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Hi Everyone,

I know you are all wondering what happened during my session today with oldT and my T. I am so filled with mixed and conflicting emotions it's hard to know where to start and what to say about it all.

Did I find closure? Maybe. Did I get any answers to my haunting questions? Not really. Did it end well? I'm not really sure. Am I okay? I guess I am as okay as I can be. Seeing him again stirred up a lot of old and tender feelings, lots of regret for what could have been (if he was a more courageous and competent T) and sadness at seeing him for who he really is. It was wonderful to see Tdog and I hugged him and kissed him and brought him his favorite biscuits. He sat with me most of the session and licked my hand an arm and nuzzled my leg. He is more beautiful and sweeter than I could even remember.

I think all of this has kicked off my grieving again. Not because I want to go back to him but because it's just very sad what happened to all of us. I am still firmly attached to my current T and he is such a diamond next to my oldT who looked so sad, lumpy and wimpy and small today. Small in stature, small in his mind and small in his anger.

My T was amazing. He told me to wait in an empty office if I got there early and last session he showed me which office to use and said it would be unlocked. He unlocked it this morning and left the door ajar and even left a lamp on for me. Today was a horrible, dark, rainy and stormy day for most of the day. Right now the sun it out and it's almost jarring to me because I still feel gloomy.

When I got there my T was in session so I paced the other office looking out the window for oldT. My T finished up early with the other client and came to get me, surprising me. He had on one of my favorite shirts and he looked like the sunshine that was missing from the weather report of the day. He took me into his office to settle me down. I kept telling him I was nervous and he said he could see that! He told me he was a bit nervous too because he really wanted this to go well for me. I like his honesty.

I told him not to close the blinds today... it was already dark in there anyway and I wanted to watch for oldT. Of course, true to form, he was late by almost 10 minutes. My T was worried he would not show up but I felt that he would. I saw his car pull into the lot and jumped up and said "oh he's here, I just saw the car!".

Before that I had warned my T that my "speech" would take about 20-25 minutes if I read it straight through. It was good that we had a double session as it allowed for time to discussed some things as well. He said he would try to keep us on topic and on pace to fit everything in.

When oldT arrived in reception my T went out to meet him. They said hi and both the and Tdog came into the office. I only had eyes for Tdog and he came bounding over to me tail wagging. I have missed him so much. I gave him some biscuits and hugged him. Then I looked up at oldT. He looked the same as the last time I saw him. It was so strange... as if time just stopped. I have not really seen him for 11 months. I smiled and he smiled and we shook hands and he sat in the chair next to me (there is a small table inbetween the chairs).

My T said a few things and then asked oldT to speak with regard to the agenda we prepared and to comment on a few things we presented to him with regard to how he saw my therapy, what did he see as my accomplishments, what did he think of me as a patient, what was memorable about our relationship. He spoke about these things in SUCH a general way he could have been speaking about the guy down the street. There were two personal things he mentioned, one of which was that I conquered my fear of female T's by seeing "D" after the termination. He mentioned stuff like I had a good sense of humor, that I worked hard, was courageous, became a better parent, was resilient, conquered my fear of the woods. Then he talked about how I had worked to be able to trust again, to trust him and to trust in relationships I looked at him and he said...TN don't you feel that you were able to do this? And I said yeah I worked really hard on the trust and safety issue and I even told you that I trusted you and felt safe with you and two months later you obliterated everything by abandoning me. Now, I don't trust anyone. He actually looked surprised at my reaction.

At another point he mentioned something and I tried to clarify it and he told me to be quiet that he was not finished talking. That upset me and I looked at my T who looked pissed but I just nodded that it was okay.

He then started accusing me of doing some things that I didn't do. He became hostile. He said that a big problem of mine was respecting the boundaries. Oh that's what I asked him to clarify and he said he could not discuss that with me but he had wanted to discuss it with my T and I never gave permission for that. I said you can tell me whatever you would tell my T. (I think he wanted to talk to my T to sort of get him on as an ally). But he said no that it was a clinical conversation (uh yeah right).

