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I think it's time for me to leave this Board. There is nothing left for me here and reading about all the repairs and support everyone is getting from their Ts is too painful for me. To know that the little I asked of my T was denied me with no explanation, to know how hard I struggled to make his vacation period a positive one for both of us and to know that there are so many here waiting a few weeks to see their T again when I will perhaps never see mine again is agony beyond words.

To know that in my grief and loss that I'm trying to make sense of this and find a reparative experience so I don't sink into permanent blackness or worse and not to have support hurts a lot. Yes there are a very few of you who have expressed support and I am grateful and I thank you sincerely.

I also don't feel I can help anyone else at this time because I cannot honestly tell you all to be open and honest with your T because I was, and I cannot say to you that your T will accept you as you are and understand because mine didn't, I cannot say to call, or email when you are scared or need reassurance because I did for awhile and it caused me to get terminated. Of course we all have different Ts and different needs and experiences but I cannot look at therapy or therapists as safe any longer because I know what happened to me and what happened to a few others here too.

So thank you to my friends here. I will miss you .

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I'm so sorry to see you go. I've read in sadness all your painful accounts of this disastrous mess with your beloved T. It has made me incredibly sad for you, and I have continued to hope that things would turn around for you and that things might become hopeful again.

I'm sorry you are pained by being on the boards. That is certainly understandable. Thank you for the support that you have given to those of us you have reached out to, even in your moments of deep pain. I am sure it's hard to find positive things to say when all you see is despair.

I truly hope that you can find some healing in the very near future, as deep as your pain and loss have been. I know that may seem impossible, but I hope that you can see the good things you do have in your life, as I am sure there are some. Thank you for the wonderful contributions you have made to the boards here. You will be missed! Smiler

Take care,
TN, i feel your pain. i understand your perspective on honesty in the relationship, and i know how damaged i am, and i presume, you are, by your unfortunate experience.

all i can do is hope, for myself, and i offer that to you. all we can do is hope, and regardless of the termination, we have learned through the school of hard knocks a hard lesson. i still don't know what it is, i guess, for me, tread lightly in therapy, and to not depend too heavily on one person in my life other than my family. and God.

my future? will include two therapists...for that reason, it may meld into one? but, maybe not. and, i will try to keep my attachment less vulnerable, and realize, this is humankind.

i know how it hurts to read these marvelous attuned therapy stuff...i am deeply happy for the recipient of that fine attunement...a bit jealous, too, not that i don't want it for them, but i want it, too.

but, i have to remain hopeful, tn, and i sense you are hopeful, but, right now, it is not the season that being here makes the most sense. i respect that, and your perspective. and am quite sure you are doing what you need to do....take care of yourself.

it is like being in infertility and going to the baby area at the hospital!! enough, already!!! Smiler so, it is ok to take a break.

or, to leave.

just know that we all care about you, and your journey, and take care of yourself.

sometimes i am hopeful, today, and sometimes i am hopeless, so, i hear you!! (((TN))) jill
TN, I am sad beyond words. I pray that I havn't been someone who contributed more to your sadness and pain and agony...I hoped to be more of a support to you. I hoped to find a few words that may offer a bit of comfort not to add to your pain. And I hope that you will change your mind. But I understand and will not hold against you in any way, if that is not possible for you at this time. I hope your situation will resolve for the good and what you need. You are on my mind- and in my heart.


((((((((True North)))))))) I am sorry to see you go Frowner , but as others have said, I understand why you must go, and respect your decision. Thank you for being such a valuable member of the board, and for the links and explanations on attachment, and especially for all the support and encouragement you gave to me when I was hurting over the termination with my T. You know the "door" is always open if at some point down the road you want to come back. You never the meantime, I will be thinking of you and praying for you. Keep searching for the answers, I believe you will find them. Don't give up. Smiler

I am so sorry to see you go, although I understand your reasons. You need to do what you need to do to try and take care of yourself. But you have been a very valuable part of this community and have contributed so much wisdom; your voice will be sorely missed. And quite selfishly for my part, I just liked having you hear. I pray that you may find a way through this darkness to some light, that there is a place beyond despair where you can once again discover hope. Please take care of yourself.

don't anyone get hurt, i was going to leave this privately, but, thought i shouldn't need to 'hide' my opinions. and i am not trying to be controversial, but for anyone else out there struggling with 'infertility in the baby ward'...

