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i don't feel like i going forwards in therapy. i mean, i not even telling me bad stories lately. mostly i just sit with me T and she holds me hand and stuff. i thought this week to do mischief just so we'd have something important for talking about. i told this to me T and her says it's ok for me to just come and sit with her cuz i didn't have much of that. she says it all learning how to just be with people. i feel like me heart was so black and me T helping me to make it go lighter. i love just sitting with her. and i love me T even if i not supposed to. so how do i figure when it's time enough to go? I don't want to go but i said to her that if i did her would get more money from someone else in our spot. her says it's not about the money. her rubbed my back for a little then i started to relax. then i said to her 'remember i'm taller than you so if you decide to pull my hair i can still bite you and stuff' just so her didn't try to trick me into relaxing so her can be mean to me. i mean, not that she done that ever but i always have me guard up. i feel confused for it all. and i made her a bracelet other day too but didn't know to give it to her or not, but i did at the end. her said that was ok and she likes it. but maybe her says it just to be polite? i dunno. actually it's not fair of myself to go having to do mischief just so i can talk to her! cuz i trying hard not to do that kinda stuff (but it always finds me in the end HAHA!) i used to not let her near me but sit at the other end of the room, just in case you know, in case i had to run from her. now it's changed a bit. but i dunno, maybe that means i'm done? her says its another step in therapy to work onpersonal development. dunno. sorry i rambling.

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Hi Samy,

It sounds like you're doing good work in therapy....being there and trusting your T is good work and hard work. It's hard to not make stuff up sometimes eh? I've done that because it helped to get my mom to talk with me (and my T) when she was too busy for me. I had a lot of brothers and a sister and other things kept her too busy so I felt kinda invisible.

I'm glad you've got your T. Hope you stick with her and keep on doing the good work you're obviously doing.
Hope you're feeling ok tonight.


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