At some point when I mentioned the trauma I had suffered he actually looked stumped and said what trauma are we speaking about? What does this have to do with me? He seemed to believe the only trauma in my life was my child hood trauma and that his abandonment did not cause me any pain. He basically saw me as a vindictive, angry, back-stabbing client who was harrassing him. He actually accused me of stalking him! That is a very typical T defense of blaming the crazy ex client. When I asked what he meant... he told me he had records of all the phone calls I made. Uh yeah dude, because you were supposed to see my son for a session and then I needed to get my records, belongings and insurance stuff. When he told me not to call his cell last year I stopped calling it. When he told me to stop contacting him at all, I respected that and hired an attorney. I respected anything he asked of me and always tried to take the high road.

Anyway, my T put him on the spot... first he described the client (me) he saw six weeks after the abandonment in clinical terms and that I presented with PtSD and clinical depression from that experience. Then when oldT said he terminated me because he could not work with "trauma" patients, my T asked him to describe this issue of trauma...what made it so unusual that a T who says he deals with anxiety depression and personality disorders could not handle. OldT fumbled around and had nothing to say. He looked so small and incompetent next to my T. I almost felt sorry for him if I didn't want to slug him at that point.

He then brought up something that happened to him after the termination... something that effected him adversely that I had nothing to do with but he believed I did. And he blamed me and was hostile about it. He kept saying....what about me and how I suffered, what about my livlihood, what about the horrible year I have had?" And OMG, I could not take it another minute and yelled at him...this is NOT about you it's about me... I'm the patient here not you. (I wanted to yell... go get your own T, dude, this one is MINE).

I finally looked at my T and said... he's is not going to let me get to what I have to say. He is gonna use up all the time and make this about him and I will be left with nothing. So my T stepped in and said we need this to have a good end. OldT butted in at that point and said... "are you going to take me in front of the licensing board?" I told him we would get to that later... after I had my say. He wanted to know if we had started any proceedings and we said no.

Then he asked my T....what do you mean by we need a good end here? My T said the best we can do is to allow TN to read what she has prepared. And so they both got quiet and I read my 13 pages of notes.

I cried badly through most of it. I tried to look at oldT and keep grounded by newT. I had Tdog nuzzling my hand and I was holding my Ts pen for comfort. That pen is magic, I swear. And so I read as best as I could. The only sound was the loud claps of thunder and pouring rain outside. I thought gee, God is striking me here (later my T smiled and said that God was just providing some lighting and background music... I love that man).

I said everything I needed to. I looked at oldT and told him that I had loved him. That he never realized how much he meant to me. How deeply I had internalized him. I told him he was afraid of me and my feelings and probably his own. I talked about those last 6 weeks with him and how he abused me and drove me into depression and destabilized me. I then went through chronologically all the awful, painful and traumatic things I experienced. How the loss of him was devastating to me, how I grieved and wanted to die, that my family was so scared they would lose me. I talked about how he almost killed me that night. I told him it was very close. Then I described my struggle to find a T and how I ended up with my T. How he took me in and tended my wounded body and soul. I talked a lot about how kind he has been and how I finally was able to accept that he was my T. How I'm glad to be with him. That I know I'm in a better place now and I'm safe and I'm almost able to breathe on my own now.

when I looked at oldT towards the end he was crying. he was very emotional. It would be hard to sit there like a stone and listen to what happened over the past year to me... most of it caused by him.

In the end I told him he needed to get his own therapy and supervision and take courses on ethics. I told him that because of my great affection for not only him but also for his family I would not report him. But I wanted him to think of this each time he sees a patient... that it is my compassion, kindness and love for him that allows him to stay in practice because I could have destroyed his career very easily. I told him that he needs to make good use of this second chance so that he never allows this to happen to anyone else ever again.

