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It's more like a slow-motion train wreck, really...

It all started two weeks ago, when T and I were talking about my marriage. For some reason, she got really straightforward with me and told me that the reason we were having so much drama is that unmet needs were being stirred up for both of us. But that H's unmet needs were much younger than mine, more like toddler age, whereas mine were 8-9 years old through teenage, and thus I had enough development to be able to meet his needs, but he was effectively to "young" to attend to mine.

At first I was focused on what that meant about my marriage. It seems true that H can act relatively younger than me, especially under stressful relationship situations, and it was both sad and a relief to acknowledge the reason why I felt like I was carrying almost all the load in the marriage and getting nothing back for myself.

But over time, I started to ponder what it meant about myself when she essentially said she thought my issues were older, because I felt like I had needed to work through some much younger stuff in therapy previously, especially things that came up with oldT and ended up leading to that therapy falling apart. So I went back and asked about what she meant. She said that it seemed like my needs were pretty well met up until a certain age, and then said something about "good enough" parenting. But she said we could talk about younger stuff as well, and went and got a chart for me about developmental stages. Except that was the end of the session, and although I felt really stirred up for some reason I couldn't identify, I left anyway.

That evening I realized I felt like she was invalidating the work I had already done to get past the really young-feeling stuff I'd struggled with in the past. Like I had worked it out on my own because I was afraid of things falling apart like they did with oldT, and as a result she didn't even believe I'd ever had those issues. So I emailed her to say that, but she never responded to that particular email.

The next day she left me a voicemail saying she needed to slightly move my next session because she was going out of town, and then as an aside she let me know that due to insurance reasons my sessions would now be 45 minutes (having previously been 50-60 minutes). She asked me to call her back about scheduling.

I felt awful without fully understanding why. When she returned my call, we rescheduled the appointment and she explained about the session length change, but I wasn't able to express anything about what I was feeling, so I just let her go...

Later that I I realized it felt like the younger parts of me already felt like T was saying they didn't exist or didn't need her help, and now they were thinking she was shortening sessions because I was supposed to be grown up enough to be able to handle a shorter session. I emailed T about that, and she replied and suggested maybe we should do two sessions per week a while if that would make it better. Which I really don't want to do because I already have to drive half an hour each way to her office just to have a 45-minute session.

So yesterday I arrived for my session, which was supposed to be 2:15-3:00 because she had to leave to go to the airport. But her previous session ran late, so I didn't start until after 2:20. Then her officemates were loudly doing dishes in the hall, and people were walking past the window, and I was feeling like it would be better for me to turn around and go home because there was no way I could actually get into anything significant in the amount of time we had. But finally I tried to talk about what was going on, and that I wished she understood how far I have come.

Then she started going on about all the kind of surface changes she had observed in me, like how I'm doing more with my life and have more direction, and how my relationship with H had changed and how I engaged with her differently. When she finished saying that she asked if it that helped or was what I meant and I shook my head because I didn't want to say no, that was so completely off it's not even funny.

Then I thought of oldT and how I would not have had to explain those things to her because she was there and saw them first hand. I had dared to let her know those younger parts of myself and let them attach to her even, and it didn't work out but at least she knew. And I started crying because I missed her so much. Like, crying harder than I'd ever cried in therapy before. Except at that point it was already 3:00.

T had no idea why I was crying. She asked if the tears felt like release and I said no. She asked if it was sadness and I said yes. Then in between sobs I saw that she'd leaned forward really far and was holding out her hand. I held her hand for a minute then I had to ask for her to let go because she was still holding on, lol. So I collected myself to go. She asked if a hug would help, and I said no but I hugged her anyway. Then she told me she would have email on her trip and to email her. Then I left and cried in her bathroom, made it to my car, cried some more, then finally got myself together and went home.

After I finished everything I had to do yesterday and had time to email T, I started crying again, completely off the hook sobbing. I wrote and told her that I was missing oldT because she knew those parts of me that I felt like T was trying to tell me didn't exist. I said I didn't know what else to say, that it felt hopeless to make her understand and that I felt like quitting.

