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It's all just too much right now. I hate how much I fluctuate with my emotions and I hate not knowing what's wrong with me. I mean I know I obviously struggle with depression and was diagnosed with a pretty severe form of it like 4 years ago when I was 16, but now it's like all this new stuff is coming up and I just dont know how to handle my overwhelming emotions. I get flashbacks and it seems like everyday something else triggers me. I don't understand it. I can't concentrate in class and I haven't even been able to focus on when I study cos my mind starts to go to a different place and it takes like hours for me to get back on track, but only for it to happen all over again.

My emotions are just as bad. Everything will be fine for a few days and even a few hours and then all of a sudden, I'll start to get these overwhelming feelings of sadness, loneliness, anxiety, worry, doubt, fear, anger, all in one. I try to distract myself but nothing helps. Sometimes it gets so bad that I physically cannot get out of bad or eat or sleep. I get tension in my neck and shoulders. I get really bad headaches right in the middle of my forehead and the light hurts my eyes. I haven't told T about this at all. I don't know what's been holding me back from her since I got back from the holiday break. It's so awful and overwhelming. I don't want there to be more mental or emotional problems, but this feels so much more than just depression. I'm tired of this. I just want to feel normal, yet I don't even know what "normal" feels like. I'm just so lost...Frowner
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jenny you have to tell your T. She cannot help you if she does not know what is going on. She needs that information from you. Are your flashbacks of something traumatic? It is possible you are struggling with PTSD which usually includes, depression, anxiety, emotional dysregulation, flashbacks, lack of focus and concentration ... all of which you describe. Trauma can cause so many issues for us. Your T can help you with this if she knows what your symptoms are. You are right in that it IS more than just depression. The headaches could possibly be migraines.

I'm sorry you are struggling so much and also trying to go to school and study. If you cannot talk to your T then email her what you wrote here or bring it to session and read it there. In the meantime keep posting here about how you are feeling and what you are experiencing. Sometimes writing it out or "talking" with others who understand how you feel can help.

I know a lot about this because I have also had all those symptoms and have experienced the same struggles.... I still do. But in talking to my T about it has made a real difference.

Sending hugs
I agree with TN - your T can not help you with what she doesn't know about. It's hard to talk about stuff like this sometimes, so if anything, like TN suggested, copy and print what you posted above and hand it to her.

It CAN get better, let T help with that. Sometimes, at least for me, just carrying all that in my head causes physical pain in my shoulders and neck. It hurts to turn my neck, to brush my teeth, the headaches, all of it. I actually have an agreement with my T where I can "drop off" things on her voicemail, just so I don't carry them anymore. Sometimes I won't be ready to talk about what I leave on voicemail for weeks, but just knowing that T knows, it lightens things for me.

It does get better. I can relate a lot, as I have both depression and PTSD. The flashbacks are scary, but once I knew what was going on, and was able to give T stuff to hold, it helped ease the pain.

Hugs to you ((((jenny)))
Big thanks to both of you! I know it's not normal and I know its worse to keep everything inside, but I just do not have any clue in the world why I'm so guarded with T again. It's like this imaginary wall is between us again but we both know its there. I'm so hesitant to take away the bricks while T is on the other side just waiting patiently for me. I know I can trust her with absolutely anything and everything but I just can't wrap my head around why I'm so distant. In between sessions, I'm so angry at myself for not telling her everything but when I get my chance to, I draw a blank and my mind starts to wander again. I'm pretty sure she's noticed cos before the holiday break I was so open with her about everything and she barely had to push me at all to get me to say what was on my mind. I even told her that I had broken down the imaginary wall between us. Now I'm at a loss again. I guess I just hate feeling so needy and that somethings wrong with me, even though I know what I'm experiencing is not normal ( I don't even freaking know what normal is). I don't like to email her anymore just because I had an incident happen with email over the break and I just don't feel comfortable doing that anymore. I know she has to know these things, but I don't even know where to start...Frowner

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