The meeting ended pretty quickly after that. My T asked if there was anything else i needed from oldT and I said no. I just wanted him to know that I never wanted to hurt him and I was sad he would believe that I did those things to hurt him. I could never hurt him, even though he hurt me because I loved him.

He stood up to shake my hand, I stayed seated. I looked up at him and asked him if he knew that I loved him? He said, not really. I said that was hard to believe (I always thought I had this huge neon sign over my head screaming, I Love YOU). He then said "did you know I was always very fond of you?" and I said sometimes I knew. Then he said he was sorry that I suffered so much and that he never meant to hurt me like that. That was never his intention. He said he was glad I had My T and that we seemed to be doing good work together and that we had a good relationship.

Then we just said good bye. We shook hands twice at the end and he looked at me very sadly and deeply as only he could do. It's that look that lights up my limbic system and makes me want to hug him. It's that look that always made me so damn happy when I was in therapy with him. they left so quickly I didn't get to hug Tdog again and just watched him scamper out. My T walked them out and then came back to talk to me.

I will post about that later.

That is the recap. I'm struggling with a lot of feelings right now and have to go eat dinner with the family. I'll be back later.

Thanks to everyone who supported me and who was in that room with me. So many new comers and old members. You all gave me so much support and hugs that I survived it all pretty well.

Original Post

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So glad you posted. I'm so proud of you for saying everything you wanted to tell him. I'm also proud of you for telling him that you loved him. I can't believe he didn't know it. As hard as it has all been for you, your meeting with him helped him as much as it did you, do you realize that? He'd been left with one impression that was completely wrong and you turned his head around and straightened him out and gave him the chance to be a better therapist. Now, if only he will take it.

You are so strong, to insist all along that this is what you needed for closure and to follow through with it. I don't know if you know how strong you are. And you are going to be one amazing therapist.



First I just want to say that I am jumping for joy that that little bitch oldT cried. he deserves to cry after all that he did to you!!! I know it pulled at your heart strings to see him looking sad and weak and pathetic, but he should be shaking in his boots in fear that you will take him to the licensing board. (btw, LOVE that he just blurted out that question which totally revealed his anxiety and fear about this).

I'm glad that you were able to say all that you needed to. I can imagine you are feeling a whirlwind of emotions but from what you've written so far, it feels mostly like a weight has been lifted, even though there are also feelings of sadness and grief that have come up during this meeting.

((((((TN)))))) so proud of you!!!
Wow what an amazing thing. Smiler Oh well done you TN, you not only got through it you managed to say what you've been needing to say for so long. Thank you so much for sharing that, I am feeling pretty emotional myself so I can imagine how stirred up you must be feeling.

I've got to go now but I couldn't not say something - this has to be a BIG step forward for you, and maybe now you can really grieve the relationship you had with oldT.

Will be back tomorrow (my time) to say more, and hope you are coping ok in the aftermath of today's meeting. I am so proud of you (can I say that without sounding arrogant?) You are one impressive lady!

Be back later, lots of hugs for you (((((((((( TN )))))))))))))


p.s. lol while posting this I see you've had lots of people saying how proud of you they are! I hope YOU are proud of yourself Smiler Smiler
Way to go, TN!! I'm so impressed with you for doing what you did today, whether or not you got the closure or answers or whatever you felt you needed. At least you said your piece and oldT knows how he hurt you, and I think that is a very healing thing to have done, even if you may not feel it so much right now. THAT took a lot of courage.

I am looking forward to reading what your T had to say afterward.

