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My counsellor was telling me about his childhood, his family, his partners etc...

It's funny, he said that I can ask him anything except about his partner but he was the one who always brought up about his partner...rolley eyes...

He was telling me that he was quite busy with his thesis and I was feeling gulity. He made me feel like I am wasting his time.

He also told me about death of his mother.
I knew that something was going on between him and his mother becuase he said, everytime I had problems with my mom... so I knew that it was really sensitive issue for him so I was so careful not to ask about his mom.

One day, I asked him exactly what's wrong with me and what I am supposed to do.
He said that he doesn't know. I was... like
wow... all the journals, stuff from my blogs, 2 hrs of each sessions for a few months + all that phone calls and all that... His answer was
I don't know.

Then he was telling me that he went through a big loss. He told me about his mother's death.
I asked him what happened to her
he said " She Killed herself"

I was sooooooooooooooooooooo shocked.
I was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad...
I became really emotional..............
I felt really sorry for him...........

that day, I was crying all day and night.
then do you know what happened?

I thought it was my time to end my life.
and I ended up going to ER.

what I am trying to say is that T's or P's
should never ever share stories that are too personal. Too tramatic...

somethings are just too much.
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No, that doesn't sound right for a therapist to tell so much about himself.
How long were you with him?

Have you thought about finding another therapist? Someone who really would focus on you only. I imagine it is difficult to trust someone else once you got hurt so much. What do you think? Would you try and give therapy another chance?
I believe he didn't want to hurt you, but perhaps he didn't know how to help you.

I know...
If he just told me his mom passed away...
He didn't have to tell me that his mom killed herself. That really traumatized me and triggered me big time.

I already have a good P. I've known her for 6 years. The thing is...I don't really want to bring this topics to her.

I guess I am not really ready to...
I don't know, I guess I am still greiving.
I've noticed that when I am going through pains, I keep them inside me for a long time, try to ignore it or thinking that it will go away eventually. that's how I grew up.
and now, it's not working.... so I feel like I was a lot stronger when I was younger.

I know that he didn't mean to hurt me and yes, I guess he didn't know how to help me too.

I think we both took a lot of risks...
we were both adventureous and tried many different things...

Anyways, yeah... I wish he didn't have to tell me too much about him. However at the same time, I wanted to know about him...

well..I am glad that I've finally decided to vent here becuase I thought I was killing myself slowly with all the pains I am having.


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