I've been in therapy for about six weeks now and it's actually going pretty well. I'm a young woman and my T is an older male, and we really hit it off in terms of connection. He's highly ethical and caring and has done a lot to make me feel safe and nurtured.
The problem is, this nurturing has come like the first drops of water to a withering plant. It has made me realize just how starved I was in my early life (heck, nearly ALL of my life) for genuine love and acceptance. In short, I am deep in the throes of transference. The longing I feel to be near my T is sometimes physically painful. This has not been helped by my having to reduce my visits from twice to once a week due to a change in my insurance.
So far, I've managed to keep any obsessive behaviors in check (i.e., frantically contacting him outside of session), but I'm so early into this process that I'm afraid I'm just going to fall off the deep end at some point. My feelings about him are scrambled as well, going from daughterly to friendly to romantic to erotic and back again within a span of minutes.
The really crazy part (?) is that as much as I want to be near my T, residual contact with him actually causes me anxiety. I find it difficult to listen to his voicemails and will delete them immediately after playing them. When I see his name on my insurance forms, my heart jumps into my throat. It's so...weird. Can anyone relate?