Hi True, i pulled over on the side of the road to read tour post. I know I have to read it over and over again to take it all in. But I just wanted to tell you howuxh tour strength has touched my heart. I am incredibly proud if you you have vindicates my feelings. I am glad he apologized genuinely. Your grief chain will be shorter this time. I know the pain and u feel the sadness and the missed
Opportunities. However what you have with your current t is what matters.
I am coming out of lurkdom to tell you how touched I am by your story. I have followed your journey from the beginning and am amazed at your courage, perserverance, and strength. I have cried many tears for you and am glad that you finally got to have a voice today in your meeting with oldT. Be gentle with yourself as you process all the emotions from todays experience.
Dear TN- I am impressed with how you handled your meeting. You are very brave for making this happen, and I continue to be inspired by your drive to heal. I'm glad that you were able to say what you needed to say to old T. I'm glad that it impacted him. Most of all I am glad that you got to see your friend the therapy dog, and give him some treats and that he stay by you. And of course- that your wonderful T was there for you throughout. I'm sorry for the pain and the grief you now have to experience again, especially as he gave you "that look" again. I'm so sorry that your old T tried to make the session about his needs and guilting you for things that were in no way your fault. And that he wouldn't tell you what he wnated to discuss with your T- but- But you took the session back, and you made an impact and I'm certain that it had a huge effect on him. You were very brave to tell him that he needs to get his own therapy and supervision. I'm also looking forward to reading about how your T handled things after old T left. Thank you for sharing so generously with us, of your story. Thank you for supporting me so much over my painful break with my T, event though you are still suffering so much. It means a lot to me. You are a very generous and kind and gentle soul.

Much love,

Wow (((TN))) you are one strong and brave lady - well done!!! Thank you for sharing and letting us know so quickly how the meeting went and how wonderful your realT is and was!!! No doubt you will 'feel' worn out and many emotions may assault you but oh my, you have moved forward so much and will deal with anything and everything with the caring support of your T!!

I look forward to Part 2!!

s, Morgs

YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You give me inspiration x a million.

You did so well. I LOVE your NewT. Can you tell him I love him. Can you thank him from me too. The way he handled this situation, looked after you from beginning to end and honoured you - I love him and he gives me hope for all T's.I hope my T can do half a good a job as he has.

You handled yourself with DIGNITY.

You have won the battle and are conquering your war.
TN, what you did was amazing. You are an inspiration! I am so glad that you were able to say what you wanted to Old T and that you stood your ground. I'm also glad that you had the chance to reconnect with Tdog. I bet you are feeling all over the place at the moment, which is totally understandable, but I hope you are so very proud of what you have achieved.

I too look forward to the second part.

Hello again TN. I wonder how you are doing? You have an awful lot to think about and process from this meeting, I hope you are managing to retain something positive from it. (From the way I read it, you have a LOT to feel positive about, though I understand that it must have been really painful and frightening and just the fact that you’ve finally managed to meet with OldT after one whole year doesn’t necessarily mean all the suffering and pain and sadness will miraculously disappear overnight Frowner ).

ETA: I really must stop writing such long run on sentences Roll Eyes

You know what struck me as the saddest part of it all, was that OldT had no idea of how he’d affected you. That all the time you were going through the agonies of hell he was blissfully and ignorantly unaware of it all. And that he even tried to offload blame onto you at the beginning of your meeting, says a lot about his limitations both as a therapist and a person.

So it’s really good you were able to read what you’d prepared, that must have taken some courage, I am really impressed! Finally you got through to him what he’d made you suffer, and I am glad he cried – you must have affected him deeply for that to happen, and in a way it’s redeemed him too. I can also imagine that it’s still very confusing emotionally for you, because he’s shown the caring good T you once trusted so much.

I’m glad you got to see T dog again (and credit to OldT for bringing him.) I’m also glad that he apologized to you and though it makes it harder to see him as the bad guy in all of this, it does seem clear that he really didn’t mean to hurt you and had no idea how his actions would affect you.

Any hey lots of brownie points for your own T. He was a star. You so deserve a good T like him and it must have been really good to have them both in the same room to compare just how much better off you are with new T. Though sad at the same time. Why couldn’t OldT have been more understanding and accepting????

It must be a relief to have finally had this meeting, but I’m guessing you will be spending quite some time dealing with the aftermath. Though now that can only be a positive thing as you come out of the nightmare of this last year.

TN well done you, you’ve got some guts and determination and you so deserve now to find some peace from the pain you’ve been dealing with for so long.

