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I don't really know what I'm 'processing' (or maybe I do and am just denying it), but I guess my session yesterday involved something like processing. My T used the word. Anyway, it was a really rough session and I just feel so tired today and have had this headache that won't go away. I guess I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this because I'm not sure what to make of it. It makes sense that I felt tired yesterday, but I feel so exhausted today (on top of other things). I feel like I'm just being lazy.

Sorry for the stupid question. I'm sure if I thought it through I could work it out, but I guess my mind is working a little slowly right now.

Thanks all.
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Hi Kashley... a couple of sessions ago my T told me that I always work hard. I finally said to him.... what do you mean I work hard... I don't know what I'm doing. And he asked me if I'm tired when I leave him and I said yes, I'm exhausted and wish I could go take a nap. He said well that means you are working very hard in here with me.

I guess he is right. It's very exhausting work to process trauma and injuries past. It's hard looking at the past and feeling all the emotions of it.

So yes, I get really tired for that day (I see him very early in the day) and the next morning. Then I sort of get some energy back. But overall feeling so depressed since last summer sort of saps all my energy anyway. It was really tough when I was in school.

MTF, it's good to see you! Thanks for the response. It does feel good that things are moving forward, but it's also really painful and confusing to work through.

TN, thanks for sharing. I guess the reason I feel kind of irked by having all of my energy sapped is because it makes it harder to 'pretend' that I'm fine for everyone else. This past session seems like it opened a lot of doors (that I'm not necessarily sure I want to go through) and it just makes me wonder if this is something I'm going to have to deal with for a while.

I think I'm also trying to find explanations for anything I can considering how unsettling this last session was. Sorry for posting something so pointless. Thank you both for posting. I really, really appreciate it.
Kashley, you are doing hard work. I know it is hard not to have enough energy to pretend and function...but take some time to rest, and just chill and watch a movie or do something relaxing that you enjoy. Just take the phone of the hook, if you need to and rest. It's difficult stuff you are going through. Very glad to hear that your therapy is moving forward. I know it's been very difficult to be in that stuck place.


Hi there Kashley. I csn relate to feeling knackered after a session (I put it down to having to drive three and a half hours round trip to get there and back!)

But really, doing therapy itself is exhausting, it's not exactly the most relaxing thing in the world to do is it? I find that I get really sleepy when I get home and am lucky enough to be able to crash out on the sofa and have a long doze. That really helps both with the exhaustion and gives my mind a break from its endless circling over what happened in session. Not sure if you're in a position to do that (work/college?) but if you got the chance, having a 'power nap' might help let your brain recharge a bit and stop the exhaustion carrying over.

Hugs to you Kashley

BB, thanks. I am also glad it's moving forward. I think I'll try and watch a movie next always helps me to get back to some sort of centered place if I get to focus on someone else's life. Big Grin

BG, I learned the hard way more than a year ago that I needed to make time for myself after my sessions, but I guess I'm not used to feeling so exhausted the day after. I'm good at compartmentalizing stuff, so I think it was a bit of a rude awakening that I hadn't put things neatly away into their respective boxes by the next day. Roll Eyes

LL, it's good to see you! Three and a half hours is quite a drive. For the first time in two years I am actually not taking classes for a few weeks so I may try a nap. I didn't think about a nap helping prevent a carryover to the next day, but it makes sense.

Thanks for all of the help guys. I have another session on Friday so I'll definitely be trying some of this out.
Hi Kashley
I don't think we have met, hi !!! I know I'm chiming in late to your post so sorry but yep I get absolutely drained afterwards and feel like I have been hit with a truck. My T does always check in with me how I'm sleeping and eating before we tackle the tough stuff as she says I have to be strong enough to withstand the work. I try and make sure I have a slower pace afternoon after t sessions (that might not be possible) sometimes I also try and do something nice for me after session (put on nice music, watch a silly movie) and stuff like that as I have to back to work straight afterwards, I can remember I have what I call my carry over treat waiting
Hi Debbie, nice to meet you! Thanks for your input. That's good that your T checks with you about sleeping and eating. My T called this morning and said she had a cancellation this afternoon, so the session got moved up a day. I'm kind of scared (okay, I'm really scared), not because of my T but just because of the content. I'm going to try and have a movie ready to watch when I get back to just relax a bit, or as much as I can. Maybe if I can give myself some time this afternoon I won't be so exhausted tomorrow.

Anyway, thanks again. Smiler

I can totally relate to that feeling of utter exhaustion after a session, sometimes I have to concentrate so hard to simply drive home. Occasionally I have to go to workor a meeting shortly after my session and I find it really hard to step out of the difficulties of the session and into a worls whre everything seems surreal for a while.

The post session headache is a real downer, mine often start in session Frowner and typically last for most of that day or the next. I think the only thing to do is to maybe anticipate some of this - I plan to have a quiet relaxing time afterwards, with nothing that needs exertion, concentration or coordination (save the driving of course Eeker) I wish I could say it gets better, it hasn't yet for me, but maybe that will be a sign of real progress in therapy when this stops happening routinely.

I hope your session went well, it probaby was a bit unsettling to have a time change but really positive and thoughtful of T to see you sooner right now.

Take care,


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