TN, i venture leaving entirely quite often, just when i think i will, i read something helpful, but all in all, i have put too much time into this, and spent time avoiding what i really need to be doing that, in turn, would probably be more productive to me.

too, keep in mind, we are all juggling our own bags of sh"t, so we are not exactly all dealing with a full deck, much less, the ability to always be there for one another.

i know how hurt i am when no one responds, and sometimes it makes me want to leave entirely, and with a big fire-y message. so, you have class, girl, and you will persevere, i know you will. the emotional rollercoaster is understandable, and i am on it at most times, too. i just try to not look outside of my 'car'. y'no?

it is revolting at times the 'blessings of attunement i hear'...but really, i coulda said the same thing about t3 until d day. and you had a number of years with yours. tn, one day you will know more about what and why this happened, this was 'multi-determined', meaning, it is not entirely about you. he has the issue, my friend. you were just in the path. i know that doesn't help.

i am going to try this dbt gal to get a handle on the emotional rollercoaster, but a pa type deal for the insight, and probably go three times a week til i get a foothold, december or so? and then, maybe i'll have a better way to judge what is helping, but, for me, with this bpd stuff in my diagnosis, i gotta get some 'tools' to contain the fire of emotions that bring me to my knees.

i have given up that any of this is a quick fix, so, the road is long and bumpy, but i can't quit. or die. not an option. i have kids, a husband, and, i do, today, feel a flicker of hope. i will say, bible study (i do three a week plus church and sunday school) make a difference in my hope.

thinking of you! hang on, and do what you need to do. you owe none of us anything. and i mean that kindly...take care of yourself!! jill

I'm sorry I haven't been around much. I was gone the entire month of August with only a few days of internet access, and for the past couple of weeks...well, I honestly just haven't felt like posting. I've got all sorts of stuff going on and I didn't want bring it all over to this place, so I've chosen to stay away for a bit.

But I wanted to stop in to say that you have been a huge help to me. I know that may mean nothing to you in the depths of the kind of pain you're in, but it's true, and you'll be missed here, and I appreciate your input.

Your pain in reading people's stories about their Ts is totally understandable. After what you've been through, I sure as hell wouldn't want to hear other people's positive stories either.

I wish I could help you somehow. It's very sad for me to hear such suffering in you...someone who is just trying to live her life with some degree of okay-ness.

So please at least know that I appreciate your existence in this world, and I hope that peace and wellness find you somehow.


I am so sad for you and everything that has happened with your T. I have thought of you often and have hoped that things would turn around and you could feel safe, loved and supported. I understand your need to step back and not be reminded by coming to the boards.

I'm also sorry for things that I have posted that may have contributed to your feelings. I have been hesitant for a long time to post about interactions with my T for this very reason, but at the same time felt the need for support during my separation from my T and you (even in your pain) reached out and offered support.

I hope that some day you will feel that you can return and I hope and pray that it will be with good news. You deserve to find peace and healing.

I will miss you too. I infrequently post but always read. The pain of what you are going through has been so difficult to read about I can't imagine what it has been like to live with. Like everyone I understand why you want to leave the board and I hope one day you will come back to share your wisdom with us.

Thank you for all your contributions to me, thank you for sharing your experiences, feelings and self as honestly as you have. We all have things we do not share but that doesn't mean we are less loved.
TN, I'm am too sorry to see you go.

I wish you well and hope you will do all you can in taking the best care of yourself. You are a very special and dear person.

Often, this, like therapy, can be painful, so I understand you're wanting to go.

I do hope I get to "see" you again one day. You were always very warm and comforting to me.
Hey, Spagirl, and welcome- I just wanted to say, what you said above is the definition of transference/attachment, hey? We all do that with our T's, especially when we have been badly hurt in our formative relationships- and it becomes the very first thing we need to work through- with the help of that particular T, preferably, if possible. Sometimes "tough love" can make these situations better, but sometimes it can make them much worse.

Another hug for you today, TN, just in case you are reading...
TN I’m so sorry to hear how you are feeling about being here (but can totally understand it). I’ve always admired the way you’ve handled your therapy and really think this terrible ending with your T is ALL to do with him and nothing to do with you. I also believe that you need to be able to speak with him about it - so I really hope that can be arranged soon. I hope that you are able to see that there is a lot of support for you here, and maybe in a while you’ll feel less alienated and be able to come back and post about how you’re doing. I’d like to know how you are, how you’re feeling, how you’re coping with this horrendous situation.