(((((( TN ))))))

Dear TN -

It's so heartening to read that the meeting came off, and that you got to say the things that you needed to say, and to see that beautiful Tdog, and to see and hear oldT's take on the termination. I am somehow both staggered and not surprised that he didn't understand the effect on you - on the one hand it beggars belief that a T could be that narcissistically oblivious, and on the other hand it's really consistent with his behaviour since the termination. Astounding. As LL says, you will have a huge amount to process now. I hope as it settles you will be able to feel a deep sense of peace from what you've done - all the growing you've done that allowed you to stand up for yourself and say what you needed to say.

I was scared for you that he was going to pull the plug on the meeting - such a relief that it happened, and that your T was terrific with it - though the real shining star there is you.

I'm a newbie here so did not know your story and am blown away by how brave you are to have done this. Your old T sounds like such a shit - and it makes me get the shivers to think of your awful oldT poisioning your precious space and recovery with his own crap. Anyways, sorry rant over - am soooo glad you have your lovely newT - he sounds A-ma-zing - and you are too. Good Stuff.

I'm so glad the meeting with old T happened. You are amazing to get to share all your notes with him and not get off track with his problems. I'm sure it will stir up a lot of things in you and you will be dealing with them in the aftermath. Be gentle and kind with yourself while you do. You are doing the best you can and it is amazing even if it seems slower than you would like.

Love and hugs,
Hi everyone, I'm sorry I haven't been back here to post. I have just been struggling with a lot of feelings from yesterday's meeting. I am also still exhausted and I had to work today.

I thank all of you for so many kinds thoughts and words and wishes for me. Everyone thinks I'm so brave and courageous and strong. Maybe I'm getting there with my T's help. It was SO important to me during the session that I not disappoint my T and that he be proud of me. He was so helpful in getting the session scheduled and in getting me through it.

I was feeling really shaky last night so I emailed him and he sent me a warm and understanding response this morning and he told me that I could call him if I need him... that I was always welcome to and then he said I was "terrific" yesterday. I just makes me tingle to read that (okay, I read it a million times today for reassurance).

As to part 2 of yesterday. It's not much and I'm sorry if I led you all on that something momentus happened. I was sort of in shock when oldT left with Tdog. In my head I planned to hug Tdog and tell him I loved him too and to please not forget me. I thought I could stand up and look at the window and watch oldT leave and get into the car with Tdog but it was as if I was rooted to the chair and could not move, although half of me wanted to run after oldT and ask him to stay so I could ask him some more questions. I still have so many unanswered questions and I guess I will need to find a way to make peace with just not knowing what really was going on in oldT's head and what his feelings about me were. He did say he was always very "fond" of me. I hate that word... it's so BLAND.

When my T came back into the room he said to me .. well you got something good from him. He said he was sorry and that he really didn't mean to cause you so much harm. He also added...I don't think he did what he did maliciously, he is just totally incompetent and out of his depth. He could not even answer any clinical questions about your treatment. But he did listen to what you read and he did so with respect for you. He didn't interrupt or try to rebut anything you said.

So I said... that's because everything I said was the truth and he knew it. What could he say. My T said in the beginning of the reading my oldT was stiff and defensive but as I read his body sort of relaxed and he became absorbed in what I was saying. (It's kind of hard to be angry and defensive when you think you are going to be ripped apart and then the person looks at you and says "I loved you very much". I think that admission took the wind out of his sails.) He was also very emotional and I heard him once or twice make a sharp breath intake from something I said that shocked him.

My T asked me how I felt and I said just really tired and mixed up and emotional. He said that would be very normal and that I worked really hard. He said we will process a lot more on Thursday. He told me it was the eloquence of my words that touched oldT and made him really listen to me. He applauded me for taking charge of things (as usual with oldT) and then he said he could not even imagine how I did almost 3 years of therapy... and made such progress... with him. He said oldT never really SAYS anything he just INFERS it and then you have to figure out what he means. He cannot just make a direct statement. This is why I struggled with his boundaries... he would never say what and where they were. He would infer that I could email and when I did he would infer that maybe it was too often or too much or that we should talk about new guidelines but when pressed never gave me answers. It was very frustrating.

