddle-fleece blanket I made myself a few weeks ago - I've been snuggling with it every night for the last week and it is so soft against my skin.

Great thread Jones! Hope today has been a better day!

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