Last night I dreamed I was in a play. We were performing in a beat up school building that was missing windows, and there must have been a storm going on outside because there was rain and water coming inside, and wind gusting down the halls, and everything was slippery and wet and I could barely make it up and down the stairs safely. In the play I was trying to play way too many parts, and some of the parts appeared in the same scenes as each other and I didn't know my lines. I don't remember fully, but one of the parts was an adoptive parent and other one was an unsatisfied customer.

I woke up and thought that said a lot about my situation. That the wind and rain represent the sadness and upheaval I am feeling. And that I was trying to play the role of parenting my inner children, and at the same time being an unsatisfied customer in therapy and the roles were interfering with each other.

So that's what's going on. I can't see her in person until the Saturday after next because she's on vacation in another state. I don't feel terrible right now, and actually things in my everyday life are pretty good. Even things with H are going better for now. It's just that I feel like T has forgotten all kinds of things I've told her and is trying to erase huge parts of my history of what I've struggled with, like how it's kind of a triumph for me that I even feel like I have the right to exist and have any emotional needs, and that I can get through a week between sessions without feeling something screaming inside with abandonment and then cutting off and going dead, or that I can take in supportive contact now from T without it feeling terrifying. I don't think those were teenage level things. They felt much younger...

Thanks for reading. I just realized this is incredibly long!
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(((BLT))) I know feeling so invisible is incredibly painful, especially with someone you've been so vulnerable to. And to have the pointlessness of trying to get her to understand confirmed by her not doing so after more than one attempt has to put young parts back into a "See? It's the same as always. People don't see us and/or they leave!" That's so painful. I hope she "hears" that communication from you in your email. With a vacation upcoming and managing confusing insurance changes, part of it may be her being "off."

I do want to see that *I* have seen you come so far since your ending with OldT, the way you have worked to identify, validate and soothe those wounded young parts. I think you should be so proud that you have been able to hold onto your own experience of yourself, rather than let T not seeing it utterly invalidate its existence, and for fighting to be understood, which I know is painful and triggering when it seems understanding is not forthcoming.

Big hugs for you! Please keep checking in while T is away if it will help you process things and feel less alone during her vacation. Also, the crying is normal. There was an attachment with OldT, and then a loss. You are grieving it. I'm sorry it hurts so much. Frowner

Cool dream. I can't help but wonder if there is a part of you that really wants to be taken care of and attended to, a part that you haven't fully acknowledged yet or come to terms with yet, and that the protector part is listening and saying, see I knew I should have kept that part hidden? But then the part that wants to be taken care of gets upset because she has needs to?

Even if you are a grown-up and/or even if you had more of your needs met than H as children, why couldn't you want or need someone to take care of you for a little while? Don't we all need that? We can't be grownup ALL the time.
I know feeling so invisible is incredibly painful, especially with someone you've been so vulnerable to. And to have the pointlessness of trying to get her to understand confirmed by her not doing so after more than one attempt has to put young parts back into a "See? It's the same as always. People don't see us and/or they leave!" That's so painful.

Yeah Frowner

I do want to see that *I* have seen you come so far since your ending with OldT, the way you have worked to identify, validate and soothe those wounded young parts. I think you should be so proud that you have been able to hold onto your own experience of yourself, rather than let T not seeing it utterly invalidate its existence, and for fighting to be understood, which I know is painful and triggering when it seems understanding is not forthcoming.

Thanks, that means a lot Hug two

Also, the crying is normal. There was an attachment with OldT, and then a loss. You are grieving it. I'm sorry it hurts so much.

I know...

I can't help but wonder if there is a part of you that really wants to be taken care of and attended to, a part that you haven't fully acknowledged yet or come to terms with yet, and that the protector part is listening and saying, see I knew I should have kept that part hidden? But then the part that wants to be taken care of gets upset because she has needs to?

Well, it doesn't quite feel like that. Mainly it just feels like I want a witness and I don't have one.

Even if you are a grown-up and/or even if you had more of your needs met than H as children, why couldn't you want or need someone to take care of you for a little while? Don't we all need that? We can't be grownup ALL the time.