I asked my T if he thought oldT really abandoned me because I needed a trauma T and he said he ran because he was scared. Scared of the feelings in the room and maybe scared that I knew so much more than he did. Maybe that I was intimidating to him. He said lack of knowledge and experience and no supervision was a dangerous combination when doing deep psychodynamic therapy. He said he is sure oldT never had a relationship like ours with any other client. I agreed with that... I KNEW that while I was under his care. I knew I was the one guiding him along and that much of this was new. He had NO understanding of transference at all. And he never read anything I gave him.

What I'm struggling with now is that there is this big empty space that used to be me working to get this meeting with oldT. All the planning, letters, discussions took up so much space in my head and heart and a lot of time. Now it's over and done with. I no longer have that to hold onto and I feel scared. Like I have nothing to hold onto. A lot of what I feel is similar, but less intense, to what I felt last August. The fear and the grief is there again. And now there is nothing between me and the grief. Aside from that ... my T is going to look at me and say "now we start doing the "real" work of therapy because we got oldT out of the way and it's over." But it does not feel over. Right now I'm missing oldT very much and I'm sad about what happened to us. There are so many regrets. We both suffered for a year because of what happened and if we were able to sit down and honestly communicate before this a lot could have been avoided.

I want peace. I want to bury the hatchet. I don't want to hurt him. In the end my love for him was stronger than the need to be vengeful or express anger and hate. I don't hate him and I never will. He was a huge part of my life and there is a lot of good he gave me that I can look at and remember (although right now it's still too painful. There were times he tried but he was just not smart enough or experienced enough. I saw a glimmer of the real old T I used to know. The one who was waiting for me each week before July of last year. The one who would hug me and give me high fives and who would say to Tdog..."look who has come to see us today!" in a real excited voice. The one who loves kids and baseball and dogs and photography and street games. THAT is the oldT I miss and regret losing.

Some people say I should still report him to the board and not let him get away with this. I am struggling with the need to NOT be vengeful. I prefer forgiveness. Revenge hurts both parties in the long run. And I have to live with myself and this is the way I chose to do it. I am confident he has learned some important lessons and I hope he takes this second chance and makes the most of it. My T said he will NEVER forget my name LOL. Not sure if that is good or bad! I told oldT to focus on the kids. That is where he is wonderful, working with kids. They relate to him and he is fun and goofy and does great magic tricks. That is the part of him that appealed to my little inner me.

It weird, although I miss him and I am sad about him, I have this really strong desire to see my current T and to just sit with him and be near him and absorb his quiet strength and care.


The whole thing was just heart-wrenching and gut-wrenching and I am really at a loss for words so I can only imagine how stunned you feel. Everything will sort itself out in time. Be honest with T that this isn't over yet for you and you're afraid that he will want to get down to the real work of therapy. You are at where you are at. It is what it is. If he is going to terminate you because you are not ready to get down to the "real work" of therapy, then you don't want him as your T. I doubt he would do that anyway. Not usually a gambling kind of girl, I'd like to wager that he is expecting that it'll take you quite a while to process through all this stuff. You know as well as I do that T's "should" accept us where we are and if we get stuck somewhere, it's because we need to be there. There is no timetable. Only your timetable.

You've done amazing work this week and you are quite a role model for all of us here. Be gentle with yourself. Try not to be too judgmental about your feelings.


I hope you guys are right and my T gives me time and space to process all of this. I need that. I know I'm probably projecting this on him and it's not fair. I do want to give him kudos for being an amazing T. Patient with me, supportive and caring. He wants to take care of me and I'm finally allowing a little of that. I'm still afraid of it but I do like it and even crave it at times. I think my need to be close to him is the attachment part. When you get scared you run to your AF and he is mine. That has not changed. It used to be oldT until he traumatized me and left me alone. I could never think of him that way again.

