The letter was a pretty full disclosure on my part. I've never opened up to anyone I've been attached to like this before. It really scares me that I put myself out there like I did. I told her I know all her kids' names, their ages, their spouses' names, some of her grandchildren's names, where they all live (cities), her parents' names, her husband's parents' names, her and her husband's siblings' names, their spouses' names, that I'd found one of her sisters husband's blog and through that I'd found a niece's and nephew's blogs (of my T's). I could just see her looking like this ---> as she read all of this. Then I made a joke (stupidly) about how maybe when I grow up I should go to school to be a professional genealogist or private detective, since I've got the process down really well at this point. I doubt she found that funny.
I told her I feel a lot of shame about myself and my actions. I told her that when she asked me what I want to know about her I just couldn't tell her and I shut down, because honestly I want to know everything about her; who she is, what makes her who she is, what drives her, what her passions in life are, I want to know the REAL her, without the 'therapist's mask'. I told her that all the stuff I've found out in the process of my searching hasn't revealed anything that I have really wanted to know. It hasn't helped me feel more connected, that it's done the opposite because of the shame, fear, and sadness I now feel. I told her that I know that I can't know this stuff, that it's not my right, not my business, not part of therapy, but that I have a really hard time with it anyway. That I both hate and love the boundaries at the same time. Ugh. It's so awful to feel all of this and have nowhere to go with it and no way to resolve it and be rid of it.
I wonder so much if she even GETS any of this, or if she is absolutely clueless. Sometimes I think that unless you have experienced this attachment stuff yourself, there is NO WAY you can even have any clue what it feels like, even if you read books about it and sit in sessions with clients that explain it to you. She has never even explored my feelings with me to try and understand what it is I FEEL. She just knows it's an 'attachment' to her. I'm ready to ask her what she thinks an 'attachment' is, and what she thinks it actually feels like. Maybe I should explain my feelings to her so she knows in no uncertain terms. Of course that is scarier than anything I've put out there yet, and it's really quite hard to define. But how else is she going to know? Do Ts actually understand us? Do they even CARE TO UNDERSTAND US???? I'm starting to wonder if they are too scared of us and our attachments to find out. I worry about freaking my T out with all of this. My biggest fear is that I'm going to go in to her office Monday and she's going to be all withdrawn and distant and that she's going to tell me that she has to transfer me to another therapist because I've disclosed all of this to her and now she sees that I have crossed some boundaries and it's become too 'personal' and she's no longer a 'blank slate' for me (which she never really was, and I don't think she ever intended to be) so it's just not going to work out because I went too far and screwed things up and so now it's over. I seem to screw things up with every good relationship in my life, just when things start to get to where I get scared because I am moving closer or feeling safer or I'm ready to move to a higher level. I always botch it! Why?!!! I hate this!!!!! I hate myself for it.
I can't decide if I'm glad I put this all out there for her, or not. Part of me is really sick about it. I know that Monday is going to be awful. My session isn't until after noon, so I have the entire morning to stress about it. I HATE that. As it is, I can't get out of my head and I have tons of stuff I need to do. I am so consumed by this stuff with my T it is driving me CRAZY. Maybe I DO need to find another T. My head tells me one thing and my heart tells me another. My T said she thinks that hanging out here on the forums is bad for me. My mom told me that too. I don't know what to believe anymore and my head is such a mess that I can't even think clearly. Sometimes I wish I could just put myself in the hospital until I get myself straightened out so that I at least didn't have to deal with 'life' while I'm trying to deal with my head, depression, anxiety, and my T troubles. A husband, kids, a household and all the rest of life just complicates things tenfold! UGHHH!!!
Sorry to be so negative. I just had to get this out somewhere neutral. I don't feel I can talk to anyone in my personal life about this stuff and it's so hard. I'm tired of feeling like a freak and feel like the only people that understand me are here. And now I have people telling me that even this place isn't good for me.