Actually, T never said she couldn't do anything to take care of me. I mean there she was holding my hand and such. It's just that she doesn't seem to recognize certain things about me very much.

She more or less said "that's good but what you really need to work on is..." I felt so invalidated. I thought that knowing me so well she would understand how difficult it must have been for me to do what I did.

Ouch! That does sound really hard to hear.

Even if the child is basically OK she is still there and her presence is being ignored.

Yep, I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head here.

I was (because I had to be) a very independent child. There was no one there for me emotionally. Even when I was fine I wanted that security and it was very damaging not to have anywhere where I could touch base and just have my existence acknowledged.I don't know if that rings any bells for you.

Yes, it does. I don't think that was always the case for me, and it wasn't extreme, but it's true that I often felt like I lacked that safe place to be and be acknowledged.

In your situation you have the added hurt of the hard work you have done being ignored. A sort of "you've done that, it's sorted, lets move on".

Yes, except it's more like "You're fine now, so you never did that work at all."

I don't know you or your T at all so it is hard to judge. Is she usually attentive, tuned in and do you usually feel safe and secure with her? If you do I wonder if the issue is partly to do with the fact that she is going away (always painful) or with the fact that she is in need of a break and not as empathic to your needs as is usually the case (also painful)

Yes, I have been with her more than a year now and overall our relationship has been really good. Two weeks ago I was feeling very safe and connected with her because she was showing real concern about what I was saying about my marriage. The last two session though have felt like she was very much not getting it and not on her game. I don't know how much it has to with insurance changes and whatever is going on in her personal life, however.

Maybe it FEELS like OldT saw that part and validated it but look what happened in the end. She wound up being unreliable. New T is so incredibly steady and wonderful and so even if she doesn't recognize that part, maybe it's because you haven't quite shown it to her yet?

I actually tried to say that yesterday. I said I felt alone with certain things and it wasn't her fault because it was my nature to deal with lots of things independently. But then she skipped straight past how I was feeling about that and started listing all the things she HAD noticed about me, which really weren't relevant. So yeah...

It's just that she doesn't seem to recognize certain things about me very much.

Tell her. It's so much better for you to verbalize it because then when it doesn't get recognized outside of therapy and you feel all out of sorts, you will be able to identify what it is you are feeling and decide whether or not you want to share it with that person. I've learned that what is important is how my T reacts when I tell him he missed something versus the fact that he missed it in the first place. If he's kind and understanding and empathic and then doesn't forget it from then on, it is so incredibly healing. It's also more helpful to me because then I know what it is that's bothering me and can either ask or not ask. I can also then decide (by reality checking) if the person is deliberately ignoring it because they are insensitive or incapable of meeting that need or is it just that they were unaware of it.
The next day she left me a voicemail saying she needed to slightly move my next session because she was going out of town, and then as an aside she let me know that due to insurance reasons my sessions would now be 45 minutes (having previously been 50-60 minutes). She asked me to call her back about scheduling.

I felt awful without fully understanding why. When she returned my call, we rescheduled the appointment and she explained about the session length change, but I wasn't able to express anything about what I was feeling, so I just let her go...

Later that I I realized it felt like the younger parts of me already felt like T was saying they didn't exist or didn't need her help, and now they were thinking she was shortening sessions because I was supposed to be grown up enough to be able to handle a shorter session. I emailed T about that, and she replied and suggested maybe we should do two sessions per week a while if that would make it better. Which I really don't want to do because I already have to drive half an hour each way to her office just to have a 45-minute session.

BLT... I'm sorry you are feeling out of sorts and hurt by what has been going on with T. I only have a moment but I think (aside from her not validating and recognizing certain parts) the part I quoted above I think is a BIG thing to address. I don't believe she should have brought this change up just before she is leaving for awhile. When a T leaves they should spend part of a session on addressing any feelings of abandonment you have about them leaving and what it all means. Surprising you with changing your session length is NOT a good choice of topic at this time. I don't understand why insurance would care if it's 45 or 50 minutes long... unless she charges them more for 50 minutes? My sessions are 45-50 and I hate having such short sessions. It plays havoc with my ability to talk and wrap up in a grounded way.