I think part of me feeling sort of adrift right now is that I'm a bit caught between the two T's. It's good that I yearn for my T to feel safe, yet I feel so sad about oldT.

I know people around me cannot understand why I'm not angry with him to the point of wanting to report him and make his life miserable. I have never felt angry towards him even in the throes of the worst grief and pain. I was only sad and bereft at not having him in my life. I was confused as to why he banished me and I was frustrated at not being able to talk to him and tell him things. But I could never feel angry and I still do not feel angry. Maybe that some issue I have .... I do get angry with others. For example, I would have no issue with reporting my boss. I have anger towards him and he is quite cruel and vindictive and petty. I have no problem reporting my son's principal for being rude and dismissive towards me. It's just oldT that I am never angry with. I guess I just loved him too much and he is too much a part of who I am now... warts and all. He left me with scars and some good. And he helped me with my son, which was important at a time when I was scared and lost. That's probably why I attached to him so quickly. I sat in with him often in the beginning of my son's treatment and I think the wounded little girl part of me woke up when she met him. He is so good with kids that my little inside kid recognized that and wanted to have more attention from him. She wanted him to be Dad and to take care of her. But as good as he is with kids... he didn't know what to do with a grown, mature woman who was also a little kid. He couldn't reconcile the two and got confused.

My current T has no issues with this and he was the one who began talking to little me and asking me about her. I have no idea how he recognized this so quickly but he is one smart guy LOL.

I wanted to thank all of you for the nice comments. BG, I smiled when you said you want to bake him a cake... he won't allow me to feed him or bring him food... maybe you will have success Big Grin. So many of you wrote such nice things about him I may share some anonymous comments and your thank you's with him when I see him. I also thank you for the nice things you said about me and how courageous and inspiring I am... Embarrassed Embarrassed I appreciate you all being proud of me and impressed with me but I think it was pure desperation to finally be heard and I only had that one shot to do so. Thanks bunches to those who came out of lurkdom to post on this and the previous thread. Welcome to the board and it helped me so much to hear from you.

It has been a long, painful year and part of my being able to survive it and come out in one piece has been having all of you and this Board for support. I really appreciate all of you and every one of you who ever wrote to me made a difference in my life and never doubt that for a moment. So group hug to all of you...

TN, what you did was so huge and powerful and will most likely take a while to fully absorb and process. I understand that you have a huge space to fill now that you have had this meeting but I am sure within time this space will be taken up with other aspects of healing and eventually become smaller and smaller. I am sure your T understands that even now the meeting is over it is still very much part of the work but you have taken a huge step in the meantime and for that you should be proud.

Be gentle with yourself.


Wow is all I can say, I am so glad that you got your meeting and oldT did not bottle out and that you got to say what you needed to say. It sounds like your current T was an incredible support (good on him/her). You must be absolutely exhausted - but this is phenomenal work you did and you are giving so much out by sharing this with us all on here
wow, i had a lot to catch up on and i am beyond amazed at how well you handled everything! and i cant even imagine how hard it must have been for you (although you made it seem easy by how brave you were), but when you really need something, you just go for it don't you!
i hope you take the time to recover and take things slowly as you have so much to process.
Hi TN,
I just read your second post. I feel your pain and confusion and ambivilance. I agree with you about filing a report. That I think would hurt you. And even though you've done what was needed, said everything on your heart and head- you still will have the pain and the emotion especially of what could have been. I know that even thought I've accepted my situation, the first thought of it and the past year and what could have brings me to tears. I think you and T still have more processing to do. I think OldT knows how you feel. I know this might not help right now. Give yourself some time to process and like you said your grief is way up at the top. I hope you can sooth yourself, have some good distraction and perhaps try and help someone else. It will ease your suffering. In addition, take in what we've said. Take in the acknowledgement of your courage. You have evoked so much from all of us and by helping you we help ourselves.

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