Even though your experience is horrific, TN it DOES help others here. Therapists are not the paragons of professionalism we need them to be and I think it’s salutary learning about just how badly a seemingly wonderful relationship with a T can go disastrously wrong. And as for being honest and open - I used to think naively that that was what it was all about - I’ve since realized that the honesty has to be in stages, and is always a massive risk. It just sucks so much that you had to learn that in such an appalling way. I hope with time that you will be able to realize that this awful experience needn’t mean you have to harden your heart to all attachment with people.

In the meantime please know that you have the sympathy and understanding of a lot of people here, and that anytime you want to post again, it would be great to have you back - you will be missed Frowner

All good wishes to you ((((( TN )))))

just wanted to say that I will miss you TN... I haven't been able to read all of the responses here and I'm so sorry if this seems so out of sync. But I really want to say I totally respect your decision and know what it's like to litterally "hang out in the baby section while struggling with infertility," and metaphorically when it comes to the process of healing and recovery and this battle with my emotions...

right now I am in both places. I kinda have some of the better side of therapy - I am so lucky to be in equine therapy, especially right at the point the stuff hits the fan so bad I lose all words... and at the same time, in the middle of the stuff hitting the fan in the last 4 weeks, just this last week, my old T threw my privacy to the wind in a casual conversation with a family member in a social setting, and then suddenly started emailing me daily to the point where I finally showed my current T and she and I actually had to contact the police to get her to stop the emails. I had already tried shutting down the email account she had, but then my family gave her my new one, and she emailed that, and then when I shut that down telling her I'd contact the feds about privacy violation by emailing me and contact the pd for emailing me after i told her no emails whatsoever she can mail me a letter (of which I never open nor respond to) ... she texted me 3 times saying I had to respond to her mailed letters. and that's when... well, I showed my T. I could not even tell her. I just started crying and saying please make it stop please...

I want to hug my T, the equine one and my "regular" current T... but no actually that thought freaks me out beyond all reason... I just want to curl up next to the horses, and just sit with my T trying to trust I'm ok with her too, not just the foals who can't speak... which is basically all I did in T last week.

it hurts. it hurts to know it can be better. it makes what is broken seem all the more real. I told my T that being warm, being safe, makes the cold seem all the colder... so it makes me actually not want to even know or feel safe with her at all... because it makes the very unsafe and very painfully broken seem all the more broken and harder.

wow, I didn't think I would say all of that. But TN, and anyone else in simillar spot, I sorta get it - and know that if you ever are in a place where you want to come back, this place will still be here.

...and I also want to say that this was very well said jill. (and jill, I agree, don't hide your opinion. it helped me find my own words.)

Originally posted by jill:
don't anyone get hurt, i was going to leave this privately, but, thought i shouldn't need to 'hide' my opinions. and i am not trying to be controversial, but for anyone else out there struggling with 'infertility in the baby ward'...

TN, i venture leaving entirely quite often, just when i think i will, i read something helpful, but all in all, i have put too much time into this, and spent time avoiding what i really need to be doing that, in turn, would probably be more productive to me.

too, keep in mind, we are all juggling our own bags of sh"t, so we are not exactly all dealing with a full deck, much less, the ability to always be there for one another.

i know how hurt i am when no one responds, and sometimes it makes me want to leave entirely, and with a big fire-y message. so, you have class, girl, and you will persevere, i know you will. the emotional rollercoaster is understandable, and i am on it at most times, too. i just try to not look outside of my 'car'. y'no?

it is revolting at times the 'blessings of attunement i hear'...but really, i coulda said the same thing about t3 until d day. and you had a number of years with yours. tn, one day you will know more about what and why this happened, this was 'multi-determined', meaning, it is not entirely about you. he has the issue, my friend. you were just in the path. i know that doesn't help.

i am going to try this dbt gal to get a handle on the emotional rollercoaster, but a pa type deal for the insight, and probably go three times a week til i get a foothold, december or so? and then, maybe i'll have a better way to judge what is helping, but, for me, with this bpd stuff in my diagnosis, i gotta get some 'tools' to contain the fire of emotions that bring me to my knees.

i have given up that any of this is a quick fix, so, the road is long and bumpy, but i can't quit. or die. not an option. i have kids, a husband, and, i do, today, feel a flicker of hope. i will say, bible study (i do three a week plus church and sunday school) make a difference in my hope.

thinking of you! hang on, and do what you need to do. you owe none of us anything. and i mean that kindly...take care of yourself!! jill

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