Anyway, my feeling is you should address this with her in more depth and tell her how you (and the child parts) feel about this change.

Hugs to you
Yes, I think you are right TN. She said that insurance changed codes and rules in January which meant that now she needed special permission to charge for a 60-minute session, so she was gradually trying to transition everyone to 45-minute slots, and that trying to cram everyone in before she would be gone for a week was the reason for suddenly changing the length at the same time as moving my session time 15 minutes earlier so she could get to her flight on time. But of course my thought was why did she not warn me about this back in January. The fact that she mentioned it as just an aside in the voicemail made me feel like it should be no big deal to me according to her, which isn't really true. Even 5-10 minutes makes a difference.

I almost feel like it's my fault for even going yesterday, since I felt like it was impossible to begin resolving the situation in the amount of time we had....
Edited: I got so freaked out about triggering people with the insurance/code info I posted, because it has been sending me into crisis lately, not that specific stuff, but dealing with insurance-related changes, so I took it down. BUT, if anyone does want to avail themselves of the hours of research I've had to do to try to get my company to pay T, please PM me and I will be glad to give the info to you.

Absolutely, before a vacation AND on the phone without knowing the client was already aware of the change was the totally wrong way to notify someone of session changes and would have made me feel only more invisible, because it would have been like, "She didn't even consider that there are possibly attached parts of me that are freaked out by her leaving or by losing some of the time I've already had." ((((more hugs to BLT)))) I'm so sorry!!!
BLT, I am really sorry you are going through this. It sounds painful. I hate when T's just kind of gloss over things. I guess we have to call them on it no matter what.

Regarding insurance codes, I have heard they were going to change in 2013. But what happens to clients that private pay? Could you possibly pick up the other 15 minutes yourself so you could have a longer session. It makes more sense than having you come in twice a week. She would have to account for private pay clients or they are going to get screwed out 15 minutes they were paying for previously. Just a thought. I hope she comes around and focuses more.
Well, after she didn't answer my email from last night by 5:00 today, I just told her I was done with therapy for now but she could call me after she got back if she wanted.

Here is her ENTIRE response to that email:
BLT, I will call you when I return next week would like us to keep our Saturday appointment. take care yourself, G

WTF with all the typos? She keeps doing that lately. I even brought it up recently in session and she just said she was typing quickly or something. You'd just think if you were responding to your client who quit over email after leaving her session in tears the day before, you might proofread your reply ONCE before sending it?

I told her nice try but no. *sigh* I miss her already, but seriously, no! She can't just send a half-assed one sentence email with three typos and expect me to show up.
BLT you are dealing with lots of different abandonment experiences with your T. When I feel this way even the slightest mistake on my T's part seems o make execution appropriate. You are deeply hurt and that's understandable.

Your 8-9 year old sounds like the "grown up big girl" responsible for fixing other people's problems who hides her younger needs fom others because she's learned they are wrong and their expression leads to hurt and rejection. No wonder you reacted as you did to your T's thoughtless remarks. She was n doubt invalidating of your younger parts and didn't thnk carefully about the effect of infoming you about shorter sessions right before a break when abandonment feelings get stirred up. To tell you n email is unprofessional IMHO.

If it helps I drve 20-35 min each way to see my T most weekdays. It's a lot of driving but intensive therapy is what I require to function.

Hugs to you
Your 8-9 year old sounds like the "grown up big girl" responsible for fixing other people's problems who hides her younger needs fom others because she's learned they are wrong and their expression leads to hurt and rejection

Yep, she sure is. To even do therapy that part had to have a contract with T about how she couldn't mess with the younger parts, which she (the part) is very protective of.
She can't just send a half-assed one sentence email with three typos and expect me to show up.

