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Smiler Hey there SD

I wasn't around until after this topic had ceased to be commented on, and there was no way I would have been in a place to be able to comment even if I had been here, and probably still couldn't even today.

I'm really glad to hear that you are doing better and that all of these people were here to offer you the support you needed at the time. Kudos to you for sticking it out and continuing on your journey to well being (if that even exists). I can't imagine starting all over with someone after only 9 months, let alone after so many years!

I've appreciated your posts to me, so I just wanted to pop in and give you a little support too .. even though I have nothing valid to share .. except my quote Cool

BTW your dog is beautiful! I have 2 dal's that are my sounding boards (I can't cuddle them too much and get the closeness because I'm allergic to them Roll Eyes, but they sure listen well).

We've all see what kind of an ASS (smart or otherwise) I can be lately, so I give you no exceptions to my ASSness hehehe ..... Can I say/ask something that is meant to be funny, but yet I'm seriously curious? Your MPD .. how can we be sure which of you is posting in the forum at any given moment? Just tell me to "you know what" if you don't find that question remotely funny!

Catch ya later! {{SD}}

Hi Holly...

Thanks for jumping in, and thanks for your comment on my boy. He is a looker...for a very mixed breed dog, he is really beautiful and so sweet. I am in the process of getting him certified as a therapy dog. We don't test until Sept. but he will have no problem passing the tests. I may not pass....but I'm sure he will. He LOVES people and is so gentle even with babies. He's really amazing. Even though we are not yet "officially" certified, he has made many hospital visits and house calls. It's kinda cool to see heads snap around to look when he is walking down the hall in a hospital. He also has a "little sister" I am working on. I think she'll probably pass too but she's such a busy girl and they may find her too hyper....I'm not sure on that. I'll post her pic...they are truly an "odd" couple....she only weighs 11 pounds and he is at 70 pounds.

In response to your question....which is totally ok...and legitimate. I've been dealing with this dx for a very long time...30 years. So I have adapted ways of coping. I may occasionally be influenced by the ideas and thoughts of an alter but have an "across the board" policy that if I start in a is mine. A couple of my alters do participate in other forums...and I let them without interference. So there is some mutual respect for each others stuff and space. You can you tell? In reality, you would probably notice a difference in the tone of my posts or some other inconsistency. It could happen....but it is unlikely. It doesn't work that way for everyone with this dx. Everyone is different in how they cope with it. My alters have very different interests so have other outlets.

I have posted an art gallery if you haven't seen it....take a look, I'm not sure how long it will stay there, as it doesn't really belong to me. My drawings belong to an alter, I am somewhat co-conscious with her and participate, but they do belong to her. I posted them here to see what other people thought or felt about them. I am still trying to figure them out and am still processing the material they have brought up. Anyway...she participates in a drawing forum and is content with that.

It is difficult for people to understand how this works. The best way for me to describe it is this: I am the "intellect" (the OP or original personality) of my system so I am better equipped to deal with the content of this forum. I am not the "birth" personality...BP...she is still protected by my ISH (inner self helper,) and is only available through the ISH.
We all "stake out" our own turf. LOL... As long as I respect them...they do the same for me, for the most part. Sometimes my ISH will comment...anywhere, but is really the only one that has that privilege.
I also keep a blog that is open to all my alters...but right not open to the general public. I am working on a book project with several other "real life" people and the blog is fodder for that project.

Before I started posting here, I read the entire forum to get a feel for what everyone was dealing with. It helped me to determine how I would fit in here...and gave me an idea of what to expect and how to get the most out of my participation here. I bumped this topic to the top, with the hope that my process might help some of the other new people here understand that working through a therapeutic rupture might be the best way to proceed in therapy. The "cut and run" option is always there...but I think it should be very carefully considered. Especially in my case where I was thinking of bolting on an 18 year relationship.

I hope that sorta answers your usual...I probably OVER answer. Which may explain why I have been in therapy for soooo long. It takes me a long time to get to the damn point!!! Wink
Feel free to ask whatever you want. I may not have an answer but I'm not afraid to try! Big Grin

BTW....I totally relate to your "smart ass" self. I have that great abundance. Razzer Of course you probably already know this...we do have The common... Cool LMAO...



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  • fall_2007_spring_2008_127

MPD sounds like it could get a little confusing to keep track of. Between your physical health and your mental health you certainly have a lot on your plate! {{SD}}

I'm glad that you can relate to my smartass self .. when do I get to see some of yours? That almost sounded like I wanted to se your ass .. I'm sure that both of our S.O. might object to that request! LMAO

Talk soon!

Holly how cute are THEY!!!!

Those are great pics....they look like great dogs. Aren't dogs just the greatest friends?
Now I know how short their hair is....and I can see that you live in the frozen tundra....LOL.....question is....this.

WHERE THE HELL ARE THEIR COATS? They are going to freeze their spots right off!!!

I live in the Rocky Mountain West.....and my big boy is just fine and loves the snow...but the little one....naw...she is pathetic...she shivers, quakes and her teeth chatter when the temp drops below 50 degrees. We bought her some boots....but only use them for comic relief. She hates them and tries to walk without putting any of her paws on the's hilarious to watch.

I love your dogs...Holly....thanks for posting them.
Originally posted by HollyBaby0:

MPD sounds like it could get a little confusing to keep track of. Between your physical health and your mental health you certainly have a lot on your plate! {{SD}}

Yes...I did read the entire forum. It was a bit smaller than it is right now...but good reading.

And yes...MPD is very confusing...more to other people than it is to me, as it is normal for me. LOL....
It is very difficult to resolve and I don't really believe that I will ever be like other people. I think the idea of "integration" is something that makes other people more comfortable but I don't really believe in it.
I have had times when my system works in a more integrated...way. But I see it as cooperation...not truly integration. far as what is on my plate? LMAO...well...after gastric can bet there isn't much of anything on MY plate! Wink Razzer

Good Morning SD Smiler

I just have time to comments on the 1st post about the dogs before the girls and I head out on our hike this am.

I think that all dogs are cute, and they really do make the best friends and confidants (sp). Codie listens very attentively when I talk to her, and rests her lil head on my knee. Libby on the other hand has to have her head on my chest, grinning from ear to ear. I know she's not really listening to me talk, but is thinking to herself "Shut up and take me for a play", she sure makes me smile when nothing else can and that's what I love about her.

The picture of Libby on the snow, that was the lake this past winter. I think it was only -30 celcius that day so they weren't too cold Smiler They DO have coats, I'm not evil !! Well at least not to my girls. But when they have a coat on, they just walk and don't really play. So we had taken them off so the girls could run and chase eachother for a short while. They love open space and they go go go - Libby had just come back from chasing a snowmobile a VERY long way! LOL The girls won't move with boots .. they just stand and look at us like we are nuts!

One thing with Codie .. she won't go out AT all if it's raining even a drop! She will hold her toileting needs for days if she has to. So your lil dog hates the cold and my old fart hates the thought of her feet touching wet concrete or grass. But yet they LOVE swimming!! And they think I'M strange!!

Okay they are here looking at me so I have to fly - I'll check back and write in a few hours!

Be well! Holly
Hi CG ...

I didn't want to have to tell you this, but umm, picture viewing is reserved for the smartasses in the house, not the 'NICE' people, so stop being so damn nice all the time. LOL Kidding

Not sure why you can't see the pictures, maybe your computer has a security thing blocking access or something. Frowner


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