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Hi, Had a session the other day with T. I felt this dark feeling before I even sat down. The main topic we discussed was my PTSD and safety regarding my husband which is dark stuff. He said I might get upset but he felt he had to discuss how I might over-react if I felt threatened by Husband and with both of us having guns, it would be very a very unsafe situation. But then he started telling me about two other patients, one he testified for claiming PTSD as a defense, and about another patient who is hiding out in a trailer from her abusive ex.
It seemed like he took half our session to talk about them. I just sat there and nodded. Then he said, "oh so you know I am going away next week and cant see you" No I didn't, kick in the stomach. Another vacation. I walked out feeling like crap.

I could resist sending him an email that night, I'm sure he expected it. I told him I preferred that he not discuss his other patients with me...which is one of my beefs with him. That I want to be the sole focus as it takes away from me. He says he uses examples to make me see other people have similiar problems. This doesn't help me. Half the time his stories dont resonate with me and I have to ask, what is the point? Meanwhile we have wasted my precious time with him. So he said he would stop or at least ask before hand if he could bring one up. I also told him I feel off balance when he is away. That my feeling of isolation and lonliness increases. He apologized about me not know he was going away, that he would let me know sooner next time he takes one of his many trips. He said he would call me next week when he is away to check in. So even though it was through email, I'm glad I had the guts to tell him this. I should take this time to do something that would please him, to get out of isolation and do something special or different for myself. He would be happy to hear I just didn't crawl into bed for two weeks in his absence.
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That's really thoughtful of him to plan on checking in with you while he's away. I bet now you're glad you spoke up about all this! I feel the same kind of annoyance when my T goes on and on (and on and on and on!) about something that's unimportant to me, like when he feels a disconnection or when I criticize him for something. And it takes up a lot of my session and it doesn't feel very productive for me but my T sure feels better! Roll Eyes ~D.
Hi Lizzygirl,

I'm sorry to hear you left your last session feeling so badly. Frowner Two huge disappointments in one session is a lot to handle. I'm really glad you had the "guts" to email him about them, and that he responded the way he did. Smiler
He says he uses examples to make me see other people have similiar problems. This doesn't help me. Half the time his stories dont resonate with me and I have to ask, what is the point? Meanwhile we have wasted my precious time with him.

FWIW I feel exactly the same way. I had a T once who spent a LOT of time, every session, telling me about other patients. I think he was doing it for the same reason yours gave. I could usually see the connection, but it took up so much time that I felt that it "wasted my precious time with him" as you put it. My current T uses a few examples here and there, but not so much that it takes up big chunks of the session. I'm really grateful for that. The time feels more "mine" that way. Big Grin
I should take this time to do something that would please him, to get out of isolation and do something special or different for myself.

This sounds like a really good idea! I hope you let us know what you came up with. Big Grin Great job again on letting your T know how you were feeling.

lizzygirl, i had that issue alot with a t of mine. it is aggravating, but i like what you said you did, just asking what is the point. i got so afraid to bring it up, that when i did, i was already so rattled by it that it ended up making a big mess of things. so, i guess what i am saying is, continue to address it when it occurs and don't let the trend get imbedded.

hopefully this is not a narcissistic inclination in your t to just 'hear himself talk'...i think mine was somewhat looking for admiration into how she handled the other client, or kindof name dropping (this 'rich' lady, or that 'athletic, successful' man). which really was her pathetically looking for admiration, and when i stomped on that deal, she couldn't handle the admission that it was something i had asked her to quit and was more about her needs than mine...long stories that would eat up MY time, and i was too nice to really say so.

roundabout way of saying good for you in bringing it up...

how long have you gone to him?

hang on there in the break. sorry that came so suddenly. breaks are no fun, jill

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