That makes sense to me. Wow. Sorry your T dropped the ball on you like that. Hopefully you guys can repair but I can certainly understand wanting a little distance first, for awhile. I've "quit" from time to time and usually find the experience quite refreshing.
BLT... I'm terribly sorry your T was not responsive to you at all in that email that she dashed off to you so quickly. You needed some reassurance and safe connection to her and she failed you on this. The absolute worst now is having to sit and wait it out but I would go back at least once to try and repair or to even get some closure to the relationship. I'm sorry things had to escalate to this point. It sounds like it's your T and not you. She may be having some of her own issues causing her to respond this way. Is she usually warmer and more responsive to you when you are struggling?

Is she usually warmer and more responsive to you when you are struggling?

Well, she's not usually one to write long emails or be particularly demonstrative, but this is kind of a new low considering the circumstances.

I think it's OK, though. I will talk to her again eventually, one way or the other. I know she still cares about me, and I still care about her, just what's going on with her at the moment isn't very therapeutic...
Well, those of you who suggested maybe something was going on in T's private life win the prize.

After telling her in an emailed that I hoped she would get hit by a falling tree and die (yes, I wrote that, LOL! ) she finally told me she was dealing with a family difficulty and it was taking almost all of her energy. I guess this explains why she had relatively less notice about this trip than usual, and why she has seemed preoccupied. It's a relief to me to know that honestly, although I wish she could have told me earlier...
So, in emailing me to tell me that she was dealing with family stuff and hadn't had much attention for anything else, T had let me know she had a cancellation for today, so I decided to take it.

I am glad I went. It was a good session, and we managed to repair most of what seemed to have gone wrong between us. We can't actually fix the fact that insurance has decided only to reimburse for 45 minutes, but at least she was listening to me about it and trying to work out what we can do to make it better. She even sent me an email after the session saying she wanted to apologize again for communicating about the session length change and moving my session over voicemail instead of in person.

I asked if she knew I didn't really hope she would die, and she said yes. But she said it definitely got her attention and that she was glad I managed to feel angry at her and express it and we actually high fived, lol.

I actually managed to talk some about what it set off for me when I thought she was saying I didn't have any issues from a younger age than 9. She said she didn't think that at all. I talked about some of the young feelings and reactions I had with oldT, and how they were a major reason I split up with her, and how I tried to deal with them on my own and not let them come out so much with her. She said that she thought the very competent side of me could be a way of disguising those more vulnerable parts, and that she tried to create the right kind of environment in therapy to allow those parts to come out, but that often that was also the very thing that brought up the defenses, too. Then I talked some about what was going on in my family when I was a baby. She said it wasn't small stuff, and that you don't have to be abused or neglected to experience trauma, and she thought I had. She talked a little about how she thought things had affected me, like having to keep my true self hidden to some degree to deal with other things that were coming at me.

She said that when I first started seeing her, she thought I seemed like a skittish little bird, like I would fly away if she did anything too quickly. I thought that was a really sweet thing for her to say. Then she talked about how she had tried to adjust me, unlike most of my life where I had to tried to adjust to everyone else. I said I know, that I felt that and it was a very different experience for me. She asked how it felt to me and I teared up a bit. I said I couldn't really explain it, but that it really meant a lot to me.

We talked for a while about the job I just got, and about scheduling and insurance issues, and whether or not I wanted to start moving towards actually ending with her. We agreed to keep talking about it but not end quite yet. I joked about how I've already tried to leave like three times, and said I don't know how she puts up with me sometimes. She said, "I like you, BLT." I felt a little ill trying to absorb that level of affection from her, but it was also kind of nice to hear.

I want to thank everyone for the support on this thread. Sometimes therapy is just learning that even the very good T's mess up sometimes and you can still go back and they will apologize and fix things with you.
Hi BLT... thanks for sharing that. I'm really glad you went back and had such a healing and honest discussion with your T. Yes, T's are human and will make mistakes and make us angry. The important piece of this is being able to go back to repair it and to feel heard about why you felt hurt. Doing that over and over again makes the relationship closer and stronger.

I'm also happy to hear that you put off making any decisions about ending therapy just yet.

I'm sure you are feeling a lot better tonight!


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