I started therapy about 8 months ago because of 2 miscarriages. The emotional pain caused me to have anxiety attacks and I started to see a female T who is about 25 years older than me. After about 6 sessions, I developed very intense/erotic feelings for her. I was then obsessively consumed with questions that I might be a lesbian (even though I'm also happily married), so I started to read books on bisexuality and sexual fluidity. Then I started to seriously consider polyamory because even though I didn't want to have sex with my therapist in reality, I felt such heightened levels of energy inside of me from all the fantasies that I thought I needed some type of release (and I tried to "release" it on my husband, but it wasn't "working"). I am so happy to find this site about transference. Reading all these posts is like drinking a huge glass of wine. Very relieving and relaxing. I'm NOT CRAZY after all!
Geez, if only my T had told me about transference months ago! While I had not directly spoken about my erotic feelings for her, I did write her a "love" poem and gave it to her months ago. I thought I was going to die from embarrassment, but my T only commented on the beautiful metaphors and said she loved that I was using my right brain more often because creativity is a direct link to spirituality (she is also a spiritual director).
Anyway, I sent my T an email about 3 weeks ago saying that I had a crush on her and wanted to know if I should continue therapy. She said that I ought to make that decision regarding my own therapy and that she was not disturbed at all by my confession and that she had a good understanding of appropriate boundaries and was interested in helping me know myself better. Wow. My trust and respect for her grew so much when I read her email. And in my last session, we talked about transference.
So, since I became aware of this term, I have been reading everything I can about it. And this forum is AMAZING! And while I have been confused, scared, and frustrated by my transference, I have also felt like it was a beautiful gift. I have never felt such intensity before, and it is like an altered state even though I'm totally drug free. And I started to voraciously read about psychology and spirituality during these last few months, and my awareness has reached a much higher plane.
All this feels so good to me. Yes, scary as hell at times, but now that I know about "transference," I have such compassion for myself. And I grew up with a Japanese mother. She was not emotionally available to me and never physically touched me. It's hard even now when I try to hug her, she shuts down. And my causcasion father was affectionate towards me but had very high standards set for me about my grades and performance in piano, karate, etc. As I look back, I feel more like his social experiment than a daughter worthy of unconditional love. And so now I realize that my transference is probably a deep need for maternal love. Since I have thought about my "poor" infant/child-self and grieved for her, I have felt the intensity of the transference diminsh some. I have a session scheduled tomorrow and look forward to sharing these revelations. What a ride this is!!!!