Hello Ninn, can I ask if I said something offensive or critical in my post to you that you didn’t acknowledge it? Or did you just not see it to read it? I’m going to assume this is my own paranoia for now though and reply to your last post as if you would want a response from me.
Thanks for giving such a detailed and honest description of what went on in your session
Reading between the lines I am getting the impression that your T operates in a psychoanalytic way. I can’t remember if you’ve already explained what modality your T is, but the fact that instead of validating your feelings and telling you how she feels about things, she is keeping the focus on what’s going on in you strikes me as being a psychoanalytic/psychodynamic approach. Lol ‘tell me more about that’ is classic psychoT speak!
So the (what seemed to me initially quite dismissive and almost defensive) answer ‘why was that so offensive’ about the feeling sorry for yourself comment could well be not that she is dismissing how it made you feel, but rather wanting you to go more into how it made you feel and what it meant to you. (Though why she would want to say it in the first place is beyond me, unless she said it as a question?) Also the way she exclaimed about your coming off 5 meds at once could have just been surprise, as in, goodness that’s a bit dodgy to do all at once...
And her explanation of the sui discussion, how she said she was using your children as a ‘tool’ to help keep you safe, that is actually quite honest of her (though could be interpreted as manipulative!) From what I understand of T ethics, they are bound in all instances to ensure the safety of their clients and a client talking about sui thoughts would be taken very seriously indeed. Her comment about processing stuff coming a poor second to keeping you safe makes sense to me. Perhaps she overestimated the risk to you, and maybe that is something you could talk to her about, that actually you need to be able to talk about when you feel sui without it meaning you are planning on acting on it? (I see in your previous post that you HAVE done this, but maybe you need to be clearer and more insistent on feeling free to talk about these things?)
She’s not giving you much encouragement or support though is she? Like some of her last comments about if you feel that not crying is enough of a goal, then… and that she says that as it seems you don’t trust her maybe you should see someone else… those sorts of comments can’t exactly make you feel safe and supported.
Initially when I read your description of how your session had gone I was feeling like wow what a cold defensive dismissive T, but when I looked more into it, I started to think that perhaps a lot of how you are interpreting her responses to you is coming from a place of anger and unmet needs in you. But this is me interpreting what you’ve said entirely according to my experience and perspective, and obviously I don’t know HOW she said the things she did to you, so if what I’ve said is a crock of shite, please do correct me. Responding just to how you’ve described the session, I personally would find it very hard to work with someone like that!
In any event, I really hope you are coping and will be able to resolve it all one way or the other in your next session.
Good wishes to you Ninn